Pupils in  Tonko Limba gets more support on learning materials


The Proprietor and Managing editor for the Public Review newspaper Joseph Turay has donated school learning materials to over 1000 School children in the Tonkoh Limba Chiefdom, Kambia district.

He targeted over 50  primary schools and the schools materials donated are exercise Books, pens, pencils, sharpeners and many more to Mabanda, Bayandi, Kamasasa, Kabasa, Kabailor, Kakonteh, Kamagbew, Mile 14, Sella Kafta, Kukuna Dee and among other villages in Constituency 058, Tonko Limba Chiefdom, Kambia District.

The donation was one of the many development interventions of Joseph Turay in the chiefdom role-playing as an educationist, a media guru and a publisher of a newspaper in Sierra Leone.

The distribution of the learning materials climaxed with a training programme conducted by him for over one hundred secondary school pupils on news reporting and presentation; and launched the Tonko Limba Secondary School News Association.

Joseph Turay is a humanitarian who believes that education is the key to unlock the doors for the next generation of leaders in the Chiefdom and the country at large.

Speaking to him through this medium, he explained that he started this initiative with sports and entertainment within those communities as way of creating fun with in the kids in the Chiefdom.

According to him, it was not easy for the school children attending primary schools in those deprived villages within the Chiefdom.

The manager also said that a lack of water facility, toilet and no access to free quality education materials, no proper chairs for some the school kids to use, coupled with fewer teachers with government pin code, he observed.

He maintained that that was the main reason he made the decision to help as a son of the soil.

“This donation has nothing to do with politics either having the intention of aspiring for Member of Parliament in the fourth coming elections,” he said.

Mr Turay stressed that he had never worked for the government nor ever aspiried for any political positions. He has always been involved  in working as a media practitioner for over 20 years.

The CEO maintained that he gets the buzz as a way of given back to his Chiefdom.

According to Turay, he has also Launched the Tonkoh Limba Secondary Schools  News Association, an initiative that would allow school going children to read the news in their different schools as way of disseminating information within their localities and beyond.

He added that the Association would also help children to be bold and to learn the values for free speech.

Joseph Turay called on other indigenes of Tonko to come onboard and help to address the plethora of problems affecting education in the chiefdom.

The school pupils, parents and teachers expressed their overwhelming joy and gratitude for the gestures.


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