“Until our demands are met…” Dr Samura Kamara


By Abdul Karim Sankoh

Dr Samura Kamara, the leader and presidential candidate for the All Peoples Congress, has talked tough by saying until their demands are met and the disaggregated data released by ECSL, there’s currently no winner or loser in the just concluded controversial June 24th 2023 elections. This he said on the official commencement of the dialogue between the APC and the Government of Sierra Leone on 16th October, 2023 at the Bintumani Hotel in Freetown.

While the 3 day process has reached it climax on Wednesday 18th October 2023, Dr Samura Kamara noted that for the APC, their interest has always been and would continue to be, the peace, stability and development of Sierra Leone.

He said that while the APC had reservations about the results announced in 2018, they handed over power because they felt it was the right thing to do, adding that since APC handed over power in 2018, the APC leadership and membership have never been at peace by the wicked and heartless hands of the Bio led regime.

“The failure of Mr Konneh and the ECSL to produce the granular details of results of the elections at the District level has led our party to ask for a rerun of the elections,” Dr Samura Kamara empathically submitted.

Dr Samura Kamara said the questions which all well-meaning Sierra Leoneans are asking Mr Konneh and his team are: Why is the ECSL refusing to publish the disaggregated data by polling stations? What are they hiding and who are they working for? What audacity do they have to deny the request of the people of Sierra Leone among others?
The last two days of the dialogue were done behind closed doors and Sierra Leoneans are looking forward to knowing the outcome of the whole process and the way forward.


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