State House Announces New NEC Boss APC “Stands Ready’’ For Court Action

New NEC Boss

The newly appointed Chairman and Chief Electoral Commissioner of the National Electoral Commission (NEC), is Mr. Mohamed Konneh.

Last week, unofficial reports and rumor broke out about his appointment to that huge position of trust; and this brought about heated public debate in several quarters as regard his qualification to that position.

Officially, yesterday, 20th July 2020, a public statement from the President’s office, State House has announced his appointment as the new NEC Boss, subject to parliamentary approval, for that coveted post.

His pronouncement , however, has brought about a quick reaction from the main opposition, All Peoples’ Congress;(APC) party in a Press Statement highlighting its disagreements that President Bio’s appointee is not qualified to hold that position; and  that the move to appoint him has violated some sections of the 1991 Constitution of Sierra Leone etc.

Accordingly, the final paragraph, in the statement says ; ‘’the party stands ready to institute legal proceedings to enforce strict adherence to the provisions in the 1991 constitution ‘’

In essence, this Public Review is of the view that the APC will go to court to seek redress.

Below are the Press Statements from the Office Of the President, State House; and the APC.


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