EDSA: Freetown to Experience power outage


The Management of Electricity Distribution and Supply Authority (EDSA) in a press release dated on Wednesday January 25 informed the general public that major problems are experienced on the inter-connectors within the Freetown Distribution Network.

The Authority is currently pressured in ensuring the smooth supply and distribution of electricity to certain areas in the West and East Freetown.

According to the press release, as a result of the problems associated with the inter-connectors, certain areas within the following supply areas would go without electricity supply for the time being: Kingtom – Falcon Bridge 1, Kingtom – Falcon Bridge 3 (the Central Business District), Kingtom – Brookfields/Congo Cross ( on to Wilkinson Road), Kingtom – Brookfields 1, Kissy Village HT, Clarke Street HT  and Eastern Police MT

The press release states that the technical distribution team is currently working assiduously to ensure that measures to resolve the problem with the inter-connectors are identified and implemented as soon as possible in order to fix the problems and resume normal supply.

In that regard, the Authority is sorry for the inconvenience this situation may cause to the above named communities within the listed operational points and further thanks its valued customers for their continued patience and understanding.


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