Fire at Freetown City Council!


Literally, it seems as if the FCC’s operations are on fire following the refusal of two gentlemen to obey her instructions.

Mayor of Freetown, Yvonne Aki Sawyer in a letter to the Minister of Local Government, stating that “in the light of the continuous insubordination of recent posted staff (Mr. Mustapha Kemokai and Mr. Peter Koroma) and particularly against the backdrop of their defiance of a resolution by Council of 10th February, 2021, I informed LGSC that Freetown City Council will not accept the posted staff.

She went on to write that during the impasse with the LOCASL and LGSC, staff posted to other local councils in February 2021 respected the quest of their Mayors and Chairpersons for them to not come to the council to work until the dispute was resolved.

She went on to state that colleague mayors and chairpersons respected their quest and stayed home. She added that however, in a very public and open disregard for the instructions of the Mayor and the resolution of councillors at FCC, Mr.Kemokai and Mr.Koroma kept coming to the council during the impasse and contrary to my specific instructions at that time, they allocated offices in the new City Hall by the Chief Administrator.

She went on to write that “when engaged by various councillors about their behaviour, the staff stated that they will not listen to the Mayor nor to the councillors and that they would only take instructions from the Chief Administrator.

Prior to that period, the letter went on to note that “Mr.Kemokai and Mr.Koroma did not anytime attempt to meet with me as the Mayor.

Therefore following the general resolution of the impasse, at that time, I wrote to the LSGC on 9th March and 24th March and asked that the posting of Mr.Kemokai and Mr.Koroma be withdrawn.

She maintained in her letter that if FCC accepted the postings of the two gentlemen this would send the message that they can work at the FCC with total disregard for its leadership and this will affect effective service delivery, making it difficult.

She wrote further that “in respect of my flagship sanitation interventions, it is unacceptable that I would ask Mr.Kemokai (posted as Environment and Sanitation Officer) to implement an activity and continuing in his previous trend, he would say no.

Against this background, it is easy to see that these two gentlemen are clearly defying the Mayor and if the authorities allow this to continue, it would not augur well for the smooth operation of the FCC and would be akin to a literal fire threatening to tear the FCC apart.


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