President Bio Releases 153 Inmate


The Sierra Leone Correctional Center has on Tuesday 21st July, 2020 released the presidential pardon statistics nationwide. 

The list of the statistic is below:

Freetown Pademba road Male Correctional Centre— 14

Freetown Male Reintegration Centre— 05

Freetown Female Correctional Centre— 02

Pre- trial Detention and Simulation Centre (Waterloo)— 08

Bo Female Correctional Centre— 01

Bonthe Correctional Centre— 05

Moyamba Correctional Centre— 03

Pujehun Correctional Centre— 11

Mattru Jong Correctional Centre— 05

Kenema Correctional Centre— 12

Kailahun Correctional Centre— 13

Sefadu Correctional Centre— 10

Makeni Correctional Centre— 11

Magburaka Correctional Centre— 04

Mafanta Correctional Centre— 31

Kabala Correctional Centre— 04

Kambia Correctional Centre— 08

Port Loko Correctional Centre— 06


Total Male= 150

Total Female= 03


Grand Total= 153

For further information, please contact the National Public Relations Officer _(CO Leslie Cole- Showers)_ on +23288421739.

Outreach Unit, SLCS


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