For the first time: High courts sits in Segbwema & Kambia


The Judiciary of Sierra Leone has assigned Resident Judges from both Port Loko and Kailahun Districts to hold first ever Special High Court Criminal Sessions in Segbwema and Kambia Towns where there have been no sitting judges.

This, according to a press statement from the Sierra Leone Judiciary dated 2nd November 2022, the special sessions will run through 7th November to 15th November 2022 commencing at 9 O’clock prompt in the morning daily.

The press statement noted that 14 cases are to be dealt with in Segbwema Town and and 24 cases in Kambia District within the slated period.

Also, as part of the Chief Justice’s ACCESS TO JUSTICE drive, “November High Court Criminal Sessions will be held in Matru Jong with 16 cases, Pujehun 18 cases, Mongo Bendugu 6 cases, Bunumbu 3 cases and Koindu 4 cases” adding that all these matters will last for a period between 7th to the 22nd November 2022.

This is geared towards not only to enhance access to Justice, but also to further decongest correctional centers thereby ensuring that accused persons have the opportunity to be tried expeditiously in their respective localities.

“The High Court Criminal Sessions are fully funded by the Judiciary of Sierra Leone courtsey of the Government of Sierra Leone..,” the press statement noted.


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