Two Chinese Nationals Arraigned For Vehicle Theft


By Feima Sesay

Two Chinese nationals, Wu Jing and Kong Faxxin were on Monday 19th September 2022,  arraigned before magistrate Mark Ngegba of the Pademba Road Court No. 1 for allegedly stealing a vehicle worth  seventy thousand united state dollars ($70,000) from complainant Zhan Guaxin (Moke)

They were arraigned  on four count charges of conspiracy to commit felony, larceny and accessory after the fact to larceny contrary to section 35 of the larceny Act of 1916.

The police alleged on  count one that  the accused persons on Thursday 21st April, 2022 at a garage at 58 Sir Samuel Lewis Road Aberdeen, conspired with other persons unknown to commit felony to wit larceny.

it was alleged in count two that the accused persons on the same date and  place, steal one jeep with regisation number ASV 177 valued seventy thousand united state dollars equivalent to nine hundred and twenty one million, eight hundred and ninety seven thousand, six hundred and fourteen Leones , four hundred and forty point right nine cent ( Le 921,897,614,444.89)  property of Zhan Guaxin (Mike).

It was further alleged on count three that  the accused  did steal the sum of seventy six thousand united state dollars equivalent to (Le 1, 917,409,968.74)  belonging to complainant.

It was alleged on count four   that the accused persons stole a white Volvo jeep with regisation number ASV 977 from Zhan Guaxin on the 21st April, 2022 and on another day, the second accused, Kong Faxxin thereafter , received, comfort, harbor, assist and maintain the first accused Wu Jing.

After the charges were read, both accused assisted by an interpreter pleaded not guilty to the charge.

Defense counsel, Jesse Munda Jengo applied for bail for his clients citing section 79 of the Criminal Procedure Act No. 32 of 1965.

 He added that the offences for which his clients were charge to  court are mere allegations. He said if his clients are granted bail they will  not jump bail  neither interfere with the prosecution witness.

Magistrate Ngegba  granted the accused persons  bail in the sum of three hundred million Leones with a surety each in like sum.  He adjourned the matter to the 3rd of October 2022.

Dr Momoh Vandi (aka MOV) Support APC Southern Region Stakeholders With Le23M For Voter Registration

  As the All Peoples Congress -APC stakeholders in the Southern region are grappling with logistics and finances to surmount the challenges the party is experiencing in the ongoing registration process, Dr Momoh Vandi, through his National Campaign Coordinator, Mr Mohamed Alpha Sheriff and team, has magnanimously donated Le23M (twenty three million leones) to them.

During the First phase of the registration process, Dr Momoh Vandi made a similar gesture to the stakeholders in Kenema and Kailahun Districts respectively.  The Stakeholders in Bo District received Le10,000,000, those in Pujehun received Le5,000,000 and those in Bonthe and Moyamba received Le4,000,000 each. The stakeholders in Bo expressed gratitude to Dr Momoh Vandi as according to them, he has helped them with the highest sum during this difficult registration process. They continued that the gesture from Dr Momoh Vandi did not come as a surprise to them as he has been helping them even before the registration process. One of the stakeholders, Mr Amidu Keita called on the party stakeholders in Freetown to pay some attention to the Southern region as they are facing lots of constrains including intimidation in the ongoing registration process.

The stakeholders in Pujehun also expressed appreciation and thanked Dr Momoh Vandi as his gesture came at the right time. One of the stakeholders in Pujehun, Mr Dennis Swarray stated that they were seriously constrained in paying the party agents monitoring the registration process, but with the help they have received from Dr Momoh Vandi, they will judiciously use it to pay the party agents and  take care of other issues. Madam Kadie Massaquoi, another stakeholder thanked Dr Momoh Vandi for his timely intervention and averred that she has no doubt in Dr Vandi as he is a man of few words and more actions. She stated that the 2023 elections is not only about APC regaining governance, but about redeeming the soul of Sierra Leone as it is currently in the hands of undemocratic monsters. She concluded by calling on all APC people in Pujehun District and the country as a whole to come out in their numbers to register for the APC to go to  State House come 2023.

