EX-President Koroma Instills International Best Practice in APC’s Electoral Processes


By Sheriff Mahmud Ismail

In the full view of the public, observers, cameras in the hall and screens outside, the anxious, tedious, critical moment dreaded by all political candidates and their supporters was upon us. Counting ballots for the position of the APC National Secretary General progressed rapidly. For all other positions, the ballots boxes were lifted for public view, the candidate’s names announced; the candidate’s representative verifies and confirms the ballot before the next one is taken.

Though candidates and delegates seem generally satisfied with the openness and accountability and nature of the processes, and though there has been no cause for concern, the entire process is being sufficiently protected by a strong security presence.

With such vigilance by contestants and observers; and the transparency and inclusiveness of the elections process, it will be difficult for anyone to complain about any wrongdoing. But if anyone does, for whatever reasons, video, paper-based documentary evidence and live witnesses to the process are available to attest to the fact that this APC NDC and its electoral process have been commendably thorough, above board and meet international best practice.

This is not happening in a vacuum. Apart from the fact that in his capacity as President of Sierra Leone, president Koroma conducted two national elections, all of which were assessed to be free, fair and credible. The APC party’s erstwhile chairman and leader’s vast experience in international elections observation must have been brought to bear on this NDC. Over the last four years, former President Koroma has led a series of international elections observation missions on the aegis of ECOWAS and the African Union.

The former Sierra Leonean president’s leadership has received widespread acclamation in Namibia, Zambia, Gambia, Togo, Benin, and Kenya.

It is hence not remotely surprising that this NDC is coming out as a shining example of how inclusive, fair and credible elections should be organized.


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