CSOs condemn increase in toll gate tariff




200 CSOs and concerned citizens react to the recent report tabled and adopted by the Parliamentary government Committee on public works that roundly supports the initial report by the Miniter of works to increase the toll gate tariff. Citizens and the concerned CSOs irrevocably condemn this report that seeks to protect Clause 10.4 only, with a devastating effect in transport fare and commodity prices if the increment is to take effect on May 15, 2024. We call on the new Speaker to reject this increment on the following grounds;*

  1. The report is a breach of public trust as it failed to address the Transparency and Accountability in Article 16(1)(2)(3) of the Agreement.

The 200 CSOs and citizens are shocked and dismayed that the committee had only delt with Article 10.4 and ignored all other breaches like Article 16(1)(2)(3) that seeks an independent annual audited financial report which should inform both parties in the Agreement of the gross daily revenue and how much the CRSG has collected from the start to-date. All that has not only been ignored but the report has further concealed the breaches of Article 16(1)(2)(3) leaving the nation in the dark with no transparency and accountability. This has never been done since the start of this Agreement to-date. That is not only a breach, it is a disservice on the part of the committee to have wasted all this time and effort just to agree with the minister in making Article 10.4 the alpha and the omega of this Agreement.

*2. The Committee report is insensitive to the effect of the punitive pass through effect the toll increment will add to the already suffering public as a result of a hike in commodity prices and high transport fare to the provinces for passengers going beyond Calaba town.

  1. Pointless and irresponsible to increase rates on the heavy duty vehicle with the same pass though effect on commodity prices.

The public further sees the segregation of heavy duty as being irresponsible. The increment on heavy duty vehicles above 12 tyres and other category is a non-starter as every increment will add more suffering. The Committee should understand that commodities transported from Guinea for instance by heavy duty transport are not sold to monkeys but for consumers. So why the rate segregation – because Drivers Union says so?

  1. The Committee’s appetite to put premium on the presentation of the Drivers Union position ignoring our position that resonates with the public.

Ideally, Members of Parliament are expected to consult with their constituents that elected them. But we have seen that the Committee put premium on Drivers Union which has nothing to loose but to add the bill onto commodity prices. They did not represent all Drivers as the body has been in disorder. The report does not reflect a true public consultation but had to listen to the dis-functional Drivers Union and protect the CRSG with Article 10.4.

  1. Increment in category 1,2,3,4 will hike transport prices pole to pole. For instance, Waterloo to Bombay Poda Poda will naturally skyrocket from Le 12 to Le 20 and provincial transportation will be hiked too causing more hardship for citizens.
  2. The Average Volume vehicle data has not been made public but experts have opined it to be a sham as it is not independent and only a flamboyant fool will be fooled by CRSG being a player and referee.

The average Vehicle volume Data by the Chinese is a sham and very misleading as the public does not have access to it. The Concessionaire (SLRA) or any independent body having access to the raw data or vehicle count must be conducted by the committee. Anything short of that is seen as a sham .The SLRA till to-date does not have access to the raw data. How come the committee report is claiming that the CRSG and SLRA report are the same? How did the committee arrive at such a misleading conclusion? We know that if SLRA makes any statement on this, it will be suicidal for the Heads. But we want anybody to prove to the public that the SLRA has access to the raw data.

  1. Alternative Route

We have provided compelling evidence to the committee that the CRSG has destroyed and blocked all the alternative routes using their machines and cranes. In response the CRSG told the Committee that the Chiefs and Headmen told them (CRSG) to block all the alternative routes. This contravenes the Agreement and there is nowhere in the Agreement that justifies such an illegal action that led to national security threats. Yet still the committee has shifted the burden of constructing the alternative routes to SLRA. So our tax payers money should construct a road destroyed by the CRSG. This looks like a father beating up his daughter who has been gang raped by some strangers. Instead of chasing the rapists, the father is now blaming his daughter for wearing mini skirt and skin tights.

  1. The Concessionee (CRSG) have become a law unto themselves.

The Native Consortium has provided video evidence to the committee and the court of public opinion, where CRSG arrested vehicles that they perceived to destroy the road through accident. These vehicles are being detained or packed at the CRSG compound at Songo and Masiaka. They will levy heavy fines on them without going to court. This does not only breach public transport regulations but also violates Parliamentary Standing Order (SO) 18 .

The public vehemently opposes this punitive increment because is a failed promised by H.E President Bio in his 2018 campaign promise to review the toll gate downwards. Furthermore the report is a test for the new Speaker . We are asking the new Speaker to intervene by understanding the plight of the already impoverished state of the citizens if this toll increment comes into effect. The other implication if the tollgate fees remains as set, it will further erode the public trust on the 6th parliament. That the public should not expect any change from Parliament as a matter of fact, there was no point stopping the Works Minister from implementing the March 1 schedule date, because going to parliament was as good as going by the proposed March 1 schedule increment date as proposed by the Minister.

Signed ………………………………..
Edmond Abu Jr
For and on behalf of the 200 CSOs


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