Oxygen malfunction… Patience Died at Suman hospital


Shuman hospital would like to make a statement in light of the recent allegations concerning the death of Frederica Ifeoma Oruche, may her soul rest in peace

As a hospital built by and for the community of Sierra Leone for over 10 years, with a reputation that precedes itself as being one of the best in the country, Shuman hospital always went above and beyond to serve its patients With high technical, and medical care! we have over 70 surgeries a month that take place in our facilities with very high success rate when the cases are dependent on our professional medical care team and service.

As a matter of fact, during the Corona virus (COVID- 19) worldwide pandemic, shuman Hospital did its best to stand for the community, kept its doors open ( safely ) and ensured respiratory machines that were in scarcity at the peak of the pandemic, were available for our patients in desperate need of them. We have a track record regarding the continuous effort and professionalism towards our patients.

That said, the incident that occurred recently followed by the allegations against the hospital and one of our Doctors, comes to us a shock! The hospital and our staff condemn any actions of violence toward our patients or any human.

We have all the trust that the hospital did its best to help the deceased, and as far as her condition is concerned, there were no signs of neck fracture, and any severe physical assault from the time she entered our facilities until she was deceased and left the premises of Shuman Hospital. We are working with the police investigations and providing them with all the medical reports needed to understand why said allegations were made!

Frederica Ifeoma Oruche was admitted to Shuman Hospital to have Turbinectomy Surgery which Occurs in the nose and if not attended to, can complicate breathing.

She went to the surgery room on the 18th October 2021 at 12 pm, and during the operation it was noticed that she has congenital malformation in the nasal area, leading it to be a very complicated

surgery due to the internal bleeding. Our doctors tried their best to resuscitate her and she successfully woke up until a sudden change that happened to her condition and oxygen was no longer reaching her respiratory system. Alter 3 hours of intense surgery, the cause of death was Pulmonary Embolism, caused by the blockage of the Pulmonary arteries that facilitate blood going to the lungs. This is a very critical medical condition that leads to 90% of death of patients with said condition.

We are a hospital that prides itself in its intense care for its patients! We are and will always be working to serve our community and please rest assured we are working our best to ensure we get to the bottom of said allegations and send our deepest condolences to the Oruche family.

olar energy and also Foday Conteh presented on the B2B products

NATCOM Supports Well Woman Clinic Breast Cancer Campaign

By Feima Sesay                      

The National Telecommunications Company (NATCOM) has on Saturday 30th October, 2021 Participated  in the  WELL WOMAN CLINIC fun walk 2021. The fun walk commenced from  Gulf Club  to  Family Kingdom  Roundabout  and back.

Breast Cancer or well woman clinic was founded in 2006 to deliver innovative, affordable One-step health care service to women, especially the underprivileged.

NATCOM and other organisations participation in this year’s event is  to  help increase Awareness  raising on breast cancer and how it can be  prevented .

The campaign also focuses on to help people about early detection of breast cancer and how it can be treated.

Over the years, NATCOM has demonstrated care and support for the well-being of its employees as breast cancer Awareness is key to the Commission’s programs.

It is on that note that the Well Woman Clinic or Breast Cancers Awareness in collaboration with NATCOM have joined in a family fun Awareness walk for all employees and Commissioners in a bid to  support this year’s Breast Cancer Awareness month.

This event will help the Well Woman Clinic to raise enough funds which will be utilized to provide services ranging from; general health, Breast and cervical screening, awareness and advocacy, affordable ultrasound screening of pregnant women, screening for diabetes,  STIs, hypertension and obesity.

Furthermore, these funds will help support the current well woman clinic work including maintenance work.

CRIG Compensates Over Le16M. to hill top Residents  

The China Railway Seventh Group (CRIG) has  paid a compensation package in the sum amount of (Le16, 300,000) to residents who were affected by stormy drainage waters that flooded and destroyed their properties and homes  at Leicester road community in Freetown..

This incident occurred on the 18th October, 2021 that led to the destruction properties worth millions of Leones when the company began the construction of the 1.7 Kilometres road linking Leicester peak on to Berry Street Freetown .

China’s Seventh Group Railway (CRIG) is one of the construction companies in Sierra Leone that has the potential in responding to humanitarian issues and other needy support they provide for communities as part of their cooperate social responsibility move.

