Attacking The State Security And Military Installations Is Unacceptable


By Saikujohn Barrie

As Sierra Leoneans especially those living in Freetown, the capital city of Sierra Leone come to terms with the dastardly and daring attacks on key military installations in Wilberforce and other places in Freetown, I would want to once again condemn the actions of those who are behind the security breaches and the subsequent freeing of prisoners.

As I said yesterday, this behavior is unacceptable and I believe Sierra Leoneans deserve to live in peace and tranquility, especially as they grapple with the current economic hardship in the country.

I don’t know the persons who were arrested or killed personally, but according to sources many of them are either former military personnel or police officers, regardless of who they are, I think the government should thoroughly investigate and bring those behind the disturbance to book like what the President rightly said during his address to the nation “they will be held accountable for their acts “through the due process of the law.

However, since the government didn’t consider what happened as a coup attempt, I would not describe it as such because the attack might not have met the threshold to be classed as a coup or a coup attempt.

However, it is critical at this moment that people especially those in authority or positions of influence and opposition members do not use this opportunity to create and sore hate in an already divided and polarised country.

In this view, I would like to thank President Bio for his somber speech wherein he called all and sundry to the unite at this crucial moment as they tried to deal with the security situation while trying to bring the perpetrators to book.

I believe Sierra Leone is a country of law and order as such every action and reaction must be done within the confines of the law in compliance with respect for human rights law.

On this basis, Sierra Leoneans be it former or current military or civilians shouldn’t be allowed to take the law into their own hands.

Before I rest my case, even though I made my opinion known yesterday, I want everyone especially my critics to know that I always write on national issues when I feel it is safe and right for me to write not when somebody feels or wants me to write. No one determines when and what I write…

As I wait to ascertain the facts about the purpose of the attacks, I think nothing justifies what happened yesterday.


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