Education Minister Gains International Recognition


Minister of Basic and Senior Secondary School Education Dr. David M. Sengeh has been well recognized on international Stage, for his innovates idea’s in the Sierra Leone Basic education.. Since, he was appointed Dr. Sengeh has created a lot of Impacts in the transformation and innovations of modern technology to Sierra Leone Basic and Senior Secondary School Education sector.

 Due to his outstanding Performance in Sierra Leone Basic education, Let me present you the new office of our Minister of Basic and Senior Secondary Education Dr. David M. Sengeh⁩ at UNESCO HQ FRANCE PARIS AS CO-CHAIR FOR  HLSC.

 May God Continue to bless H.E President Bio for rebranding Sierra Leone education, and restoring respect to our Education sector.

 Sierra Leoneans Let me highlight some of the achievements of Dr. David M. Sengeh since he was appointed as Basic education Minister.

 Within four years the Sierra Leone Education Sector is gradually transforming for the better with modern technology innovation.

1. Ministry of Basic Education increase 30% salary for Teachers in 2020.

2. The Ministry of Basic Education increase 10% benefit to Teachers.

3. The Ministry of Basic Education have recruited over 12,000 Teachers and replacements (ie. We have 12,000 New Teachers on our payroll).

4. Over 20,000 undergone some kind of professional development training.

5. The Ministry of Basic Education introduced the first Presidential National Best Teacher Award with over 48 winners.

6. SLTU, CPSS and NaCoHT meet every quarter with the Ministry to discuss school activities.

7, Ministry of Basic Education through the support of EU, have constructed and rehabilitated One hundred twenty (120) Senior and Junior and senior secondary schools in South-East and North-west, North-East.

8, The Government of Sierra Leone allocated 21% of the National budget to Basic Education.

9, Ministry of Basic Education employed 150 Inspectors of Schools with 150 Brand New Motor-Bikes to monitor school Activities in the country.

10, The Minister of Basic Education Dr. David Sengeh lunched new technology in the education system called RESULTS CHECKER *478 for NPSE & BECE.

11, The Ministry of Basic and Senior Secondary School Education through UNICEF SL and DSTI SL Launched New Hybrid and M-edTech solution for past questions papers and Answers for NPSE, BECE, and WASSCE.

12, The Ministry of Basic Education launched the School feeding programme in the Northeast, Northwest, and South-East with over 120,000 children benefiting from the School feeding programme.

 13 The Ministry of Basic Education, celebrated recent reforms in Sierra Leone in the education sector. In early 2020 the government ended a ten-year ban on adolescent mothers attending normal schools. A year later it introduced a new policy—dubbed “radical inclusion”—that gives pregnant girls the right to remain in class until they give birth and allows them to return to lessons as soon as they wish. Local law considers girls who have sex before the age of (18 years of age) to be victims of a crime, says David Sengeh, the education minister said, Forcing them to give up their schooling made no sense” at all.

This is the era of Women in Leadership & Business

– Jarieu Sia Bayoh 

The newly appointed Focal Point, Commonwealth Businesswomen’s Network (CBWN) Sierra Leone has said the continent is now in the era of women in leadership and business.

Madam Jarieu Sia Bayoh made this statement at the inaugural CBWN Africa Summit 2022 held in Nairobi, the Republic of Kenya from Wednesday 9th to Thursday 10th March 2022.

According to the organisers, the Summit was done to elevate the African Women’s latent entrepreneurial potential to lead and accrue wealth and political power for the benefit of the continent. Hence, the Summit provided a useful platform to activate concrete strategies and processes to empower women by taking advantage of the Commonwealth Advantage and the Intra Africa Trade Agreement.

Against this backdrop, Madam Bayoh who spoke on the aspect of vulnerable women in Sierra Leone during her statement, said “the Women of Sierra Leone have long been looking forward to the opportunity of being part of a network that would cater to their felt needs, by way of acquiring quality education, leadership skills and the wherewithal to engage in profitable business endeavours.”

The Focal Point, Commonwealth Businesswomen’s Network (CBWN) Sierra Leone who has been very supportive to the women in Sierra Leone over the years, added that on her own personal means, she has awarded scholarships to over 500 (five hundred) school-going children in deprived communities in Sierra Leone, of which  95% are vulnerable girls. She said that she also sponsored a school-feeding program for 200 orphans, and constructed water-wells in various parts of the country.

