5 Years Jail for Larceny


By FeimaSesay

Bob Tholley who was standing trial for theft,before Magistrate Ishmael KabinehKamara of Court No. 2 Ross Road Court, in Freetown, has been sentenced to 5 years imprisonment after he pleaded guilty to the offence as charged.

When reading the judgment, Magistrate Ishmael KabinehKamara said, his predecessor Magistrate Macauley started the matter when the accused pleaded guilty of the offence, and later his Defence lawyer Randy S. BanguraEsq. pleaded to the court for the accused to change his plea to not guilty which the court granted him and that as the matter continued, he again advised the accused not to plead guilty, and the matter was left with the Magistrate to rule, but the substantive Magistrate took leave.

Magistrate Ishmael KabinehKamara then ended the matter by finding the accused guilty of the offence as charged. Magistrate Kamara said, bad guys must be weeded out of the community as it is bad when they go along the street snatching people’s bags and attacking them, adding that, his sentence will send a warning to those out there to stop.

He therefore sentenced the accused to 5 years’ imprisonment without any alternative.

It could be recalled that the accused Bob Tholley was charged with a count of Larceny contrary to Section 2 of the Larceny Act 1916. According to the Charge Sheet, the accused on Tuesday 18th May 2021, at Liberia Bar, Lowcost, Kissy, in Freetown did steal from an unregistered vehicle one  black bag containing jewelleries and cash amounting to nineteen million one hundred and fifty thousand Leones, property of Abraham Kamara.

Police Constable 17793 Fofanah G.A prosecuted the matter.

Sister Kills Sister– Court Told

By FeimaSesay

28 years old petty trader SentoKamaraon Thursday 1 July 2021 was remanded for allegedly killing her elder sister FatuSesay.

The accused SentoKamara made her first appearance before Magistrate Mark Ngegba of the Pademba Road Court No. 2 on one count charge of Murder, contrary to law.

According to the police, the accused on Thursday 22ndApril 2021 at Saint Mary’s Drive, Leicester Road in Freetown murdered her sister,FatuSesay.

The Prosecution Witness No.1 Abu John Bangura who is   husband to the deceased was led in evidence by Inspector Francis Macauley.  In his testimony in court,he said he recognized the accused as the deceased sister and further recalled the incident on Thursday 22 April 2021.

He added that on that day he was at home when he heard his wife (now deceased) telling their mother to look after the accused as she wanted to run away.

He added that while they were arguing, the accused took a knife and stabbed the deceased on the left side of her belly.

” I was inside when I heard one Gibrill shouting that she had stabbed her. I then came out and met my wife lying on the ground and bleeding profusely. I chasedthe accused and caught her. The deceased was taken to the 34 Military Hospital for treatment while the accused was taken to the Akon Police Station”, the witness narrated.

He continuedto say that a report on behalf the deceased was made at Akon Police Station and he was issued a medical report but that the deceased died after four days.

The witness stated further that the remains of the deceased was conveyed to the Connaught Mortuary for post-mortem examination and later the body was handed over to him for proper burial.

He said he also made statement to the police.

The accused SentoKamara who was not legally represented cross-examined the witness herself.

During the cross examination, she confronted the witness that it was his wife now deceased who brought her from the provinces to Freetown to cure her.

The witness replied in the affirmative.

The witness further disclosed in court that the accused has spiritual problems and that she was treated by one Sokobana.

At this juncture, Magistrate Ngegba remanded the accused in prison. The matter will be heard again.

Inspector Francis Macauley prosecuted the matter on behalf of the Inspector General of Police.

Alleged Gold Fraudster Sent Back to Prison

Sierra Leone: A critical look at the bill entitled “THE COURTS (AMENDMENT)  ACT, 2021” | Politico SL

By FeimaSesay

Magistrate Mark Ngegba on Thursday 1st July 2021 sent one Francis Wilson back to remand after Francis Morrison Johnson testified against him in the on-going Preliminary Investigation into an alleged $45,000 fraudulent gold deal.