Stakeholders in Moriba Town, Bonthe District expressed similar sentiments and thanked Dr Momoh Vandi for his magnanimity. One of the Coordinators in the Bonthe District, Mr Sengeh posited that if the APC has the likes of Dr Momoh Vandi in reasonable amount, it would never suffer for anything. Mr Sengeh concluded that Dr Momoh Vandi is a unique and different breed of politician as he has never faltered in his promises. Mr Sengeh concluded that he is aware of all the developments Dr Momoh Vandi did in Kenema before the 2018 elections .

Some of the stakeholders in Moyamba shed tears in receiving the gesture from Dr Momoh Vandi as according to them, they are going through a whole lot of problems in the district. One of the former Youth leaders, Mohamed Kargbo spoke elaborately on the type of politician Dr Momoh Vandi is and he vowed to support him in thick and thin. Another Stakeholder, Mr Fortune called on the party leaders to unite for the betterment of Sierra Leone as according to him, the APC is the only political party that has the knack and candour to develop Sierra Leone. Another Stakeholder stated that removing the SLPP from governance is not an APC affair, but a national fight for all patriotic citizens of Sierra Leone to redeem the nation and liberate our economy from the hands of crooks.

All the stakeholders in the Southern region called for unity in the party as it is the only solution to regain governance.


The Executive Director of Citizen Rights Network Sierra Leone, Ibrahim Bai koroma and  team together with Sierra Frozen Food embarked on a massive sensitization campaign in the ongoing voters registration exercise for the upcoming 2023 general elections, with the theme *’GRAP GO REGISTER”.*

 They preached more peace massages such as youth should stay away from all sorts of violence while exceriseing their civic right in the process adding that this is the only time for them to speak their minds in the ballot box on that fateful day.

Speaking on behalf of Management of Sierra Frozen Food, Mr Mahdi Hijazi, expressed thanks an appreciation to CRN-SL for helping them voluntarily execute this voters registration sensitization campaign massages adding that it’s also part of their cooperate social responsibility in any community they are operating.

He further stated that this is not the first time the management of Sierra Frozen Food is undertaking such cooperate social responsibility. He also expressed his gratitude to all the Management and teams for their devotion and successful venture as they will continue to keep the campaign registration sensitization massages till the end of the registration.

Mr Mahdi Hijazi and CRN-SL Executive Director gave praises to all volunteers for undertaking such democratic and patriotic venture.

Mr Harmuday, a staff at the Serra Frozen, said that Sierra Leone is one of the most peaceful county in west Africa that has been practicing democracy and always allows people to percipate in exercising their democratic right.

He concluded by encouraging all sound minded Sierra Leoneans to peacefully go out and register and follow the voters registration process as it will benefit them in the future after having chosen their appropriate leaders.

Central Bank to Auction $8M

As the United States Dollar continues devouring the Leone, the Bank of Sierra Leone in a press release dated 19th September 2022 sets to auction $8M (Eight Million United States Dollars) to commercial banks through a competitive window on Wednesday 21st September, 2022.

The Wednesday auction will be the fourth time  under the Bio led administration but the dollar is still devouring the Leone.

Bank Governor, Professor Kelfala Murana Kallon, told Members of Parliament that he  bribed money hoarders a whooping sum of $68M (Sixty – Eight Million Dollars) for them to take the Leone to the banks.

According to the Bank of Sierra Leone press release release, bids from commerical banks should be submitted through the Thompson Reuters/Refinitiv Trading Platform in multiples of $100,000 up to a maximum amount of $1,000,000 per bank.

Redenomination of the Leone was one of the measures the Bank Governor applied to cushion the inflation, but such policy does not add up as the Leone is depreciating on a daily basis.

Citizens are calling for the head of the Bank Governor as all his monetary policies have failed to address the crunching issues of the economy.


By Feima Sesay

The Chief Electoral Commissioner of the Electoral Commission of Sierra Leone (ECSL), Mohamed K. Konneh, has on   Monday 19th September, 2022, at the Commission’s headquarters at Tower Hill, informed newsmen that 1,345,176 people were  registered during the first phase of the Voter Registration (VR) which started on Saturday, 3rd to Saturday 17th, September 2022.

Chief Commissioner Konneh furthered that  80%  of the process has been completed during this first phase  across the country, noting that the   provisional data collected for Eastern Region is 269,110, For Northern Region, 241, 827, For Northwest Region; 188,048, For Southern Region; 295, 759, and For Western Area; 350,432 respectively.

