NRA aims at generating more revenue


The National Revenue Authority on Saturday 16th July 2022 concluded their Mini Board and Management Retreat at The Place Resort – Tokeh.

At the retreat, it was clear that the current Global Economic Events have had an immense impact on the work of the Authority in the last six months but it now seems the NRA has re-strategize its operational approach. When delivering her opening statement, the Board Chairperson of NRA Mrs. Tuma Adama Gento Kamara said, just when they thought that the economy is taken off from the ruins of COVID-19, the Ukraine-Russian conflict struck which is posing problems for revenue generation. She said the retreat is therefore a platform to re-strategize, re-think, and fine-tune other critical operational challenges already faced by the Institution.

She added that due to the war, the hundreds of thousands of families who were already struggling with lower incomes and higher food prices are more than agitated today. Moreover, the demand for more resources by the government is increasing. She noted that the NRA has to be in pole position to provide these resources she said.

The Commissioner General Dr. Samuel S. Jibao said that the institution has a reputation for reporting positive things but the current challenges require a re-visit of NRA’s strategies to get the best out of 2022. According to him, in 2019, the institution was on a positive trajectory; 2020 Covid-19 struck and it affected the institution immensely but yet things were relatively on track. 2021 became one of the best years for revenue generation in the Country he continued.

The Commissioner General emphasized that 2022 has ushered in a lot of shocks to the economy but as an institution, they cannot continue giving excuses based on Covid-19 and the Ukraine War. “We need to come out with innovative strategies for the survival of the Country and the institution”.  The retreat ended with the review of existing strategies as the NRA looks forward to a productive end of 2022.


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