Assets Commission Launches Toll Free Lines


The National Assets commission and government property has on Friday 10th July 2020 launched the 880 tolls free line from all available networks for people to call for any abuser or misuser of government property.

The commission has warned all Sierra Leonean to protect government properties and advice the general public that any defaulter that will be caught destroying government assets will face the full penalty of the law and will be charged to court accordingly.

The assets commission was established on 19th April 1990, by an Act of parliament directly under the officer of the president during the reign of late Major Joseph Saidu Momoh former president of Sierra Leone.

Zainu Deen Sanusi Executive Secretary of the assets commission in his address said they will be very happy to receive and process any information relating to the misuse, abuse or disposal of government’s assets or property pursuant to section 7 (b) of the National Assets and Government Property Commission (NAGPC) Act (No.2) of 1990.

“We have been witnesses to instances of deliberate damage to public property by corrupts and arsonists in the guise of holding demonstrations or protests. He said.

He noted that as part of the effort to fulfill that specific aspect of the mandate of the commission, the Board and Management decide to approach the national telecommunication Commission (NATCOM), with a request to help establish a TOLL-FREE LINE that would cut across all mobile network operators (MNO) in Sierra Leone.

He continued that for the purpose of receiving vital information or credible report relating to an instance of misuse, abuse or disposal of government property without lawful authority

The NAGPC and the mobile operators have joined together to fight any individual that will be caught destroying government property, he added that they will assure members of the public of utmost confidentiality and the protection of their identity at all time.

He said he is advising the general citizenry to desist from all illegal practices touching and concerning government property, so as to avoid falling foul with the law and encourage members to visit their office whenever they become alerted to any information.

Abu Hindolo Mosaray commissioner of the assets and government property when he was officially launching the toll-free line 880 said he is encouraging members of the public that their doors are always open for any person that they saw destroying government property to call the free line and they will not disclose the identity of the person.


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