Youth in Agriculture to benefit from 150 Tractors &Combined Harvesters


By Bampia James Bundu

In his effort to make Sierra Leone food sufficient, His Excellency President Julius Maada Bio, through the Ministry of Finance, has procured 150 Tractors and Combined Harvesters to support youth employment in the agriculture sector, and also ensure that the country becomes food sufficient.

It could be recalled that during his inaugural address to Parliament, President Bio stated that as part of the policy of the New Direction administration all senior government officials must own a farm.

Leading by example, His Excellency last year cultivated 450 acres of farm in his village in Bonthe district.

He had earlier declared that Sierra Leone has 75% of arable land for Agricultural proposes that should be cultivated to benefit the nation.

President Bio had further observed that there was too much focus and emphasis on mining, but remained determined to make agriculture the bedrock of the country’s economic recovery.

Stakeholders have predicted an unprecedented growth of the economy if the agricultural project is religiously implemented.

They are of the view that under the proactive leadership of Mohamed Orman Bangura as Minister of Youth Affairs, the 150 tractors and 150 combined harvesters that are already in country will be accordingly distributed to various Chiefdom Youth Farms nationwide.

Sierra Leoneans continue to hail President Bio as a man of his words (Talk and Do), as his proclamation of 2020 as a year of delivery steadily materializes despite the challenges of COVID-19.

The wheel of development of the New Direction continues to roll unabated.

Judging by the accelerated progress being made by this government, many Sierra Leoneans are of the firm conviction that by the time HE Retired Brigadier Julius Maada Bio clocks five years in office, the hue and cry over Bread and Butter will be a thing of the past.


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