Justice Ivan Sesay of the high court  of Sierra Leone has on Tuesday 17 December 2019, sentenced one 28 years old Abdul Sheriff  to ten (10) imprisonment for raping a 47 years  woman without her consent.

Justice Sesay prior to his judgment stated that the prosecution in proven their case relied on the evidence of five witnesses including the victim and seven exhibit including the medical report to proved their case against the convicted accused person.

He added that the medical proved that the victim Virginia was bruises, swollen and sustained blood cloths , adding that the accused made a confessional statement to the police and whiles testifying in court made a denial statement.

The judge further stated that the victim in her testimony in court revealed that the convicted accused break and enter into her room, tied her on her neck with a rope, removed her pant and penetrated his penis into her Virginia and had long sex with her.

He added that the evidence of the prosecution witnesses was not controverted by the accused during his evidence in chief, and the evidence of the accused was inconsistence and that the victim did not consent to having sex with the accused

“ In my view, the  evidence led by the prosecution was  not controverted by the accused  which mean the prosecution has led sufficient evidence against the accused person and I therefore find him guilty for the offences of rape”, he said.

The convicted accused Abdul Sheriff when he was asked by the judged if he has any thin to say, he said he has nothing to say.

Lawyer Cecilia Tucker Esq. of Legal Aid Board in pleads with the judge to temper justices with mercy, noting that the accused person is a first time offender and that the judge to consider the maximum sentence which is fifteen years but the lesser one.

 Justices Ivan Sesay having listened to the plea-mitigation of the defense sentenced the accused person to 10 years imprisonment.

Lawyer V.E.A Kabbia was prosecuting the matter on behalf the states.

The convicted accused Abdul Sheriff was charge with one count of Rape contrary to section 6 of the sexual offences Act 2012.

According to the indictment, it was stated that, the convict on the 23 September 2018 in Freetown Rape  a 47 years old woman without her consent. He has been in prison since the inception of the matter. The judgment was delivered in line with the 2012 sexual offences Act and not the new 2019 sexual offences Act that was recently pass into law.

In another development also,  Chernor Amadu Keita was also sentenced to 7 years imprisonment for the offences of meeting a child below the age of 18 years for the purposes of sex and Assault occasioning actual bodily harm.

The convicted accused also made a confessional statement to the police and was found guilty   by justices Sesay on both count charge.

In his plea-mitigation pleaded with the court to temper justices with mercy. Lawyer Cecilia Tucker also did same on his behalf as her client.

Justices Ivan Sesay having listened to them both sentences him to seven years imprisonment, adding that his sentence start from the day he was imprisoned.

The convicted prior to his sentencing was charge with two count charges of meeting a child for the purposes of sex and assault occasioning actual bodily harm contrary to the laws of Sierra Leone.

The indictment stated that, the convict on the 28 December 2018, at Waterloo meet a girl child below the age of 18 years to wit 15 for the purposes of sex. Whiles the charges further stated that during the course he assaulted the victim in a manner thereby occasioning her actual bodily harm.

End of 5 yr Term as NEC Boss

Nfa Alie OUT

Free ‘’roaming’’ Mobile services

Sierra Leone’s telecommunications regulatory body-the National Telecommunications Commission (NATCOM)-has significantly reduced financial burdens on mobile tariffs for Sierra Leoneans travelling to seven West Africans countries such as Benin, Ivory Coast, Guinea, Mali, Burkina Faso, Senegal and Togo.

Sierra Leone has become the eighth member, and first English-speaking country in West Africa, to join the free regional roaming services.

Prior to the advent of the free roaming, Sierra Leoneans who were making and receiving calls in Guinea, used to pay a roaming fee of nineteen thousand, six hundred and seventy-two Leones (Le19,672) from Orange Sierra Leone to Orange Guinea.

The callers used to pay a normal roaming tariff of two thousand, and eighty-three Leones (Le2,083) and receivers used to pay seventeen thousand, five hundred and eighty-nine Leones (Le17,589), totaling to Le19,672.

With the introduction of the free roaming since 12th December, 2019, the callers now pay Le650 and the receivers pay nothing.

Reception of roaming voice calls & SMS shall be free of charge within a maximum period of thirty (30) consecutive days or three hundred (300) minutes for every Sierra Leone in each of the above mentioned countries.

NATCOM under the ‘New Direction’ administration, championed by President Julius Maada Bio, is making life better for all Sierra Leoneans irrespective of one’s political affiliation, ethnicity, region of origin, etc.

Pres. Bio on Airwaves

His Excellency President Dr Julius Maada Bio has commissioned Voice of Falaba in Gbindi town, Falaba district, making the community broadcaster the first-ever radio station in the district.

During the ceremony, Minister of Information and Communications, Mohamed Rahman Swaray, said that as a ministry they were mandated to bridge the gap between the government and its citizens through creating platforms for citizens’ participation in the governance process. He said the 600 megawatts transmission network would cover the entire district and its surroundings.

Member of Parliament for Constituency 39, Honourable Billow Shaw, commended the President for putting Falaba as part of his development agenda. He said they were pleased with the strides his government had made so far, especially in human capital development through the provision of free quality education, improved healthcare facilities and food security. He said they would continue to support the government and its programmes.

In his statement, President Bio said that he was committed to bringing development to every part of the country. He noted that the new radio facility would help to link the district with the rest of the country and also keep the people informed on the activities of the government. He added that that would guarantee citizens’ participation as an important component for effective governance.

The President emphasised that the new facility should be used to inform, educate, entertain and to also preach peace and unity in the district. He, therefore, called on the community to take good care of the facility by using it for the general good.