In his statement, the ECSL Chairman stated that the first phase ended successfully.

  The remaining 1,815 centers will be opened on 20th September, 2022, and  Mr. Konneh  called on  all eligible voters to go out and register in all of the 446 Wards, Constituencies, and Districts.

He emphasized that it is an opportunity for  citizens that were  not fortunate to register in the first phase to go to the nearest centers in their communities and register.

According to the Commissioner, the documents required for the process are valid Sierra Leonean Identification card, certificate of registration form of the National Civil Registration Authority (NCRA), and a valid Sierra Leonean Birth certificate.

The commissioner however warned all those intending to register underage children or doing double registrations to desist forthwith as  they will be  prosecuted and punished if found guilty.

The ECSL Chairman said that the challenges his commission  faced in the first phase of the process have  been addressed and that those challenges were shared with stakeholders, noting  that the Commission will be looking forward to more positive engagements with stakeholders and partners including political parties.

A power point presentation was done by the Director General of NCRA,  Mohamed Massaquoi, on the issue of valid birth certificate for first time voters.

Assistant Inspector General of Police (AIGP),  MA  Brima Jah Esq., dilating  on the area of  security during process said that nine reports were made in Freetown West and 16  suspects arrested, adding that out of that nine reports only two have been charged to court.

He   said thirty-six were arrested in the Eastern part of Freetown making fake voter ID cards  and 25 of that figure were men and 11 were  women.

He furthered that there were only three cases reported from the  Northwest and all of them are under investigation.

The Significance of President Xi Jinping’s Central Asia Trip.

From September 14 to 16, 2022, H.E. President Xi Jinping attended the 22nd Meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in Samarkand and paid state visits to Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan upon invitation.

 The visit takes place at a time when the world is undergoing accelerating changes unseen in a century, a protracted COVID-19 pandemic, profound adjustments in major-country relations, the spread and spill-over of geopolitical conflicts and mounting difficulties and challenges facing humanity at large. Domestically, the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) is soon to be held. The Chinese people are united in a common effort and ushering in bright prospects for China’s national rejuvenation.

 Being the first overseas visit by President Xi Jinping since COVID-19 began, the visit is a major diplomatic action of the CPC Central Committee vis-à-vis Eurasia in light of both domestic and international imperatives, and an important landmark visit undertaken at a crucial and historic juncture.

Over three days and two nights, President Xi Jinping flew to Nur-Sultan and then Samarkand and, within a 48-hour stay, attended nearly 30 multilateral and bilateral events with a twin focus on security and development. The visit has had many highlights and created fruitful outcomes. With the visit’s facilitation, the expansion of the SCO took a new step forward. The visit also successfully steered China’s relations with relevant countries to new levels. It is a visit that pointed the way forward in turbulent times and reinvigorated the ancient Silk Road. The visit has added stabilizing factors to the regional and international landscape that are currently at a crossroads. The visit has created more favorable international conditions for China’s new journey toward building a modern socialist country in all respects and fully demonstrated the extraordinary vision and sense of responsibility of a major country and a major political party that care about the world and stay at the forefront of the trend of the times.

I. Carry forward the Shanghai Spirit and open a new phase of development of the SCO

President Xi Jinping delivered an important speech at the Samarkand Summit. President Xi Jinping gave an insightful review of the success of the SCO, attributing it to the organization’s commitment to political trust, mutually beneficial cooperation, equality, openness and inclusiveness, and equity and justice, and said these five points fully embody the Shanghai Spirit. The commitment to these five points is a practice of true multilateralism that rises above traditional bloc politics. It is an answer to the question of what new type of regional cooperation is required in the new era and how to advance it, offering significant guidance for the SCO’s development and the sound and equitable development of international relations.

President Xi Jinping put forward five suggestions, emphasizing that we need to enhance mutual support, expand security cooperation, deepen practical cooperation, enhance people-to-people and cultural exchanges, and uphold multilateralism.

The summit adopted over 40 outcome documents covering economy, finance, technology, culture, institution-building, external exchanges and so on. It adopted four major statements on international energy and food security, tackling climate change, and keeping supply chains secure, stable and diversified. The Chinese side also announced that it is ready to establish a China-SCO base for training counter-terrorism personnel, host a forum on industrial and supply chains, set up a China-SCO Big Data Cooperation Center, and provide developing countries in need with emergency humanitarian assistance of grain and other supplies worth 1.5 billion RMB. These tangible measures meet the needs of various countries, and show that China not only presented the Global Development Initiative and the Global Security Initiative, but also carried out the initiatives with real actions.