Explaining her efforts made to engage various stakeholders so far since ascending to the position, Madam Bayoh said: “My Team and I have initiated meaningful engagements with relevant stakeholders in the Government, as well as within the private and voluntary sectors in Sierra Leone. In particular, we paid courtesy visits to certain senior public officials, notably, Her Excellency the First Lady of the Republic of Sierra Leone, Mrs Fatima Maada Bio, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development and the Ministry of Youth Affairs, in order to inform them about the establishment of the organization.”

Assuring delegates of the unwavering support from the Sierra Leone, Madam Bayoh said that “CBWN Sierra Leone shall take advantage of the key benefits of the African Continental Free Trade Area Agreement and other related Agreements within and without the African region, so as to open up new markets and create opportunities for our female entrepreneurs.”

Meanwhile, it is worth noting that the Commonwealth Businesswomen’s Network was established in 2002 to work with women in business by connecting Governments and the private sector to encourage, enable and embed women’s economic empowerment and women in leadership (two of the Commonwealth Priorities for Gender Equality). This is achieved through delivering activities, initiatives, products and services focused on the 3Ts of Trade, Talent and Training. It also works with partners in the other two Commonwealth Priorities for Gender Equality – ending violence against women and girls (especially the economic dimensions) and gender and climate change (especially gender in relation to both the circular economy and Disaster Risk Reduction).

The two-day summit in Nairobi was organised under the distinguished leadership of the Chief Operating Officer of CBWN-Africa, Dr Nana Wanjau and was attended by all Commonwealth Africa states including Kenya, Rwanda, South Africa, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda, Ghana, Cameroon, Kingdom of Eswatini, Lesotho, Botswana, Gambia, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Seychelles and Sierra Leone.

NCRA, FIU Join Forces to Fight Financial Related Crimes

The Sierra Leone Civil Registration and Digital Identity giant NCRA partners with the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) of the Ministry of Finance in Sierra Leone in an effort to combat Financial Crimes, Money Laundering and Terrorists Financing in the country.

The new partnership brings together the National Civil Registration Authority (NCRA), an institution that provides Civil Registration, Vital Statistics and Digital Identity Services in Sierra Leone, and the country’s Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU), a unit of the Ministry of Finance that develops financial intelligence in order to detect money laundering or terrorists financing activities in Sierra Leone, to fight financial crimes in the country.

In this partnership, the FIU will rely on the NCRA’s 85% plus Identity Data on the population of Sierra Leone to help provide financial intelligence using the identity of persons involved in Financial Crimes. The partnership will enable NCRA to share identity data of designated persons detected for Financial Fraud and Terrorists Financing with the FIU to aid the investigation process.

In Sierra Leone, the FIU receives the UN “Lists” of designated persons from MoFAIC for freezing, seizing, or confiscation of terrorists funds/assets and FIU provides intelligence and forwards to appropriate authority for investigation as per the FIU procedures and mandates.

The partnership is expected to make a significant difference in promoting information sharing to combat Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing in the country, in line with international standards and protocols.

The Director General of NCRA, Mohammed M. Massaquoi expressed satisfaction and willingness to work with the FIU to support such a Public Administration and good Governance activities in the fight against Financial Crimes using Digital Identity Data in Sierra Leone. He further cited that NCRA has been collaborating with other institutions to support them with identity data; for the issuance of Driver’s License, Tax payer’s verification, sanitizing government payroll, recruitment into the public and civil service, Social Security among others.

“In our collective efforts to combat money laundering terrorists financing, we require credible information from other institutions and reporting entities. It cannot be gain-said that NCRA is one very important institution in this regard” said David Borbor, Director of FIU as he signs the partnership agreement on behalf of the FIU.

He added that “in the process of Identity Verification, FIU would rely on the NCRA as an independent source of credible information for identity issues”.  This will help FIU in building up profiles necessary for the collection of intelligence and drafting of intelligence reports to disseminate to appropriate law enforcement institutions for proper investigations.

Speaking with the Senior ICT and Identity Manager of NCRA Moses Vibbie, he said the two institutions are collaborating in a responsible way to share information that will aid investigation into Financial Crimes and Terrorists Financing, in a secure way and in line with best practices and applicable laws. Moses added that identity data will only be shared for individuals declared or suspected of financial crimes by the FIU, this is to maintain data Protection and Privacy.

According to Basel System Report (2021), the estimated amount of money laundered globally in one year is from 2 – 5% of global GDP, or equivalent of $800 billion – $2 trillion in current US dollars. 50% money laundering activities go undetected globally. 62% compliance officers believe that criminal activity around money laundry and terrorist financing is getting harder to spot, hence the increase.

