Impressive NRA Surpass January – April 2019 Collection


Rodney Michael

With the Corona Virus attack, many predicted an economic crisis and we in Sierra Leone were no different.

We all anticipated a difficult period for domestic revenue generation and celebrated the World Bank Grant and the IMF Loan, to ease the burden on Government during the Covid 19 period, which continues to affect everyone globally.

However, in the midst of such uncertainty came the good news that THE NATIONAL REVENUE AUTHORITY, Led by highly respected Dr Jibao, was able to improve on the revenue collection between January to April 2020.

In comparison with 2019, it collected an extra Le 58.4 billion Leones according to Awoko News, and this is nothing short of impressive and absolute excellence.

Considering the Covid attacked Sierra Leone in March, with lockdowns and limited revenue potentials, and importation reduced drastically etc, one must appreciate the achievement in the context as good news.

It also gives the impression Dr Jibao and his team seem to have got revenue generation on the right gives optimism that once we return to normalcy, and the business world is producing normally, with importation and exportation increasing, the target the NRA COMMISSION had on assumption of office, which was 900 trillion Leones annually, could be achievable.

It is important we commend the Government Institutions when they do well; they should know we are observing and it would serve as an encouragment for them to do better.

There are revenue generating Ministries, Departments and Agencies, and so we must extend the  recognition to them all for supporting the NRA.

They should share in the celebrations and continue to augment the efforts of the NRA. Collective collaboration will yield results.

This is good news to start the week — well done to everyone!

I am a friend, not a foe! I mean well!


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