Samura Kamara exalted in America


By Alhaji Galaxy

Thousands of Sierra Leoneans across the United States of America (USA) have gathered at the JFK International Airport in New York to receive and accord a warm welcome to the next president of the Republic of Sierra Leone, Dr. Samura Mathew Wilson Kamara.

The Leader & Presidential Candidate of the All Peoples Congress (APC) left the shores of Sierra Leone for the USA on Saturday 18th March 2023 and is expected to arrive in New York at around 12pm with Air France Airlines. The APC presidential hopeful is being accompanied by other dignitaries such as the Party’s Deputy National Leader Amb. Dr. Osman Foday Yansaneh, Hon. Frank Kargbo, etc.

Dr. Samura Kamara will meet with other Sierra Leoneans and international partners in the US to shed light on his vision to transform Sierra Leone into a peaceful and prosperous nation.

Thousands of Sierra Leoneans have dubbed the APC Presidential Candidate to be the next president of the Republic of Sierra Leone because they believed in his positive and selfless vision of transforming the nation

Speaking to PUBLIC REVIEW Press, Alusine Lebbie from Pennsylvania said that he has come to receive and welcome Dr. Samura Kamara because he believes that the APC presidential candidate is capable and destined to change the economic situation of Sierra Leone. ‘I’ve never seen a leader like Samura Kamara who so selfless and determined to change the negative face of our country and help make things better for our people and that is why I am here today to throw my support for Samura Kamara “, he stated.

Other non-members of the APC Party resident in the US are cheerfully chanting the name of the party’s Presidential candidate as he is expected to touch down at the JFK International Airport – the people strongly believe that come June 24, 2023, Dr. Samura Mathew Wilson Kamara will be elected into office.

Fatmata Sandi and some of her friends travelled all the way from Chicago, Ohio, Washington, Maryland, and Alabama, amongst several US states, to welcome their next president.

“I’ve never been a supporter nor a sympathizer of the APC Party, but with my bitter experience of the last five years, I think Sierra Leone needs a change and Samura Kamara is the right man to free Sierra Leone from the shackles of bad leadership “Fatmata Sandi said.


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