For sustainable energy in Sierra Leone… Energy Minister calls on private sector investments


By Austine Lusene

The Minister of Energy, Alhaji Kanja Sesay, has welcomed a delegation from Afro Group headed by its Vice President Ing. Yousri Saadat to his Ministry.

 The Minister sated that, the country had created the convenient atmosphere for private sector investments and was now looking forward to seeing companies invest.

Mr. Sesay added that his Ministry was doing a tremendous work in the solar energy space and would welcome efforts from private sector players in that regard.

Vice President of Afro Group, Ing. Yousri Saadat, said they had called on the Minister to brief him on the company’s areas of intervention and its plans to start a solar energy factory in Sierra Leone.

He also said that his company was looking forward to forging a strong partnership with the Ministry of Energy, adding that investments by Afro Group in solar energy would positively impact learning in universities and schools, healthcare delivery and governance.

The Vice President concluded that the Afro Group currently has its operational presence in 16 African countries and in Middle Eastern, Gulf and Asian countries like Saudi and the United Arab Emirates.


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