A Private Visit… Bio, Fatima Off to Lebanon

President Bio and Delegates

His Excellency Julius Maada Bio and his wife, Fatima Bio have departed the shores of Sierra Leone on Thursday, 27th August, 2020 for Lebanon on a private visit. A statement from the president’s office said.

The statement said the ‘’first family” will return to Sierra Leone within a week.

However , the statement did not mention or describe the reason for such a private visit , but noted that “ for several decades , the Government of Sierra Leone and the Government of Lebanon maintained  close cordial relations based on mutual respect and cooperation.’’  It noted.

It further noted that the visit of the President and his wife will further tighten the bond between the two countries.

 It could be recalled that president Bio has no travelled out of the country for quite a long time now since the outbreak of the Covid-19 ,and even in the midst of the fight against then deadly virus, many people are questioning the President’s visit to a nation that is presently going through political instability and upheavals, especially the recent bomb blasts and gun attacks in the country’s main capital that left dozens of people dead, hundreds injured and properties destroyed .

And with the ongoing demonstrations in the country by its citizens, Lebanon is seen by many as a no-go zone at the moment especially for the purposes of a visit and business.   What will this visit mean when dozens of Sierra Leoneans are being stranded in Lebanon, and have been crying loud for their repatriation to Sierra Leone. Some citizens have questioned.


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