President Bio Rejects Chief Justice’s Resignation


A reliable source at State House has intimated Public Review that the Chief Justice, Desmond Babatunde Edwards has tendered his resignation to President, Julius Maada Bio. However, the resignation letter has not been accepted by the President. 

Even though the source at State House failed to give detail of the resignation letter, he however intimated that it cannot be unconnected to the health condition of the Chief Justice who has been battling with long-term illness, which is greatly affecting his performance to serve as the country’s Chief Justice. 

Chief Justice Edwards was appointed by President Bio immediately after the resignation of the former Chief Justice, Honourable Justice Abdulai Hamid Charm, on 29th December, 2018.

Since his appointment, Justice Edwards has been battled with a lot of health issues. He travelled overseas for medical treatment and while he was undergoing treatment, his absence rendered the office of the Chief Justice almost vacant for more than six months.

Before his appointment as Chief Justice, he was hospitalized in Europe for a long medical treatment.

His appointment by President Bio was questioned by some lawyers and other Sierra Leoneans as they believe that such a demanding job should be occupied by someone with stable health condition.

As at press time, all efforts to reach the Chief Justice on reasons associated with his resignation failed.


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