By Alusine Fullah

Consortium for Good Governance Human Rights and Democracy (CGHRD) has stated their position on a press conference that was organized on the 11th July, 2023. According to CGHRD’s position, the 2023 general elections were not credible, fair and transparent. In his statement, the National Coordinator for CGHRD said: “We stand with the position of the International Community…the just concluded multi-tie elections were not credible, fair, free and transparent. Consortium for Good Governance Human Rights and Democracy commends the International Community for their relentless efforts, objectives assessment and comprehensive reporting.

The Secretary General for CGHRD, Morlai Kanu Conteh further debunked the actions of attacking members of the International Community and local election observers who according to them have selflessly dedicated their time, energy, synergy and commitment to ensuring fair and transparent elections in Sierra Leone. On the side of International Community, U.S, U.K, IRELAND, GERMANY, FRANCE AND E.U they noted on their observation that: “…we note that significant logistical problems hampered voting on Election Day in certain areas. We share the concerns of national and international observation missions about the lack of transparency in the tabulation process.” In his statement, the spokesperson for CGHRD, Thomas Moora Conteh admonished all Sierra Leoneans especially Civil Society Activists to restore and protect the pillar of democracy.

The Consortium for Good Governance Human Rights and Democracy (herein after referred to as CGHRD) is a leading advocate for advocacy for democracy and good governance in Sierra Leone.  It is comprised of like-minded organizations with a niche in electoral accountability and transparency among others.


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