For 2023 elections: Bio-Juldeh


President Bio has chosen Dr. Mohamed Julden Jalloh, the Vice President of the republic of Sierra Leone as his running mate for the fourth coming elections.

This event took place during the Sierra Leone People’s (SLPP) Party National Delegates Conference held on the 8th and 9th February, 2023 at the Bintumani Conference Centre at Aberdeen in Freetown.  

During the final day of National Delegates Conference, President Bio told their supporters that he will be seeking his second term mandate with his able and ‘dependable’ ally, Dr Mohamed Juldeh Jalloh.

That revelation was greeted with thunderous applauses especially as speculations were running rife that Dr Jalloh would be replaced ahead of the polls.

“I have enjoyed serving and learning from him in the past years and want to assure him of my continued loyalty and commitment. Equally, I want to reassure all SLPP supporters that I remain the able and dependable Vice President and ally”, the vice president, Dr Jalloh reacted to the news while addressing the jubilant crowd .

He said “together we will redouble our efforts and engagements to re-elect President Bio with no run-off in the interest of mama Salone” he told the drumming supporters of the SLPP.


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