Just so you know, I was a school teacher.

So, it happened some weeks ago that I was waiting for a taxi, when this SUV (aka Jeep) pulled over right in front of me. As the windows rolled down slowly, I saw this beautiful young lady shouting with excitement “Ms Sippo! Ms Sippo!”. For a moment I could not recognize the face, but after she briefly introduced herself I became thrilled to find out she was once my pupil. She quickly asked me in, and had to change her route just to drop me off at my destination.
As we conversed along the route she told me “there was a day you talked to us in class, and that changed my entire perception about life; and today I am a medical doctor”.
She was the only daughter of a gateman. Her father begged his then boss not to pay him monthly salary, but that his boss should pay her daughter’s school fee in a good private school.

Note: not all students attending good private schools have rich parents.

Later that same week, I was interviewed by another former pupil who is now a journalist. What a sight to behold, as the former teacher was answering questions from her former pupil. 😀

As I reflected on these events I realized that each day we get a chance to impact, change, motivate someone in a positive way no matter where we find ourselves. It can be your driver, the cleaner in your office, the maid at home or even that pupil in your class. Remember you get a chance everyday to rub off people; and it only depends on what difference you intend to make in their lives.

So as you go this week, and meet people along the way of Iife make the conscious effort to influence them positively by your words and actions, while remembering that “A word fitly spoken and in due season is like apples of gold in settings of silver. Proverbs‬ ‭25‬:‭11‬ ‭AMPC‬‬

You never know how far it will go

Don’t forget to smile coz it looks good on you.

God bless you.
Ps. Kuku

Please feel free to repost.


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