Mr Aruna O. Kanu, Personnel, Safety and Security manager of CRIG said when his office received the complaints from the affected people they wasted no time but to visit the scene and took assessment of the destruction.

He explained that after they finished the assessment report , they paid five affected people; adding that the company is always ready to pay damaged at any pointing time when such incident occurs.

He said the move by the company is a long term development project for the people of Sierra Leone especially the Leicester peak, Gluster, Leicester road and the environs who will be benefit greatly from such development.

He explained that the company has been awarded contract to construct eight (8) roads in Sierra Leone and currently they have just commissioned a road linking Murray town to Marculey street.   

One of the beneficiaries, Fatmata Mansaray, explained that even though the company had caused serious damages to their properties they appreciate the support given to them.

She noted that the payment came at the right time especially at a time when they were expecting citing the fact that they were surprised because of the swift intervention by the company .

George Conteh, another beneficiary said that they appreciated the effort made by the company by acting promptly to their concerns.

“Even though the money which they pay us is not equivalent to what we requested for, we thank God it happened ” he said.

Mr George continued that his estimated cost was over Six million Leones (6,000,000) but that he received over five million Leones (Le5,000, 000)     

Sao Kamara, another resident said he had never got such a huge  amount  of money throughout his life thanking CRIG for such compensation.

“it has taken some decades without sleeping on new foam but today I will utilized this money to get another brand new one” He said.   

Njala Appointment & Promotions Committee Appoints Five Professors

 A Special Appointments and Promotions Committee Meeting chaired by the Acting Vice-Chancellor and Principal, Professor Andrew Baimba has on Thursday 21st October 2021 endorsed the report of various external assessors both within and across the sub-region and conferred Professorial degrees on five outstanding academics at Njala University. 

Professor Aiah Randolph Lebbie current head of the Biological Sciences at the School of Environmental Sciences, Njala Campus was promoted to Full Professor.

He is the Principal Investigator for the Ecological Surveillance and Capacity building for Viral Hemorrhagic Fever Viruses Project in Sierra Leone and he is also accredited with the discovery of a near-extinct plant species which was named after him; Lebbiea Grandiflora. It is described as the first new African genus of Podostemaceae published for 30 years.

He joined Njala University as an RTA in October 1989 did his Ph.D. in forestry with a specialization in forests and wildlife ecology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison USA and was appointed Associate Professor in September 2018.

Professor Adyln Omojowo Johnson the current and only female Dean of the School of Education was also promoted to full Professor. She joined Njala University as a Lecturer One in 2009 and rose through the ranks as Senior Lecturer, Ph.D., and Associate Professor in 2018.

She is accredited with several publications including the development of Educational Policies in Post-Independent Sierra Leone and several others.

Professor Adyln Johnson is Chairman of the Njala University Affiliation Committee and a strategic member for the review of the Education Sector Plan 2014-2018 Mid-term Review.

Dr. Phillip Kanu, Principal, Milton Margai Technical University and Dr. Saidu Charley of the Institute of Language and Cultural Studies, School of Education, and Dr. Roland Suluku of the Animal Science Department, School of Agriculture, and Food Sciences were also promoted to Associate Professors.

Professor Philip Kanu was appointed Associate Senior Lecturer at the Institute of Food Technology, Nutrition and Consumer Studies, School of Agriculture and Food Sciences, Njala University on the 1st November 2012.

Professor Kanu is also a Senior Principal Lecturer of the then Milton Margai College of Education and holds a Doctorate Degree from Jiangnan University, Wuxi P.R. China and a Master’s of Science in Agricultural Education from Njala University.

Professor Saidu Charley joined Njala University as a Temporary Teaching Assistant in November 1996 and was later appointed lecture II in July 2005.

Dr. Roland Suluku is the Head of the Animal Science Department, School of Agriculture and Food Sciences, Njala University, and One Health Coordinator in Sierra Leone. He recently graduated with a Doctoral Degree in the 2020/2021 Congregation ceremony after his highly acclaimed thesis on Dog Ownership and Management.

Acting Vice-Chancellor and Principal, Professor Andrew Baimba congratulated the new Professors and welcomed them to the Professorial Community.

He admonished them to behave as Professors since according to him Professors are very important in the Community and their services are continuously needed to contribute to academia and nation-building.


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