Chinese Embassy Capacitates Government on Pandemic Prevention


By Mary Kabay

H.E. Ambassador Hu Zhangliang, on behalf of the Chinese Embassy in Sierra Leone, has donated a batch of medical supplies including PPEs, surgical masks, medical gloves and goggles etc. to the Ministry of Health and Sanitation to support the latters work on COVID-19 control and prevention as well as the prevention of Ebola.

Dr. Austin Demby, Minister of Health and Sanitation, received the donated items and thanked the Chinese Government for all the support given, including the recently donated COVID-19 vaccine. He said that the items will further beef up Sierra Leoneans capability in its fight against the pandemic.

The event was held at the residence of the Chinese Ambassador, 29 Spur Loop Wilberforce on Freetown.

Considering the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic and the Ebola epidemic the Chinese Government has been on the fore front.

Ambassador Hu Zhangliang said the Chinese Government is always there to support Africans as they recommend their experts to join Sierra Leoneans and fight the corona virus just as they did during the Ebola outbreak.

Dr. Austin HingaDemby expressed gratitude to the Ambassador and to the Chinese Government for their continual support to Sierra Leone in good and bad times.

He made mention of the contributions by Chinese Government to Sierra Leone in various sectors furthering how they are always grateful to them for such generous acts.

The medical items include: thirteen thousand five hundred surgical masks, one thousand three hundred and five PPEs, eight thousand seven hundred and fifty pairs of medical gloves, one thousand new medical shoe covers and nine hundred and ninety-five medical goggles.

The Minister concluded by saying his Ministry agrees to undertake relevant technical, administrative and legal responsibility with regards the acceptance and use of the donation.

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