Illegal eviction of residents at Goderict


George Williams, a 58year-old man, landed in Sierra Leone from the USA intentionally to scupper his father’s hard worn labor.

This man came back home from abroad knowing his father has grown old in his eighties. George the cowboy has contrived a crooked plan to sell off his father’s land and houses situated along Milton Margai College, off Goderich Village. He recruited a few crooks who had themselves been described as bailiffs, lurking in the corridors of the Law Court’s Building, he paid them a few thousand Leones to tug along with his ‘Best Laid’ plan.

George has simply been in a tug-of-war with his father. He has allegedly got involved in a cowboy landlord fight to seize his father’s list of homes off Milton Margai College, Goderich.

A number of tenants have been wrongly evicted from Dr. Williams’ property on grounds that George, his son, had a Deed of Gift, although his father had already alerted this outlet that he has not made a will yet. None of his children are on any will of his, neither is a there a Deed of Gift for those houses on his land in Goderich.

The bailiffs, Public Review has been made to understand, are dodgy bailiffs, with no authority to carry out their dastardly acts breaking and looting the tenants’ homes. All that had happened was the result of a few conmen, parading as bailiffs, hired by George Alfred Williams.

It would be recalled that in 2021, George Williams hired a law firm to write Dr. Bola Williams in the USA to request money to the tune of $150, 000 as compensation.

When approached last Wednesday via a phone call, George simply said, “he is my father.’

Dr. Burney Bola Nicholson Williams, a former lecturer, has sought the services of his own solicitors to counter sue in the High Courts against his son, but the case file has disappeared in the prosecutors’ office at the Lamina Sankoh Street. The matter is simple – no Deed of Gift given to George and he is not on his father’s will. The Power of Attorney for that property in Goderich was legally handed to a Mrs. Doreen Macfoy, also a lecturer at Milton Margai College, a former colleague of Dr. Bola Nicholson Williams.

“So what is this all about?” he asked.

George has sidestepped Mrs. Macfoy and sneakily aggrandized the property and homes for his own largess with the help of a certain High Court Judge within the SLPP rank and file. Dr. Williams’ case is yet to be assigned to a Judge, delaying and denying justice. 

Photos taken at the scene of the property in Goderich, where George had liaised with a few dodgy Court Bailiffs known for their dicey activities, show distressed tenants watching bailiffs on the roofs raiding the houses.  

George A. Williams declined to speak on the nature of the matter in the absence of his lawyers.


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