At the turning of the sod for a new hospital in Sulema Chiefdom, Falaba district, Deputy Minister of Justice, Umaru Napoleon Koroma, said that they were pleased with the President’s development efforts in the district. He said they were also proud of the progress being made by the government. He assured of the people’s continued support.

On his part, President Bio said that the new health facility was part of his government’s drive for providing quality health services for its people. He stated his government’s inclusive approach to governance and their belief in sharing resources to every part of the country. He noted that when completed, the new facility would help to reduce infant and maternal mortality and as well as improve on the wellbeing of the people of Falaba.

‘‘APC 5yr Eligibility Clause Has Not Been Removed’’

  • APC


The attention of the All Peoples Congress (APC) has been drawn to an un-signed information on social media which alleges that our party has expunged, from our proposed new Constitution, the requirement of a  minimum of 5 years continuous membership for an APC member to qualify for certain elective positions.

The public is hereby informed that the mandatory 5 years clause is still in the proposed new Constitution to be adopted in January 2020.

During deliberations at January 2020 National Delegates Conference, a decision will be taken by the delegates as to whether we retain the 5 years clause, increase it to 10 years, increase it to 20 years or remove it completely.

However, for now the 5-year Clause is still intact. Article 61(b) of our proposed Constitution to be adopted, says for a Member to be eligible to be voted in as APC Presidential Candidate, “that Member must have been a registered paid up member of the Party for a continuous period of not less than five years.”


Sidie Yahya Tunis

Acting National Publicity Secretary – APC

Monday December 16th 2019.

National Telecommunications Commission



Procurement number: NATCOM/ENG/IGMS/2019/001

Date of Issue: 12 December, 2019

Procurement of Telecommunications Services and Solutions to monitor International communications Traffic on Multiple International Gateway (IGW) in Sierra Leone and Communications traffics among Networks in Sierra Leone.

Pursuant to the Telecommunication Amendment Act 2015 that liberalized the International Gateway (IGW),the NATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION (hereinafter called the Commission) is seeking to procure Telecommunications Services and Solutions from reputable IGW  Management Companies with PROVEN EXPERIENCE, COMPETENCE and TECHNICAL CAPABILITY to assist the Commission to monitor incoming and outgoing International Voice and Data Communications Traffic on Multiple International Gateway (IGW) in Sierra Leone.

Bidding will be governed by the rules and procedures of the National Public Procurement Authority (NPPA) Act of 2016 and its Regulations 2006 of Sierra Leone.

The Commission now invites Expression of Interest from eligible and qualified bidders to provide a NON- INTRUSIVE International Gateway Monitoring System (IGWMS) with functionalities including but not limited to:

  1. Tracking of all Billing and Revenue Assurance Data of International Voice and Data traffic into and out of Sierra Leone and doing same for voice and data traffic among networks in Sierra Leone;
  2. Monitoring Quality of Service in real time on International voice and data traffic between Sierra Leone and overseas destinations;
  3. Generation of automated invoice in real time for measured voice traffic minutes;
  4. The technical ability to handle and report on call minute within Voice–Over-IP (VoIP) type of calls;
  5. Mitigate and/or Eliminate/Block illegal bypass international communications voice and data traffic into Sierra Leone (Telecommunications Fraud Management);
  6. Web-based (Online) reporting that facilitates immediate and interactive access for analysis and reporting.

Interested Firms should provide Information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the required services. The short listing criteria  are:

.Profile ( Copies of documents defining constitutional or legal status of the firm);

. Relevant experience and analytic skills in the provision of the said service and provide documentary evidence of previous or on-going similar service.

.Experience(Submit list of similar partnerships/assignments indicating amount for each partnership/assignment, name of the employer and contact addresses and year of completion of the project);

. Qualification and experience of proposed key staff(submit certified CVs);

. A valid business registration and renewal certificate

. A valid NRA/tax certificate if applicable

. A valid NASSIT certificate if applicable

.Any other relevant information

Interested and eligible bidders may obtain further information at the below address between the hours 9:00 am to 3:30 pm daily starting the 13th of December,2019. Expression of Interest document may be submitted upon payment of non-refundable fee of $1,000 ( One Thousand United States Dollars). Please visit www.natcom.gv.sl for international bidders to obtain information about submission.

Expression of interest must be delivered in a written form to the address below not later than 23rd December, 2019.

Only shortlisted firms will be contacted to provide a detailed Technical and Financial Proposal.

 ALL EOIs should be prepared in four copies, one being the original and identified as :


Chairman of the Procurement Committee

National Telecommunications Commission

13 Regent Road, Hill Station


Sierra Leone

Season Greetings

Red Sea Fishing Company

The management and Staff of Red Sea Fishing Company wish His Excellency the president,Rtd. Brig. Julius Madaa Bio, Vice President Dr.Mohammed Jalloh,Carbinet Ministers,Parliamentarians and the people of Sierra Leone a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.

Season Greetings

Pakistanis’ Consul

The management and Staff of Pakistanis’ Consul   wish His Excellency the president,Rtd. Brig. Julius Madaa Bio, Vice President Dr.Mohammed Jalloh, Carbinet Ministers, Parliamentarians and the people of Sierra Leone a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.

Season Greetings

Sierra Leone Road Safety Authority (SLRSA)

The management and Staff of the Sierra Leone Road Safety Authority (SLRSA) wish His Excellency the president,Rtd. Brig. Julius Madaa Bio, Vice President Dr.Mohammed Jalloh, Carbinet Ministers, Parliamentarians and the people of Sierra Leone a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.


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