Mayor Ali Badara Tarawali Calls On All To Put Aside Political Differences


By Hassan Bruz

It is a well perceived notion that the development of Port Loko has been stagnated by the Political Rivalries amongst its Indigenes for several decades now. It is equally an open secret that those who occupied the forefront in the Political Stage have not only been disunited for the common good, but that the bulk of them are known to be pursuing their selfish interests.

Besides the brutal truth that no Senior Politician seems to have any pointer that is indicative of a Legacy which the Populace can be proud of, it is also an undeniable fact to note that, most of their relatives including Supporters and Party Stawarts have no claim of benefit for all the risks they ventured in for supporting them.

With the exception of Hon. Kombor Kamara – the former Member of Parliament for Lokomasama whose interventions in allivating the sufferings of his Constituents remain very much conspicuous, Mahsmoud Tarawali – a shortlived Deputy Minister in the Ernest Bai Koroma’s led Government who constructed the most envived Clock Tower that has now served a real faceleaft in the City of Port Loko and perhaps a few others, such cannot be said for the likes of Hon. Dr. Alhaji Alpha Kanu and Hon. Alhaji Ibrahim Kemoh Sesay. All that might be safely associated with these well known Politicians, is that they are filthy rich and have constructed Mansions for themselves.

The conspicuous absence of these Senior Politicians at the tuning of the Sod for the Construction of the Port Loko City Multi Purpose Hall championed by His Worship – Mayor Ali Badara Tarawali, is a clear indication of the much talked about Political Divide in Port Loko.It can as well be interpreted to mean that both Alpha and Kemoh are displeased if not badly upset by the initiative of their younger ones to develop Port Loko. It is highly likely that they are being so much demoralized by the Youngbreed of Politicians who have emerged with such brilliant development plans.

Indeed, the clarion call by Mayor Ali Badara Tarawali may not have come at a better time than now, when Port Loko is a City and Regional Headquarters in addition to its age old status of a District Headquarter Town.

The call was actually made at the turning of the Sod for the construction of the Port Loko City Multi Purpose Hall – an occasion that was graced by a forest of well meaning dignitaries. They included the Minority Leader in Parliament – Hon. Abdul Kargbo, the All People’s Congress Party National Campaign Manager for the 2023 General Elections – Hon Kombor Kamara, the Bo City Council Mayor and the Development Oriented Leader from Bo – Babadi Kamara who was so much impressed by the initiative of Mayor Ali Badara Tarawali, that he donated a ton of Ironrods and one thousand Bags of Cement for a start.

In his nearly 30 minutes long speech to the mamouth gathering, Mayor Ali Badara Tarawali catalogued what necessitated the initiative for the construction of the Multi Purpose Hall, the huddles his Team went through in securing the Space for the Structure, its Composition and the expected impact in the Own Source Revenue Mobilisation for Council.

He said the initiative was born out of the realization that the Port Loko City Council is the least subvented of all Local Councils in the Country and the most Constrained with regards Revenue Mobilisation.

The Mayor said the bitter and embarrassing experience with his friend from the Diaspora who cut short a visit to him due to the unavailability of basic amenities in Port Loko was another contributing factor.

His Worship – the Mayor actually made the disclosure of the initiative to construct a Multi Purpose Hall at a Dinner in December 2023 which is about 4 months ago, after he had noticed that Port Loko lacked the Structures for the Status of a City. He informed his Audience how the proposed Hall is expected to serve as one of the reliable bases for Own Source Revenue which he said, will raise up to 300 Million Leones a year after it shall have been completed.

He said the 2000 Seater Capacity Hall will compromised 4 Conference Halls in addition to the main one, 8 big Stores, a Modern Library and a Sweaming Pool amongst a barriage of other facilities.

“I intend to change the narrative in the Politics of Port Loko and it would be a fulfillment of things for this Project to be completed in record time” – the Mayor emphansised.

Furthering on the levels of ‘APCness’ of the Tarawali Family in Port Loko – in response to some aspersions making the rounds on the Social Media in which he was being accused as a sellout, the Mayor said there is nobody more APC in Port Loko than the Tarawalis of Maforki, adding that he will never compromise the principles of his Party largely because, he is APC by birth and will surely remain so till death.

The Mayor said , he has to make friends across the board for the naked fact that, he alone will not be able to develop Port Loko. He therefore appealed to all to support the initiative for the general good of Port Loko.

The City Mayor however, noted with delight that the Political Landscape of Port Loko has started yielding the desired results as Politicians now seem to be relating with one another. He cited the cordial working link with the sister Local Councils and Members of other Political Parties.

This impressive history making ceremony was chaired by Abdulai Yourla Bangura of the Human Rights Commission for Sierra Leone and was climaxed by Donations and Pledges from all Sectors.

Below is the speech of the Mayor of the Port Loko City- His Worship, Ali Badara Tarawali.

You have also been favoured with some photos obtained at the this great Ceremony to enable you have a feel of how it went out there….


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