Incantations of grief


On this day unlike
other days, feats of
incantations of grief
abracadabras of pain
mountains of darkness
overwhelm our people.

Defaced mirages of
what could have been
celebratory moments
become enmeshed in
today’s circumstances
that halt a celebration.

The mind asks when
it can assuredly image
the present conditions
incapable of birthing
answers why the vigil
on a day we excitedly

Hope to commemorate
the anniversary of the
oath we took yesterday
to direct the future of
the realm of the free
now gaoled in suffering,
the future of our people

Our people in the land
we pledge our loyalty
to serve, defend, love;
the land we vowed to
make prosperous, safe –
prayers without works
we are told work not.

As incantations of grief
mountains of suffering
overwhelm our people
we are requested to pray,
not to celebrate this day –
for we have nada festive
on this day, this April 27.


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