The All People’s Congress (APC) has questioned the legality of the appointment of the Electoral Commission Western Region on 6th July 2021 based on a press release signed by Kenei Lamin from the Office of the President.

The press release said that the appointment of an Electoral Commissioner, Western Region by his President Julius Maada Bio is made pursuant to section 32(3) of the Constitution of Sierra Leone Act No.6 of 1991, section 32(4) sub section 3 of the Constitution of Sierra Leone, and section 32(3) states: A members of the Electoral Commission shall be appointed by the president after consultation with the leaders of all registered political parties and subject to the approval of parliament.

However, the letter dated 6th July, 2021 issued by the Office of the President is only now informing the All People’s Congress (APC) party of the appointment of Mrs. Zainab Umu Moseray as Electoral Commissioner, Western Region.

The party in a statement said, “This is at variance with the constitutional provision quoted above.”

The APC release added that as “the APC awaits the president to follow the due process in filling such an important position pursuant to section 32(3) of the constitution of Sierra Leone Act No. 6 of 1991, section 32(4) sub section 3 of the constitution, the APC will in due course proffers and reserves its position on the said appointment. See press release below

Difficulty Facing Energy Sector

-Chief Minister Admits


Chief Minister, Jacob Jusu Saffa, has described the energy sector as a critical and difficult sector but one that is key to unlocking any country’s social and economic potentials.

The Chief Minister was speaking at the Ministry of Energy where he had continued his visits to the different ministries.

Receiving and welcoming the Chief Minster at the Ministry of Energy, Minister of Energy, Alhaji Kanja Sesay, said the Ministry felt highly honoured and privileged to receive the Chief Minister, noting that they were relishing the prospects of having a productive session of interaction with him.

Alhaji Kanja Sesay said Mr. Saffa had given aura, flair, meaning and significance to the Office of Chief Minister, adding that the new Chief Minister is a bundle of administrative energy and experience. He said they were happy to receive him in their offices and to share the Ministry’s successes and challenges with him

Speaking at the session, the Chief Minister said the energy sector everywhere in Africa was always a difficult or troublesome sector, noting that he was at the session with a very rich knowledge of the sector owing to his interaction with the Ministry of Energy during his days as Minister of Finance.

The Chief Minister said he was at the Ministry of Energy to explain his role as Chief Minister to officials of the Ministry, to forge a very healthy and profitable relationship between his office and the Ministry of Energy, to have a first-hand opportunity of assessing the deliverables that the Ministry could so far boast of and to be informed of the challenges that the Ministry together with its line agencies like Electricity Distribution and Supply Authority (EDSA), Electricity Generation and Transmission Company(EGTC) and Electricity and Water Regulatory Commission (EWRC) was faced with.

He said he needed collaboration with different ministries to help him achieve his core mandates as Chief Minister, stressing that the Office of the Chief Minister was responsible to check whether ministries had delivered on their policy statements or action plans. He said his Office coordinates, facilitates and makes follow-ups on implementation of key deliverables.

Responding to the Chief Minister, the Minister of Energy said he was overly impressed with the presentation of the Chief Minister and informed him of the progress and challenges in his Ministry. He said there was now a 25% national access to energy and spoke about the many energy projects that were being carried out.

Through power point presentations, Project Manager for Bumbuna II, Cyril Grant, showcased projects that were either completed or were underway, with specific references to Energy Strategic Goals and Sector Statement which include four dimensions in Universal Access to Energy, Financial Sustainability, Reform of the Energy Sector and Significant Increase in Renewable Energy. The Minister of Energy was left with his head high up on account of the commendations he received for his stellar stewardship and zest in seeing that government’s overall policy objective in the energy sector was realized.


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