Sierra Leone’s Ambassador to The Arab Republic of Egypt, His Excellency MorieFofana says Sierra Leone is open for business as President Julius Maada Bio’s government has provided the enabling environment to boost trade with other countries.

AmbadsadorFofana was speaking as a key note speaker during the 13th Annual Egypt Economic Forum 2021 organized by Smart Vision under the title ‘’Egypt the gateway to exports to Middle East and Africa after Corona Pandemic’’.

 Whilst extolling the virtues of Egypt and their capabilities in achieving the dream of becoming the gateway to trade in Africa and the Middle East, Ambassador Fofana envisioned cooperation between the business community in the Arab Republic of Egypt and the Republic of Sierra Leone.

He said Egypt’s palpable support to the growth of indigenous industries, small and medium enterprises and exports in medical products and meeting production targets has been the motivation to their dream of exporting their products.

The forum attracted  Ambassadors, Heads of Missions, and Trade Representatives from many countries who shared their expertise on how to support Egyptian exports in the fields of agriculture and industrial products, small and medium enterprises, exports medical products, export brands, textile and more. 

The forum discussed all points and solutions to make Egypt the gateway to exports in all fields in Africa and Middle East and how to support Egyptian exports and work to exploit all expected expert agreements between Egypt, the African Union, and how they can benefit from other agreements like the Egyptian-European Partnership Agreement and the Mercosur Agreement.

Ambassador Fofanaasked the forum to use the lessons learnt from the Corona situation to develop a more robust post pandemic strategy that will support the agenda to placing Egypt at the position where it wants to be.

The Forum ended with presentations of Smart Vision 9th Annual Awards to participants


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