APC lower Elections:January-14th,14th, 17th &


Following a Press release from the Political Parties Registration Commission (PPRC) stated that the All Peoples Congress APC would be conducting its Constituencies and wards elections on Sunday the 15th January, 2023.

Based on the findings by the commission there has been several lapses by the TIIEMC the national body that is responsible to conduct the said elections as late disbursement of funds, late submission of voter register, inaccuracies in the voter register, the non-submission of candidate list and the inexplicable change of venue in the press release of the 28th December, 2022, which was never communicated to the Police.

Therefore the Commission had also issued some directive to the APC party; that the TIlEMC to conduct a rerun of the ward elections in all the wards contained in table B above, in respect of which Petitions are upheld, including the seventeen in Kono District.

According to the press release the five man registration subcommittee to also conduct registration exercise on the 13th day of January 2023, in each of the Constituencies, in which there are Wards to be rerun.

All holders of valid Bankslips and ITGC Receipts, that are issued before the 28″ December 2022 and who present themselves before the designated Registrars, are to be registered.

The press release also noted that, there should be no proxy registration of holders of those documents, who do not present themselves before the Registrars and the ITGC to issue out Party cards to holders of Bank payment slips and ITGC Receipts, already inputted into their database.

 The ITGC to also update the voter Register in all the wards that are to be rerun and make it available to the TIIEMc, in time for the rerun elections. The ITGC to also process all Applications of Candidates in those wards, who have paid their Candidature fees into the Party’s Bank Account and make available, the certified list of candidates to the TIlIEMC in time for the rerun elections.

The statement also explained that the rerun elections to be conducted on the 15th January 2022, in all the wards indicated in Table B above and that illiterate voters are at liberty to choose a person of their choice for assistance.

The press release concluded that the TlIEMC are at liberty to conduct the Constituency elections in all of the remaining Constituencies that are unaffected by this Ruling, on any date of their Choice.


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