Chair person Of the Sierra Leone Rugby Union Board Speak Her mind


By wisdom Kamara

The Chair person of the Sierra Leone Rugby Union board Nassu fofanah has told Public Review about the allegation going around about her eligibility as the chair person of the board I was in the UK finishing my study which I was supported by Pent Land.

“I posted on my face book page if sierra Leone are playing Rugby people started replying to my post if I am very serious” before one gently man by the name Cheery Kabia say yes we have a sierra Leone Rugby team in the country.

Cheery Kabia assured to link me  with the president of the Association by then I was in the UK and I was very happy to meet with the CEO of Pent Land which almost like a father to me.

…………….. he want to help me in my life and for pent land has two percent of the activities so as I told the CEO I have receive a letter of the sierra Leone rugby union as member of the board the entire pent land family was very happy and the automatically moving with me around rugby world receiving and invitation from the rugby family to watch one of the biggest rugby games and after that coming back coming back home meet with the sierra Leone rugby union executive member.

After meeting with the executive member of the association I ask to meet with the rest of the board member which we struggle to meet but at last we finally meet as a board complied of nine members four are men five women they finally chose me as the chair person of the board we receive from pent land some jazzy what of five thousand pounds.

Cherry Kabia the p r o of the association told public review sport I was the one who bring in to the association I replied is post his post on face book said sierra Leone have a rugby team and she said good I will like to be part of the to help the country Kabia continue to said she have bring a lot for the association and help for international recognition one of the board member Edmond Abu confirm to this media the board make in chair person.

Some member of the association also confirm his position and also said his president of the association is now afraid of the chair person because is the time for elective congress now. 


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