Police Officer Testifies In Waterloo Murder Case


By Feima Sesay

Detective Police Constable 15128, Lahai Stevens, has on Wednesday 1st November 2023, in the ongoing preliminary investigation into the alleged murder of Ibrahim Jagitay involving his cousin Mohamed Jagitay.

The accused, Mohamed Jagitay, is standing trial before Magistrate Mark Ngegba of court No1 on one count of murder contrary to law.

According to the police file, the accused on Friday 28th July 2023, at Kellie Farm Malambay village Waterloo, in the Waterloo judicial district in the western rural, murdered Ibrahim Jagitay

Prosecution witness No 4, DPC 15128 Stevens, Led in evidence by Inspector Sellu TAP said he was attached to the CID Waterloo police station as an investigator.

He noted that he recognized the accused and the deceased in the matter.

He recalled on 28th July 2022, adding he was on duty at Waterloo police station when one Ibrahim Kargbo, a stakeholder of Malambay community, arrived in the station and informed the police that they had discovered an unidentified corps lying at Kellie Farm Malambay off Joe Town Waterloo.

He said upon receipt of that information, himself as the scene of crime officer (SOCO) officer and the crime officer left the station for the crime scene.

The witness said upon their arrival, they discovered an unidentified corps with multiple stab wounds on the neck, chest and the stomack.

At the scene of crime, he said they discovered a kitchen knife with black handle lying seperatly and also an empty white Airpod lying beside the corps.

The SOCO officer, he said, took photos of the corps and the exhibit that were at the scene.

”We took the corps to the station and the SOCO officer published the photos on social media for identification,” he said.

The corps was then conveyed to the Connaught hospital for identification and postmortem examination.

On the same date, the witness said statements were obtained from Ibrahim Kargbo and one witness seperatly.

On the 29th July 2023, he said whiles on duty, he received a case and enquired file of a missing persons from the Calaba Town police station, adding that the said file contained statement of the complainant, witnesses and voluntary caution statement of the accused in respect of the missing corps.

The voluntary caution statement of the accused was produced and tendered in court as exhibit A 1-19.

On the 2nd August 2023, the witness said himself, the soco officer together with some relatives who identified the deceased as a family member, witnessed the postmortem examination conducted on the remains of the deceased by the government pathologist, Dr Simeon Owizz Koroma.

The scene of crime officer, he said, took photos of the postmortem examination, adding that at the end the certificate of cause of death was handed over to the police for further investigation.

The developed photos of the remains of the deceased were produced for identification.

The witness said on the 3rd August 2023, himself together with DPC 13174 Kargbo M N, obtained  contemporaneous  interview statement from the accused in respect of the alleged murder.

   The said statement was produced and tendered as exhibit B1-16.

On the 12th August 2023, he said further interview statement was obtained from the accused.

”I was later ordered to transfer the case and enquiry file together with the accused at the Criminal Investigation Department HQ Pademba Road Freetown for further investigation,” the witness concluded.

The defense counsel Muctarr Rashid requested for an adjournment to cross examine the witness.

His application was granted by Magistrate Ngegba and the matter was adjourned until the 8th November 2023 whiles the accused was remanded in prison.


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