UK High commissioner presents letter of credence to Irish President


His Excellency Dr. Morie Komba Manyeh, Sierra Leone’s High Commissioner to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, today Thursday 10/02/2022 presented his letters of credence to H.E. Michael Daniel Higgins, president of Ireland, in his official residence and principal workplace, Aras an Uachtaráin, located in Phoenix Park Dublin.

The grand occasion which took place in the Irish capital of Dublin was conducted in the presence of dignitaries including the Irish Minister for Foreign Affairs, Simon Coveney T.D.

During the friendly exchanges the Sierra Leone High Commissioner to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, (who is also now the Ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary to Ireland)  Dr. Morie Manyeh, extended cordial greetings to the president, the people and government of Ireland on behalf of His Excellency President Julius Maada Bio and the people and government of Sierra Leone.

On behalf of president Julius Maada Bio and the nation of Sierra Leone Dr. Manyeh expressed gratitude for the support received from Ireland  during the long course of the tragic rebel war as well as during the Ebola epidemic and the on-going covid 19 pandemic.

Dr. Manyeh also made positive mention of the “small but active  Sierra Leonean community  who are ably supported by the Sierra Leone-Irish partnership organisation, which ensures that the people-to-people links between our nations remain vibrant”.

After acknowledging the mutual desire in helping to maintain global peace and stability, the Ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary to Ireland closed his remarks with an affirmation of the shared interests in strengthening and deepening the bilateral relations on a multilateral platform.

In his response, the Irish president, HE Michael Daniel Higgins, congratulated Dr. Morie Manyeh and in turn extended warm wishes of goodwill to HE president Julius Maada Bio and the people and government of Sierra Leone. The Irish president expressed confidence that the governments of Ireland and Sierra Leone will closely work together with other friendly nations in a collaborative drive to promote the interests of the two countries within the framework of good governance, mutual progress and world peace.

Dr. Manyeh was accompanied by his wife Mrs Haja Marie Manyeh, First Secretary Mrs. Agnes During and First Secretary Mr. Joseph Goakai.

60 yr old Woman Sent to jail for killing husband                                 

By Feima Sesay.                     

Susan Komba a 60 Years Old Woman was yesterday sent to the female correctional facility by magistrate Sahr Kekura of Pademba Road court No 1 for allegedly killing her husband Dennis Komba.                                  The accused made her first appearance in court and was arraigned on one count charge of Manslaughter contrary to law.            According to the indictment, it was alleged that the accused on Wednesday 1st December 2021, at Block N0 9 Grafton, Freetown unlawfully killed Dennis Komba.

When the charge was read to the accused, no plea was taken.                           According to the police file, the accused Susan Komba is the second wife to the deceased. It was alleged that the accused on the aforementioned date physically abused the deceased and as a result he sustain bruised on his forehead and further complained of general body pain and died thereafter.

 The deceased was a retired Assistance Superintendent of police.

The police prosecutor Sergeant 9155 Dwight Marcarth requested for an adjournment to have proper conference with his witnesses. There was no legal representation made on her behalf in court.                    Magistrate Sahr Kekura however refused the accused bail and remanded her in prison whiles the matter was adjourned to 14 February 2022.

SLRA frowns at unlawful construction of speed bumps

By Mustapha dumbuya

 Mr. Tesslime Shyllon, A senior engineer of the Sierra Leone Roads Authority (SLRA), has explained to journalists at the weekly police press briefing that the construction of speed bumps on public streets or roads in cities and towns are strictly prohibited by the laws of the SLRA.

Mr Shyllon emphasized that communities must seek the approval of SLRA through a written request from either a community head or a representative.

He continued that communities wishing to construct speed bumps on roads or streets across the country must apply to SLRA proffering Justifiable reasons.

The Engineer advised that anyone who constructs speed bumps without the approval of Sierra Leone Road Authority (SLRA) has committed an offence which is punishable by law. 

Over 100 students graduate with diploma & certificates

By Anthony Vandy

As the graduation theme goes for this year, “TVET Can Transform a Nation” so has it been, as this program was hosted at the St Anthony’s Hall

The Principal of REAPS VOCATIONAL INSTITUTE Mr Alex Thomas, began by praising the lecturers for a job well done in transferring the appropriate knowledge to the students as teaching is interesting and challenging and also end with success stories as every student or individuals matters to REAPS.

He claims that this graduation is distinct from all others since the students have set themselves apart in order to learn more skills, not just in terms of education, but also in terms of skills that would aid their development and provide them with a sustainable and economic balance.

Academic achievers should always  remember and be thankful to God Almighty for sailing them through, their parents for the support they gave them and allowing them to attend the EFSL REAPS TECHNICAL VOCATIONAL EDUCATION as they are the backbone to their success and community for development and contribution. He advised all graduates to trust in themselves and use the certificate handed to them to contribute and give back to society.

Mrs Zainab Umu Moseray Commissioner, Western Area National Electoral Commission starts by motivating the Grandaunts that they should make use their acquired skills as they have place in development as their skills will take them a long way.