The accused person Francis Wilson on Thursday 1st July 2021 was arraigned before Magistrate Mark Ngegba at the Freetown Magistrate Court No. 2 on Pademba Road after police alleged that sometime in April 2021, at College Road in Freetown, with intent to defraud, conspired together with some other persons unknown to defraud one Francis Morrison Johnson the sum of $75,000; equivalent to Le 666 million Leones.

Police also alleged that the accused, Francis Wilson, sometime in April 2021, obtained the sum of $12,000; equivalent to Le 280 million Leones on the pretence that he has 8 kilograms of gold for sale, knowing the same to be false.

Police further alleged that the accused on the 1st June 2021, at College Road in Freetown, obtained the sum of 45,000; equivalents to Le 468 million Leones after he claimed he had 15 kilograms of gold knowing same to be false.

Prosecution Witness, victim and complaint, Francis Morrison Johnson, a resident of Congo Water at Wellington, an artist and a businessman recognized the accused person in the dock. He disclosed that the accused person was part of the team that took money from him in respect of gold.

Led in evidence by Police Prosecutor, Inspector A. T. Bangura the witness recalled sometime in April 2021, he had a business partner, MohosinHaydei, who is a Bangladeshi national who was interested in buying gold.

“I was introduced to the accused and his partners by one Joseph Kargbo who told me that they are into that kind of business and had a license. I disclosed my intention to the accused who asked me to meet him at his office at Goderich for us to have a discussion,” he explained.

He maintained that he and one Ibrahim Bangura whom he worked with went to the accused’s office at Goderich. “The accused and one Edward Roy Macaulay told me that he had 35 kilograms of gold, but I told them I wasn’t prepared for 35 kilogramsand wanted only 15 kilograms of gold.

He further said that a day after the witness visited the office again. “Edward Macaulay who works with Wilson told me that Wilson together with the Bangladeshi national will be traveling overseas, so it will be nicer for us to do business immediately,” he said.

He said the accused and his partners brought an expert who tested the 15 kilograms of gold which he wanted to buy. “After it was tested I was relieved that it was gold bars, but I told them I don’t have the $45,000, but $16,000. “I therefore handed the money to one Edward,” he said. He told the court that the exporter told him that he was going to do the processing in Dubai.

The following day, the witness said he was calling to know the if he and his partners can come for the gold, adding that at 7pm the accused called that they should meet in his office to collect a package he had sealed.

“At 3am in the morning while we were heading to Sea Coach on board a “keke”, before long I saw a vehicle which hit the “keke” from behind. I now saw a very huge man demanding for our bags. They took my bag and my partner’s and sprayed pepper spray into my eyes. I could not run, for they hit me on my feet, but my partner ran away,” he explained.

Wilson said he had in his possession$22, 700. The total amount of money which the accused carted away with is Le 468 million Leones,” he further revealed.

Wilson said he went to the Aberdeen Police Station and made a statement. At the Police Station he realized that the it was the same vehicle used that same night for some other purpose. Wilson said he has not received the said gold up till now, as well as the money paid for the processing of the gold.

In his cross-examination, Defence Counsel, Lawyer S. A. Bangura, enquired if the witness had a license for dealing in gold, but the witness said he hadn’t any license, adding that that was why he contacted Wilson and his partners. The Defence Counsel disclosed that it is a crime for one to deal in gold without a license. However, the witness said he merely sponsored the business but not a gold dealer.

The witness, when he was asked by Defence Counsel whether he had any background check before doing the business, replied that he didn’t because he trusted the person that introduced him to the accused.

Defence Counsel put it to the witness that it was he who wanted to dupe the Bangladeshi national, but not the accused person in the dock, adding that it was not the witness that approached the accused person. But the witness maintained that he was introduced to the accused by one Edward Kargbo.

“I paid the $45,000 to Edward Kargbo who showed me bars of alleged gold. I hadn’t any license but they brought an exporter who had a licence to do the transaction,” he said.

Defence Counsel renewed his application for bail, but Magistrate Mark Ngegba said he will only consider bail after he would have heard some more evidence.