This indeed calls for governments to put strict measures in place and take necessary actions in order to curb this global financial Crime.

The Head Directors from the two institutions appended their signatories witnessed by the legal representatives of the two collaborating institutions.

The NCRA and FIU partnership denotes the Government of Sierra Leone’s commitment to fighting crimes and frauds in the country.

Tower Christian Primary school Calls for support

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By Anthony Vandy

 In an effort to save the Tower Christian Primary School from a wind disaster (natural disaster) on Thursday, September 21, 2021, the school’s roof was blown off, affecting approximately 108 students (56 boys and 52 girls).

The principal of the Tower Christian Primary School, Osman Raka Sesay, spoke to the media after receiving materials from the National Disaster Management Agency and expressed his satisfaction with the items given to them.

“The donations are timely,” he continued, “and they appreciate the ONS, the Disater Management Team, and the government for thinking of them in this time of need and for responding quickly.”

He went on to say that the government, through disaster management, was able to respond quickly to the community’s and school’s calls.

Ten Bundles of Zinc was one of the goods handed to them by the National Disaster Management Agency.

Ten roofing nail packs, ten-pack nails and ten packages of three “inches nails.

However, on behalf of the pupils at Tower Christian Center Primary School in Malima Village, Ribbi Chiefdom, Moyamba District, they express gratitude to the government for their prompt action and consideration in this time of need.

The Deputy Director for Relief and Response Services Morlu Brewah, speaking to this medium, claimed the National Disaster Management Agency will get 127 reports in 2021, with 98 of them being negative.

A total of 1,190 homes and 20,013 people have been served. He stated that it was a shocking calamity that no one expected, but that they as an agency are relieved that no lives were lost.

As a result, he stated that they are happy to assist the school with relief items because it is one of the president’s priorities to ensure that all students attend school and are safe.

He did say, however, that the government is ready to assist all school-aged children and to resolve any disaster-related issues.

Brewah stated that the country is facing numerous disasters, but that it will assist in the resolution of all disaster-related concerns.

On behalf of the community and schoolchildren, the community leader thanked the Agency for intervening in a timely manner and vowed to put the donated funds to good use


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The National Disaster Management Agency despatched a team of Response Officers to Rotifunk, Moyamba District, to conduct a Rapid Needs Assessment and Registration of those affected by the fire outbreak. According to the principal of the Prosperity Girls High School, Moses Marcus Wunda Said the NDMA team on a visit to them after the fire incident were able to discover the following on 30th January, 2022:  that the Fire Outbreak put the school on Level Zero in the Rotifunk Village in the Moyamba District. According to the Principal who was on the scene during the incident, the fire outbreak was caused by electrical malfunction as a result of poor solar system installation.

The fire destroyed stuff worth millions of Leones, including school supplies, on the top floor of a two-story building. Other social and economic effects, he noted, include water supply. No one is affected. None of the social/recreational services are impacted.

He went on to say that 250 people are affected. The total number of boarding students affected is 18; the total number of structures affected is one (1). Total Number of Affected Households None Total Number of Public Facilities Affected One (1) Total Number of People with Physical Disabilities None Total Number of People Injured None.

However, he stated that the following components are urgently required: 250 Exercise Books, 250 Mattresses, 27 Mosquito nets, 27 Spring Beds, 27 pieces of school furniture,27 bath towels, 27 and many more.

Other relief partners should also be enlisted for this reason, particularly when it comes to the reconstruction/rehabilitation of the burned-out building.

In this line, the Response and Relief Directorate, in collaboration with the Partnership Directorate, should reach out to relevant partners and express gratitude to the NDMA on behalf of the students, who pledge their support to the government and other donor partners.

PC. Charls Caulker, upon receiving the items from the NDMA, he stated that all of the items supplied to the school kids were timely, and that he appreciates the government’s timely action and prompt response to the school.

Duputy Director  Morlu Brewah, who is in charge of Relief and Response In NDMA delivering the items such as: Zinc Bundles (10) ten roofing nail packs, four-packs “Nails  ten -packets “nails, twenty-eight mattresses in all.

Six sanitary cartoons pads, twenty-eight pillows total, 28 bed sheets in total, 28 blankets and 24 Rubber buckets

He stated that the government, through its line Ministries, will continue to accomplish the work that the people want it to do while still pursuing the President’s objectives.

He urged the students to pay close attention to what they are being taught, and he urged the girls to preserve their faith and believe in destiny, noting that among them are pastors, physicians, lawyers, accountants, and many other significant members of society.

He expresses his gratitude to the school authorities for their kindness and dedication to the students.


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