Emmanuel Pius Richards Foundation commissions multipurpose Hall


The Emmanuel Pius Richards Foundation (EPRF) has commissioned a multi-purpose hall which comprises of an office, dressing room, library on Friday 20th May, 2022 at Serabu, Bumpeh Ngao chiefdom.

During the commissioning, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Foundation, Emmanuel Pious Richard said that the foundation is formed to complement the government effort in the area of education which is the government`s flagship programme, agriculture, infrastructure and health.

Mr Pius Richard explained that even though he is not an indigene of Serabu but was groomed at Serabu and he knows the challenges people’s face.

 He said instead of waiting for government to come and implement all the plans they have.

 Mr Richard stated that having attained the financial capacity which is a little fund as well as his saving from his salary earned over time, so he decided to form the EPRF foundation.

The CEO maintained that the project has commenced from two months ago after doing the feasibility studies.

 After commencing the needs and the capacity assessment from the community and noticed that kids in Serabu took their external exams over 17 miles off to Bumpeh.

“One day I saw a school kid who fell in to a ditch together with the bike Rider, pick up herself and went to take her exams and that had moved me and I later engage the community stake holders and they requested for a perimeter fence and a community hall”.

He narrated.

He said he could not only stop but he promised to furnished the library with computers, books and other school materials as according to him the materials had already left from china to Sierra Leone.

He continued that the foundation had also been contributing immensely to boost agriculture by providing machinery; seedlings etc, across the chiefdom just to complement the government.

According to him, during the previous holy month of Ramadan the foundation distributed 80 bags of rice to all the chief imams across Bumpeh as gifts to support them during the month of Ramadan.

Honourable Osman Abdulai Charles of constituency 079 expressed his thanks and appreciation for the EPRF foundation for implementing such an initiative and he is well pleased for giving the people of his constituency what they need at the moment they requested for such help.

The honourable furthered that amongst the whole constituency there is no school that have such kind of magnificent Hall compared to this one at the Serabu vocational secondary schools that will be able to accommodate over 117 pupils.

He maintained that over the year’s pupils have to work miles away from the school to Bompeh to take their external examinations but now the hall is here for them.

Wuyata Jalloh a pupil from the Serabu vocational secondary schools and one of the beneficiary expressed thanks and appreciated the efforts been made by the CEO and the foundation by providing them such help.

She explained that it has been very difficult at the time the school intended to organize extra curricula activities such as debate, PTA meetings, and thanks giving service and so on.

“I thank the EPRF foundation and the government of president Bio for providing the free quality education for us”, She narrated.

 Young entrepreneurs in the making…

Orange SL social venture competition applications ends on 27th May 2022

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Sierra Leone’s biggest and most reliable leading telecommunications company, Orange Sierra Leone annual Social Venture competition applications deadline is set on Friday 27th May, 2022.

The launched of the fourth (4TH) edition Orange Social Venture Prize (OSVP) in Sierra Leone on April, 6th this year and 12th edition in Africa and the Middle East encouraged candidates to submit their applications until May 27 on both website addresses for the national and international competition on the website  

Interested young ICTs innovators business driven should grab the opportunity now and submit applications to become successful young entrepreneurs because since its inception in 2019, Orange has invested over two hundred millions Leones to support young entrepreneurs to thrive in the country.

The company set out lucrative prizes to the first winner of this year competition locally  the sum of one hundred million Leones ( Le100,000,000) plus other ICTs materials and twenty five thousand united state dollars ($USD25,000) to the winner of the international competition with consolation prizes to second and third runners up.

The OSVP aims at promoting local innovation for development, sustainability and business development growth. It showcases innovative young minds by providing financial support as start-ups and putting expertise businesses using Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) through its implementing partners Innovation Sierra Leone.

This project is part of the innovation strategic and the corporate social responsibility policy of the company to produce new set of young entrepreneurs annually that help to address livelihood challenges in communities like slum communities, villages, women etc.

The criteria for participating into the competition includes: open to male and female, participants must be at least 21 olds, innovators who are not yet entrepreneurs are eligible to participate, business idea must be innovative and must leverage on technology (digital technologies), business idea must address livelihood challenges in communities at the bottom of the pyramid like slum communities, villages, women etc.

Le 50Million for winner…

Orange SL Unveils “Miss Orange Makit Woman 2022” Beauty Contest

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Orange Sierra Leone, one of the best amongst the telecommunications service provider, has launched its brand-new pageant, “Miss Orange Makit Woman 2022”, which is targeting Market Women in Freetown.

Orange Sierra Leone has set aside Le150 million for prizes, with the winner of the competition to bag Le50 million, 1st runner-up Le30million and the 2nd runner up Le20million.

It was disclosed during the launch that as a bonus prize, the market where the winner emerges from, will also get a Le50million development project to be implemented in their market to be sponsored by Orange Sierra Leone.

Slated to take place in Freetown some officials of the company have predicted that the competition will bring out the very best of talents in markets around the city.

“This pageant will tell a story of creativity; it will showcase talent. We want to show people that pageantry is not just about slim models doing cat-walks on the runway, but can be about a lot more,” one of them averred adding how it will be the first time such a social event has been organized.

It was disclosed that entry in to the Miss Orange Makit Woman 2022 is easy as interested persons can come to any of the open auditions held at their market, register their names and once the Head of the Market (Mammy Queen) confirms that they are members of that market, then they will be entered for the competition.

Also mentioned was that 12 contestants will be registered for the competition, one from each market.

Interestingly, shortly after the news break out markets like Funkia, Krootown Road and Congo markets have all lined up their contestants, with not only eyes on the prizes but also bragging rights.

Currently, the initiative has drummed up huge excitement from markets around the city.

Orange teams are doing open auditions at the biggest markets in the city such as Dovecut and Lumley markets.

The competition will run for one month and the competitors will be asked to display any talent they have, be it dancing, singing or even acting.

Unlike most pageants, Miss Orange Makit Woman will be open even to the oldest market woman but the minimum age for entry is 18 years.

“You can even be 65 and take part, it will be incredible to see what so many of these women have to display,” an organizer of the pageant said.

Markets form part of the rich history of Freetown, which is one of the oldest capitals in the sub-region. The competition will also play a key part in showcasing culture and hidden talents in stalls where people sell foodstuffs every day.


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