At the summit, the SCO accepted Iran as a member state, supported the starting of the procedure for the accession of Belarus, granted Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar the status of SCO dialogue partners, and reached agreement on admitting Bahrain, the Maldives, the UAE, Kuwait and Myanmar as new dialogue partners. This is a new and the largest round of expansion for the SCO. It helps consolidate the standing and influence of the SCO as an organization for regional cooperation with the largest population and the largest landmass in the world, and demonstrates once again the dynamism, ability to unite, and appeal of the Shanghai Spirit. The expansion also fully shows that the SCO is not an isolated and exclusive “small circle”, but an open and inclusive “big family”. The SCO, as a new type of international organization consisting of 26 countries, has shown stronger vitality and more promising prospects, and will definitely inject more positive energy and new impetus into safeguarding peace and prosperity of the Eurasian continent and the world, and play an exemplary role in promoting the building of a new type of international relations and a community with a shared future for mankind.

At the summit, the Samarkand Declaration of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization was signed and released, which fully absorbed the main elements of the series of important initiatives China had made.

II. Write a new chapter of good-neighborly friendship between China and Kazakhstan, and between China and Uzbekistan under the guidance of building a community with a shared future

The heads of state of both Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan attached great importance to the visit and treated President Xi Jinping as their most honored guest by personally directing and planning the visit and extending full diplomatic protocol and the highest level of reception. As announced, China and Kazakhstan will work for the goal and vision of building a community with a shared future defined by lasting friendship, a high degree of mutual trust and sharing weal and woe, while China and Uzbekistan will, bearing in mind the long-term development of China-Uzbekistan relations and the future welfare of the two peoples, implement the vision of a community with a shared future at the bilateral level and give bilateral relations a whole new characterization.

President Tokayev noted that Kazakhstan will continue to firmly uphold the one-China policy and be a good partner and good friend that China can always rely on under all circumstances. In Uzbekistan, President Mirziyoyev said that Uzbekistan is firmly and unequivocally committed to the one-China principle, and firmly supports China’s position on matters concerning its core interests and that Uzbekistan will always be trustworthy as well as a good neighbor, good friend and good partner for China.

During the tour, nearly 30 bilateral cooperation documents across a broad range of areas, including finance, water conservancy, digital economy, green development, culture, and sub-national cooperation, have been signed. Among them, the memorandum of understanding on cooperation in the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway project marks important progress in the construction of a major transport route in the Eurasian continent.

Ⅲ. Deepen strategic communication with all parties to inject positive energy into the peaceful development of the Eurasian continent

President Xi Jinping also held bilateral meetings in Samarkand with the leaders of 10 countries attending the SCO Summit at their request and attended the trilateral meeting between China, Russia and Mongolia. President Xi Jinping held his second face-to-face meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin this year, which was also the first meeting between the heads of state of China and Russia on the international occasion since the outbreak of the pandemic. The two heads of state positively evaluated the fruitful strategic communication maintained between the two countries this year, and said that they will continue to strongly support each other on issues concerning each other’s core interests, strengthen coordination and cooperation within multilateral frameworks, promote the enhancement of solidarity and mutual trust among all parties, and safeguard the common interests of vast developing countries and emerging markets.

The heads of state of China, Russia and Mongolia held an in-person meeting for the first time after three years. President Xi Jinping fully recognized the achievements of trilateral cooperation among China, Russia and Mongolia, and put forward four proposals on promoting the trilateral cooperation, stressing the need to firmly grasp the right direction of the trilateral cooperation, elevate cooperation within the framework of the SCO, implement well the projects under the China-Mongolia-Russia Economic Corridor, and cultivate more deliverables of the trilateral cooperation.

President Xi Jinping met with Kyrgyz President Sadyr Zhaparov, Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov and Tajik President Emomali Rahmon respectively. President Xi Jinping reiterated his support for Central Asian countries in safeguarding national independence, sovereignty and security, opposition to any external forces’ interference in the internal affairs of Central Asian countries, and support for Central Asian countries in strengthening integrated cooperation. All parties agreed to expand and strengthen the China+Central Asia (C+C5) Meeting mechanism to maintain security and stability in Central Asia and promote common development in the region.

