ROCKCEM Cement factory signs agreement with Trade Minister


By Mustapha Ezekiel Dumbuya

ROCKCEM SL LIMITED has on Thursday 5th January, 2023 signed an agreement with the Minister of Trade and Industry at the Ministry of Information and Communication conference room, Brookfields in Freetown.

Addressing the gathering, before the signing of the agreement was Dr. Edward Hinga Sandy the Minister of Trade and Industry who explained that ROCKCEM (SL) LTD, is an affiliate of Mega Cola Company that has been operating in Sierra Leone for over fifteen years.

According to the Minister, the Company has the potential to establish a Cement manufacturing Factory and has an investment level of Twenty-Five Million United State Dollars ($25,000,000) with a capacity to process up to 500,000 metric tons of Cement per year.

Dr. Sandy also stated that the Company will operate in two phases, first, with the importation of Cement in large bags and repackaged locally into 50kg bags while the second phase is to construct a Cement Processing (grinding) plant in Freetown.

“Today my Ministry will be signing a total of 3 cement processing companies; ROCKCEM SL LTD, SOL CO, SL Limited, RADCEM INDUSTRIAL LIMITED including GOLDTREE a palm oil processing company and each of these companies have set to invest not more than 30 Million Dollars in Sierra Leone” The Minister said.

The Minister confirmed that, this will not only focus on excessive production but it will also create massive Employment for Sierra Leonean youths and young people.

“The signing of the agreements is nothing more but to work on the commitment that President Bio has put in his manifesto as we are working with the National medium development plan as well as open space for new companies to jet in Sierra Leone and invest more” Mr. Sandy said.

The Minister further explained that government has done all the necessary arrangements by making sure that those companies operate in a conducive atmosphere. He added that the cost of living is increasing globally and by the establishment of this companies, most of these products been produced by some of this companies will be less imported into Sierra Leone.


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