Trader Jailed 10 Years for Human Trafficking



Justice Ivan Sesay of the  Freetown High Court has on Wednesday 8th July 2020, sentenced Davida Jones alias (Dog Sheet), a 26 years old trader to 10 years imprisonment for trafficking one Mohamed Nyallay,14 years, without the knowledge of his parent.

Prior to the ruling, Barrister Cecilia Tucker of the Legal Aid Board in her plea of mitigation on behalf of the accused stated that the accused was a young girl, and has a four-year-old child, adding that she has been incarcerated since the inception of the case in 2019.

She added that her client had already learned her lesson and therefore pleaded with the judge to temper justice with mercy and not to impose a heavy sentence on the accused.

The state prosecutor, Mr Jessie S. Tucker Esq. in reply said the offenses for which the accused was charged is serious and attracts maximum sentence.

Justice Sesay in his ruling said the prosecution has adduced sufficient evidence against the accused, adding that the prosecution has proved its case beyond a reasonable doubt to warrant the conviction of the accused in respect of both counts of attempted child stealing and attempted human trafficking.

He said in the circumstance, the court holds the view that the accused was found guilty as the charged for both offenses. Having also taken into consideration the plea of mitigation of the defense counsel, the learned Judge in his ruling sentenced the accused person to 4 years imprisonmenton count one attempted child stealing.   On the second count two for attempted human trafficking.  She was sentenced to 6 yearson the second count for attempted human trafficking. Both offenses are to run concurrently from the date she was remanded in prison custody.

When the judge pronounced his judgment the accused burst into tears.

It would be recalled that the convicted accused Davida Jones alias (Dog Sheet) was standing trial in court on two counts charges of attempted child stealing contrary to law and attempted human trafficking Act 2005 and Act No7 of 2005.

According to the prosecution, it was alleged that Davida Jones alias (Dog Sheet) on the 16 September 2019 at Freetown attempted to take away Mohamed Nyallay a child under the age of 14 years with the intent to steal the said child. While count two stated that the accused on the same date in Freetown attempted to engage in the trafficking of Mohamed Nyallay by taking him with her through deception.

In another development, Sheku Collier alias (Tapo) a 37-year-old driver was also sentenced to 14 years jail term for having carnal knowledge of a 10-year-old girl child.

Justice Ivan Sesay in his ruling said“with due consideration and that in view of all the evidence adduced, the prosecution has proved its case beyond reasonable doubt and I, therefore, find the accused Sheku Collier guilty of the offense of sexual penetration, I hereby sentence him to 14 years imprisonment”.  His jail is to run from the date he was sent to prison.

Barrister Cecilia Tucker from Legal Aid Board, who also defended the accused in court, further pleaded with the judge to temper justice with mercy noting that the accused was a first time offender.

Barrister Jessie S. Tucker prosecuted the matter on behalf of the state.

The accused Sheku Collier alias (Tapo) was standing trial on sexual penetration contrary to section 19 of the sexual offenses act No12 of 2012. According to the indictment, the prosecution alleged that the accused on 2 August 2019 at Freetown sexually penetrated a 10-year-old girl child.


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