Parliament Frog matched Minister Of Technical And Higher Education.


Parliament has mandated the Ministry of Technical and Higher Education and the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) to present the delayed report of the transformation of the Milton Margai College of Education and Technology into a Technical University by October this year as the college has fulfilled all the requirements of the TEC.

Parliament on Wednesday 19th August invited the Minister of Technical and Higher Education and the Chairman of TEC to explain why the approval has yet to be sent to MMCET as the report from TEC indicated that MMCET and Eastern  Polytechnic should be transformed into a Technical Universities by October 2020.

According to reports from Parliament,  the Minister was told in no uncertain terms that if he fails to approve the college into a Technical University through TEC, Parliament will not approve Kono University which did not apply to TEC and Eastern Polytechnic which applied together with MMCET.

Furthermore, Parliament has mandated the Minister and the TEC to report to the House on 3rd September to update them on the issue, an indication that Parliament is now determined to fast track and actualize the transformation of the two Polytechnic colleges to a Technical Universities.

Why the Milton Margai College must be transformed into a Technical University according to the TEC report. Giving the current staff strength, projected financial inflows and facilities recommended the establishment of 5 Faculties instead of 7. That funding is available for the proposed transformation. That Milton Margai College and the Eastern Polytechnic are recommended to the TEC for approval to be transformed into a Technical University. That degree level courses to commence in September 2021. That the facilities were adjudged fairly adequate and sufficient to be transformed into a Technical Universities.

We will  continue to monitor this process as the Minister said, the President is not ready to transform MMCET into a Technical University under his leadership.

His Excellency President Bio, is it TRUE?


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