Ex-Pres. Koroma Endorses S/Leone for UN Security Council Bid


Sierra Leone former president, His Excellency Ernest Bai Koroma, has over the week end endorsed his nation’s bid for a seat in the Non-Permanent Category of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). This very important endorsement follows a courtesy call by the country’s vice president, Honourable Dr Juldeh Jalloh, on the immediate past president at his residence in Makeni, the administrative headquarters of Sierra Leone’s northern Region.

Former President Koroma and vice president Dr Jalloh discussed a wide range of issues bordering on national development and social cohesion.

 The Vice President briefed former President Koroma on the progress of the Transco Electricity project which will provide electricity to many parts of the country when completed, and which remains close to the heart of the erstwhile president.

 The project has already brought reliable electricity supply to Bo and Kenema, as well as several towns and villages along the project lines in the South and Eastern parts of the country. Vice President Juldeh informed that the next phase of the project which is its expansion into the northern region is well underway.

On the international front, the vice president intimated former President Koroma about the Government of Sierra Leone’s intensified diplomatic campaign for international support for the country’s aspiration to return to the Non – Permanent Category of the Security Council. The last time Sierra Leone held such a seat was between 1970 and 1971. Given the rotational nature of this, and the sheer number (54)  of African countries within the United Nations, it is not surprising that it has taken this long for Sierra Leone to once again be eligible to serve in that category of the UNSC.

 “I will endorse anything Sierra Leone aspires for at the United Nations (UN), the African Union (AU) and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), and will leverage international goodwill in pursuit of such an aspiration, as long as it brings pride and honour to our beloved, nation Sierra Leone,” said former President Koroma.

President Koroma has repeatedly said that he would always avail himself if called upon on matters of national interest.

Orange foundation Supports Schools with Digital Kits

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The Orange foundation in its continuation of its support to the educational sector has donated learning materials to different primary schools across Freetown.

“We are proud to say that as of today Orange SL Foundation through the Support of Group Foundation (the providers of these digital school kits/equipment + Funding for the implementation) has Launched, Unveiled, Installed, donated and handed over Digital Learning Kits to four Schools in the 1st Phase of the project”, Jestina Betts, the director of Orange Foundation stated.

 According to the Director of Orange Foundation, The Schools they have supported so far includes;

1. SOS Hermann Gmeiner Primary School, Beach Road, Lumley (Launched by Seray Bundu, Project Manager of ITN)

2. Juba Army Primary School, Juba Barracks (Launched by H.E Dr Juldeh Jalloh’s personal assistant,  Madame Estella Cole and Annie Wonie-Katta of GS{PR/CA/CSR)

3. Church of Christ Primary School, Gloucester (Launched by Joseph Momoh of Digital Transformstion and Hon. Haja Miatta Kamara supported by the Headman of Gloucester)

4. Fourah Bay College Primary School, Kortright(Launched by Buntina Conteh of Finance)

The kits includes Tablets, Laptop Computer, Raspberry Pi, Projector & Screen, Extensions, Headphones, Power Bank, Bluetooth Speaker etc.

This is indeed a digital revolution and inclusion in the Government supported Schools – first in the history of Sierra Leone for Schools to have such equipment. It’s the start of a new beginning in the Educational sector.

 The pupils will now have easy access to technological learnings in the 10 schools.

The gesture was well appreciated by the authorities and pupils of the four Schools we have done so far. We have 6 more schools to do in this 1st phase of the project.

The setting up of the equipment, training of trainers and installation at the schools were done in collaboration with our Implementing Partner BIAZO Company Ltd – they will also be looking at the maintenance, inclusive joint Monitoring & Evaluation of the equipment in the various Schools.

In addition to the above Staff of OSL and OSLF will be project ambassadors for each school, also responsible for monitoring of kits and quarterly reports for each school’s utilisation.

Bringing Digital Technology closer to the foundation of learning in Schools – Catch the young and Watch the Space.

APC ITGC Promulgates Lower Level Elections

The All peoples congress Interim Transitional Governance Committee (TTGC) in a press release informed its membership and supporters of the party and the General public that Rules of Procedures and Regulations for the Conduct of lower level elections of the All Peoples Congress (APC) Party have been promulgated by the ITGC.

According to the press release in compliance with the orders contained in the Judgement delivered by Hon. Justice Adrian Fisher, J. on the 28th of April 2022.

The said rules of procedures and regulations are compliant with the 1991 Constitution, the APC 2022 Constitution and the Political  Parties registration Commission (PPRC) for the conduct of all lowerlevel elections.

The statement also say the Party shall within seven days of the promulgation forward to the  PPRC the said rules for publication in the Sierra Leone Gazette a  required by law.

“Similarly, the Committee has appointed Peter Kamaray & Co. Consultancy to carry out a Forensic Audit on the financial activities, of the APC Party for the period: October 2017 and 28th April 2022 and they shall provide report of the said audit within sixty days of their appointment.

The Interim Transitional Governance Committee (1TGC) wishes to restate the Committee’s commitment to keep the Party and the general public informed of developments in the Party accordingly” the press release satated.

African Union Humanitarian Fundraising…


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