Magistrate Mark Ngegba sent the accused back to the Male Correctional Remand Facility at Pademba Road in Freetown. The matter was adjourned

Six Makeni Residents Docked for Alleged Electricity Theft

Sierra Leone: A critical look at the bill entitled “THE COURTS (AMENDMENT)  ACT, 2021” | Politico SL

By FeimaSesay

Magistrate Mark Ngegba on Thursday 8th July 2021, at the Freetown Magistrate Court No. 2 on Pademba Road, sent six individuals who were charged in connection with dishonestly directing electricity to their various houses. 

The Police alleged that MabintyKamara, a suckling mother, AminataTuray, Sulaiman A. Barries, Thomas Hillary, Mohamed Marrah, and Hassan Kamara on Saturday 25th June and Sunday 26th June 2021 at Makeni, fraudulently caused electricity supply from EDSA to be directed to their various houses in Makeni.

The accused persons were faced with one count charge of dishonestly abstracting electricity supply contrary to Section 68 of the National Electricity Act No. 16 of 2011.

All accused persons pleaded not guilty after the charges were being read to them. The accused persons were represented by lawyer Abdul Sheriff while Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) Hawa Bah is prosecuting the matter.

Magistrate Mark Ngegba was ready to proceed with the case when ASP Bah stood up to say her witness was absent.

She requested for an adjournment to enable her bring her witnesses to court.

In this circumstance, Defence Counsel, lawyer Abdul Sheriff applied for bail for his clients citing   Section 79(3) of the Criminal Procedure Act No. 32 of 1965.

He told Magistrate Ngegba that his clients are Sierra Leoneans who are resident in Makeni, noting that they have a fix abode. He further noted that the offence for which his clients stand charge are summary offences and not felonious. 

He assured the court that his clients have credible sureties who are willing to enter into recognizance on their behalf.

Magistrate Mark Ngegba refused bail to all accused persons, including an old woman in her 70s. He disclosed that he refused bail because the accused persons are resident in Makeni, and that he would want to hear the evidence before he will consider any bail application.

He sent all accused persons into remand, and adjourned the matter to 13th July, 2021.



Thank you so much for your article CODENAMED: “THE KAMAJORS” and for the very INVALUABLE narrative deeply BURIED in that piece of written work. You got it right to some extent – on a bit of it, I differ.

You have done the hardwork in advancing the publicity side of things that would be dubbed: THE MISSING INGREDIENT in most circumstances where pressing issues have been ignored – issues worth every attention because  of the the immense sacrifices undertaken by these men under terribly suffocating or dangerous circumstances.

But as much as  I appreciate your hardwork, it is equally fair to point out that, you forgot to mention the others either because they are silent for now or because they are in the MINORITY and therefore you probably felt the need to choose to remain anonymously silent about them or just believe that they are nonexistent. These included but not limited to the TAMABORROHS,  the DONSOS, the KAPRAS, the GBAYTIS – all people who in  various capacities sacrificed to helping in the restoration of our young democracy – a democracy that was hijacked by armed criminals (if you like) who were on oath to lay6 their lives for country and people. But is the version of the story correctly presented by the historians or not? Many political pundits would have a different version of the story to advance. Example: Retired Sam Hinga Norman was a TRIBALIST who was not just fighting for DEMOCRACY in the face value of things, but one that was discreetly fighting for tribe – the Mende tribe with or without the CONNIVANCE of some of the political tycoons at the time in the SLPP.

Political TRIBALISM was actually the main reason for the distrust that existed between the Military and the KAMAJORS in particular on one hand, and between TejanKabbah and other members of the SLPP on the other hand.

It is worth pointing out that, the SLPP soon realized that the choice of TejanKabbah as Flagbeearer for the SLPP was both a political, tribal as well as a regional suicide.

The SLPP are sometimes heard making noise about being a bearer of some appealing democratic credentials or about taking pride in decent tribal politics – it is a lie. All African politicians including the SLPP and the APC are TRIBALISTS – no matter how much noise they make.