In every sphere of life, one needs to be confident, believe in themselves, more effort needs to be done and should always stick to what you believe will make you become stronger and better in your field of study.

By creating an impact in society, be creative, be diligent and always try to create employment for others as there’s no retirement stage in skilled work and this will be part of you till death.

As she concludes, always know that you may start low but be rest assured about your success and know that what you acquired is not what people will appreciate or celebrate you for.

Rev. Gadiru Bassie the Secretary General for EFSL renders his sincere appreciation to Government and parents for contributing immensely towards education. Since 1959 EFSL has been in existence and has spread the work of God and the establishment of REAPS.

REAPS has so many marketing driven courses which has trained 2000 youths for job creation in a reputable institution with their certificates as education is for you and others as excellent in work goes long way and keep meditating as the sky is your limits.

Mr Abdul Abubakarr Senessie who is the Deputy Director TVET in delivering his keynote address said, he is excited to be part of the graduation ceremony of 110 students in Freetown. He started admonishing the Grandaunts that in whatever field of study you have to create opportunities by actualizing your dreams which will enable them to enhance and generate jobs for themselves and other families for reliable substances which he remarked in his key note address.

However, he stated that TVET is the only way out to vocational courses as its promotion is expensive but with much talent they are in high demand these days.

He continued by admonishing them that this brings dignity and strengthens the Nation as everything around us is practical which leads to skill courses. In preparing and selling of Technical materials there should also be factories of shoes, bags and clothes production which will continue to promote skilled work.

TVET promotion is always at the pinnacle in which two universities are in Sierra Leone are offering skilled courses which they are working closely with three domains of which they are Cognitive Domain which is responsible for nurturing the brains, Psychomotor Domain and Affective Domain which guides you as how you should work closely in relation to your clients and work diligently.

He stated that the government has established TVET policies in order to eliminate poverty and boost job chances for over 2,000 people.

He ended up by saying that, skills training is not a dropout course as it can add value, dignity and respect, and poverty can be with an individual until he/she chooses the required skills then it would be redressed.

On behalf of all students, Mohamed Kamara and Isatu Bangura expresses their gratitude to the entire management team, teachers and parents for supporting them throughout their courses as they were commissioned, prayed for and a symbolic certificates were given to them which brought the program to a close.

Philanthropist Donates DSTV set to Bonthe Municipality

By Viktor Tutu Rogers (VTR)

A philanthropist Adonis Abboud , has donated a DSTV SET for utlisation  in the Hall of Bonthe Council Municipality and it was launched by the Deputy Mayor of the Bonthe Municipal.

 This whole dream came from a born of the soil by the name of Ing. Horatio Max Gorvie, after his close study of the Municipality in Bonthe; came to identify one of the major social facilities the Municipality do lack as convenient facility especially in the area of Sports that is of the great tendency of bringing everybody together especially the Youths.

As God could have it; in a conversation with Adonis (a household name when it comes to the popularly known DSTV operations in Sierra Leone for over 20years), Ing. Gorvie during his engagement with him was very smart to propose to him the idea of supporting this venture as part of his Corporate Social Responsibility and as a means of complementing government and other efforts in revamping the social energies of this community.

One of the things asked for was a set of DSTV. With no time wasted, Mr. Adonis Abboud humbly honoured the request with even mentioning how he once donated similar equipment during the time of the proprietorship of Late Madam Joy Samake of the Bonthe Holiday Village.

Ing. Govie upon liaising with the Bonthe Municipal Council for the provision of a conducive hall and set up a management for the running of this equipment, the Mayor (HW Leyemi Sandi), his abled Deputy Mayor (Councillor Robinson) and Councillors within the Council put together a plan to ensure and enhance the smooth running of the facility in a sustainable manner.

Having got such a warm response, Ing. Max Gorvie assured Mr.Adonis Abboud of the sustainability of the facility. The DSTV SET was successfully installed over the past weekend in readiness for the AFCON Finals. All of this was done within two weeks (14 days) soon as he was approached for such a request.

On Sunday 6th February, 2022 the facility was officially launched and witnessed by cross section of jubilant key stakeholders and other categories of people especially the youths.

As they enjoyed the facility, Bonthe residents gratefully thanked Mr. Adonis Abboud for such an unexpected timely donation of such item that the Community was pressing in need of.

They also thanked the Bonthe Municipal Council led by the Mayor and his Administration for providing the space to meet and watch games including other programmes as part of their social activities.

A special thanks goes to Ing. Horatio Max Gorvie (a passionate son of the soil) who played a key role in making this happen that was of high demand for Public use but not available.

He also played another major as the pioneer and founding member in forming the organization now well known as the Bonthe District Family (BDF), alongside others including Solomon Caulker and Floyd Alex Davies Esq. (who were all part of the first Executive).

Statement was made by the Deputy Mayor on behalf of the Municipality and symbolically switched on the DSTV to test after installation. The climax of the ceremony was the AFCON final games watched by those that were present.


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