President Xi Jinping also met with the leaders of Iran, Belarus, Pakistan, Mongolia, Türkiye and Azerbaijan separately, reaching many new and important common understandings on advancing the development of bilateral relations. They also exchanged views and formed synergy on promoting the political settlement of regional hotspot issues such as Iranian nuclear issue, Afghanistan and the Middle East issues. The Chinese and Belarusian heads of state issued a joint statement and unanimously decided to upgrade China-Belarus relations to an all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership.

In response to the recent attempts by certain countries to undermine China’s sovereignty and interfere in China’s internal affairs, the leaders of the above-mentioned countries took the initiative to reiterate during their meetings that they will continue to firmly abide by the one-China principle and firmly support China’s position on issues related to Taiwan, Xinjiang, Hong Kong and other core interests. This shows once again that it is clear to all who stands for fairness and justice. China enjoys abundant support for its just cause.

IV. Expound on the bright future of China’s development and look forward to the new journey of a major country and a major political party.

The leaders of the countries who met President Xi Jinping during his visit took the initiative to wish the 20th National Congress of the CPC a full success. They expressed confidence in China’s development prospects and the hope to strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation with China on all fronts. They said they looked forward to China playing a greater role in international affairs.

On various occasions during this visit, President Xi Jinping shared stories about China and the CPC by presenting China’s history and reality, and theories and practices, and shared experience in state governance with leaders of other countries. President Xi Jinping expounded on the significance and overall goals of the 20th National Congress of the CPC, introduced China’s reform and development and made an insightful explanation of China’s diplomatic visions and propositions. The relevant leaders spoke highly of the two great initiatives proposed by President Xi Jinping, namely the Belt and Road Initiative and the building of a community with a shared future for mankind. They believed that the GDI and the GSI put forward by China are of important strategic significance for solving the risks and challenges facing the world today.

President Xi Jinping’s visit is yet another successful practice and vivid embodiment of Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy. The Chinese people will unite more closely around the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, follow Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, especially Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy, strive to break new ground in major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics in the new era, and continuously make new contributions to building a modern socialist country in all respects and promoting world peace and development!

“Go Out and Register – Chairman Saybom Urges”

By Alhaji Saidu Kamara

The SLPP Chairman of Tonkilili District, Mr Ahmed Saybom Kanu, who doubles as the Managing Director of the Sierra Leone National Shipping Company /SLNSC/, has called on the people of Tonkilili District to go out and exercise their major civic right of participating in the voter registration Process that will enable them to cast their votes come 24th June, 2023.

He was addressing SLPP constituency executives across the District in Magburaka which is the headquarter town of Tonkilili districts this past weekend.

Chairman Saybom said the central point of democracy is voting process, which he said no one should tamper with.

 The only Power the ordinary  Citizens possess is to vote and make a choice they want or not.

He said in this case the people and the SLPP want President Bio to continue to rule the nation as he has set development plans to transform the nation as you can see the development programmes across the Country including infrastructures, Road constructuon network,  Agriculture, health and the Free quality education.

He therefore urged the executives in all the constituencies in Tonkolili district to go out and encourage the people on their respective communities in the various constituencies  to go out and register in numbers, more so as we are about to start the Second Phase of the voter registration exercise.

He thanked them for their laudable support and cooperation during the first Phase.

Chairman Saybom provided three motorbikes and cash to the District Executive management team that are monitoring the registration exercise in the district.

He has also supported the SLPP Women to engage in business with the sum of Le 148M as loan to improve on their businesses.

One of the Market Women chairlady, Madam Kadie Thullah, praised Chairman Saybom for his proactive stance to take the SLPP to the people of Tonkilili, as his leadership style couple with his respect for traditional and religious leaders as well as the youths and women has made the SLPP more attractive than ever before adding that many people should register their support for President Bio and the SLPP.

The District Chairman called on the youths to engage in meaningful activities that will make them to be self reliant.

He concluded that politicians are business people and the youths should not be allowed to be used as a commodity to be sold for their selfish interest and therefore encourage the youths to be ambitious by involving in productive  activities like farming among other things.


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