For if the SLPP had any power to reverse the position of TejanKabbah and replaced him with a Mende, they would do just that.Infact, at some point, Tejan didn’t trust not only his Ministers but also his own National security. On a Hard Talk programme with Mr. TIM SEBASTIAN in the UK, he expressed a terribly troubling statement about the military calling them a bunch of illiterates. That was not something a Commander-in-chief would say about his military especially in public media like the BBC.

There is need for us to understand that members of the APC, of the SLPP and the new NGC are all TRIBALISTS and so are those of the C4C. There is not going to be anyone that is any better. See most of those who support Sam Sumana for example and realise that they are Konos, same is true about KKY (the only sad thing about KKY is that, the Susus are not that so numerous in SIERRA LEONE – unless he imports them from Guinea. That is why elections and voter registrations along our borders with Guinea should be something we should be mindful of especially when it comes to SUSUS and FULLAHS, as they can easily be imported from Guinea and issued with documentation to enable them to take part in our national elections. The APC leader could do that, the NGC leader could do that, the Vice president could do that. Our DEMOCRACY needs to pay special attention to Susus and Fullahs – as those people can be unpredictable to our clean democracy.

Back to the KAMAJORS. The agenda of the KAMAJORS was much about tribe than about DEMOCRACY – but it wasn’t that so very obvious to many of us. It could have been a very sophisticated secret that would only be known to the inside of the inside (inside of the inside???? – just like in the APC.

Our number one enemy in SIERRA LEONE is Political TRIBALISM which your yourself have referred to severally.

Some of us have always believed that if we care about Political TRIBALISM, we must review our National Constitution and govern our country through orbaway  TRIBAL rotation. For example: the largest  tribe to govern  three times, the second largest two times, the third largest one time and then with a smaller tribe in their second term, and all the other smaller tribes one time until every tribe has or is provider of Head State in our country. This would reduce the tribal tensions in our country. In the absence of that, whatever Ernest Koroma did or Maada Bio would does, both would still be branded as tribal bigots, and we cannot do anything about it – even though they might not be truly guilty of such accusations.

Our political decadence or ineptitude is not entirely owing to illiteracy as most pundits constantly appear to suggest. Infact, if it was not for our so called educated elites, our uneducated people in villages would be the most democratic in the country. But because of the toxic tribal messages they are fed by their own brothers and sisters in the political arena, they tend to get polluted politically in the tribal / regional sense. Creoles like HANCILES and Osmond HANCILES would support a Creole Mayor in Freetown only on the basis of tribe even with the academic achievements or exposure of these two twin brothers. So you see – political tribalism is not about lack of EDUCATION or about being learned / educated. That is a fact that I cannot prove ofcourse. MLK may not  be that so inclined to having a Limba as PRESIDENT because the Limbas number one enemies are the Limbas in higher political positions themselves. Romano Kapen moving to the APC was a suspicion that APC would win rather than the nonsense that was advanced. Same was the Med Kay fella. Many in the SLPP went with KKY with the hope of winning rather than being democratic.

So, Great OSWALD HANCILES, the KAMAJORS or if you like the GBAYTIS or DONSOS or TAMABORROHS  or KAPPRAS, etc (although most of them not mentioned in your piece) should not be incentivised or looked after by the State just because of the fear that they may never be interested in doing what they did yesterday for DEMOCRACY, but because a good work would only require a good reward. (See Quranic reference) below ????????????????

Surah Ar-Rahman, Verse 60:


Is the reward of goodness aught but goodness?

For if we are to only carry out a policy of fear for those who we deemed to have sacrificed for us and therefore worry that they might not do same tomorrow in the event we need them, then we would never hope to have patriots in our country. Rather, we should only do what is right, hoping that, those who sacrifice will feel appreciated for their sacrifice – and not because we are worried that they will never carry out acts of patriotism or nationalism when, where and how necessary. Patriots or Nationalists don’t do the needful because they will gain anything material from it, but because they believe that it is their duty to doing what ought to be done.

With this, I pause.

MLK in London.


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