Zenith Bank: from bad to worse !!


Several customers who are banking with Zenith Bank (SL) Limited have been dissatisfied over the treatment given to them by the bank which is in breach of the banking standard operating system (SOP) procedures.

This ugly treatment by the bank has made some of the customers have even threatened to close down their accounts and transfer to another bank.

Some customers have complained about the way the bank is even blackmailing them by stalling their business transactions on the basis of trivialities.

Some big businessmen requesting for facilities from the bank are being frustrated by the heartless way in which the bank is treating them.

“The bank is undermining the New Direction Government policy of empowering indigenous business people by delaying the implementation of some major government projects through some senseless bureaucratic policies”, Ibrahim Karim who is a customer said.

Customers also describe the bank’s Managing Director in Sierra Leone, Chijioke Ejilemele, as arrogant and self-conceited person.

The bank has also accused of killing entrepreneurship and top businesses that are operating with the bank.

These aggrieved customers have described Zenith Bank as not being fair to them in terms of maintaining good customer relationships.

“I am disappointed with the way and manner top management staff of the Zenith Bank are treating us,” another dissatisfied and customer expressed.

The customer added that the management has assured him that they will investigate the issue and try to engage all those that are aggrieved to resolve the matter
A Source within the Bank have also accused the MD of the bank as a dictator whose leadership style has been frowned upon by many of the staff . He is said to have cut down on many of the staffs’ allowances and other emoluments required of especially the local staff.
‘“The staff’s wage is nothing good to write home about at the moment , since this new MD took over the bank . “ a senior management staff told PR.

The source further said the MD’s relationship with top management of the Bank has been very hostile in that; he has sacked many workers for no better reason and has been threatening to sack any further, if anyone poses a threat to his leadership.
Staff of the bank are said to be working under fear and immense intimidation wave of leadership style by the MD who is said to be cutting down on a regularly basis allowances due staff of the Bank . The situation at the Bank is said to be deteriorating; as things are getting from bad to worse . The MD is developing a bitter relationship with his top management team not to talk of the lower cadre of the staff who are so disgruntled and frustrated with conditions at the Bank sinking endlessly under the new management.

In response, the Head of Corporate Affairs of Zenith Bank in an exclusive interview with this medium said that Zenith Bank believes in customer banking and they are therefore ready to render their service at any time whatsoever.


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