CRIG Motivates Staff


By Mustapha Ezekiel Dumbuya

The China Railway International Group (CRIG) has on Wednesday 25th January 2022 motivated over two hundred of their staff at its head office, Fourah bay college environs.

Aruna O. Kanu, Personnel Safety and Security Manager of CRIG,  started by thanking President Bio for having brought such wonderful people in Sierra Leone.

“I thank the Inspector General of Police, Dr Ambrose M. Sovula, for giving me such a singular opportunity, as a young man like me who has never had any major clash with them since I started working with these Chinese people”. He said

The Manager applauded the entire management of CRIG for giving him such an Award as one of the most hardworking manager for the company.

He also commended them for bringing such investment As well as creating opportunity to employ thousands of youths and that has contributed to the Country’s national development.

Mr kanu explained that this year’s annual commendation and awarding ceremony is to patronized with China’s New Year holiday called ‘Spring Season’.

The Chief Surveyor, Abu Bakarr Kabba, said that he was happy to rejoice with his Chinese counterparts adding that this has given him the necessary motivation and the platform to enjoy unity among workers and thereby thanking the company for awarding him a certificate for his good work.

 Mr Kabba promised that the certificate has shoved to work more in the company and he will do more to upgrade his ability for the next academic year.

He ended by thanking the management of CRIG for having given them such opportunity as young people.

New Ministers Subscribe to Oath of Office  

New Resident Ministers of Northwest and Eastern Regions, Deputy Ministers of Education, Health and Finance, Chairman Health Service Commission and Ambassador to the Islamic Republic of Egypt have subscribed to the oath of office before His Excellency President Dr. Julius Maada Bio.

The Constitution of Sierra Leone requires that a public officer shall not enter upon the duties of his office unless they have taken and subscribed to the oath for the due execution of their duties.

Dr Alhaji Alpha Bakarr Kanu is now taking up his office as the Resident Minister Northwestern Region; Brig. Gen. Rtd K.E.S. Boyah, Resident Minister East; Mrs. Princess Dugha, Deputy Minister of Health, Mrs. Mamusu Massaquoi; Deputy Minister 2, Ministry of Basic and Senior Secondary Education; Mr Bockarie Kalokoh, Deputy Minister 2 of Finance; Dr Anthony A Sandi, Chairman Health Service Commission; Mr. Sadiq Sillah, Ambassador to the Islamic Republic of Egypt; and Mr. Andrew Fatorma takes up his new job as Chairman Board of Directors at the Road Maintenance Fund Administration.

Speaking on behalf of his colleague appointees, the Honourable Alpha Kanu expressed gratitude to President Julius Maada Bio for the confidence reposed in them to serve their country, adding that they would not fail in the respective positions in which they had been appointed to.

“Thank you very much, Your Excellency. We will not disappoint you,” he assured.

In a brief statement of encouragement, President Bio first congratulated the new appointees and said that his government was preoccupied with development, the reason they had been chosen carefully to help him in transforming the country.

“I have chosen you meticulously with the hope that you will help me in this endeavour. It is no mean task. But looking at your backgrounds, I know you will match up to the challenges. I want to thank you for accepting my appointment and rest assured of my support at all times,” he concluded.

Deputy Energy Minister Launches Solar Entrepreneurs Harnessed Project

By:Austine Luseni

  The Deputy Minister of Energy, Dr. Edward Taylor, has at the launch of the Solar Entrepreneurs Harnessed Project said that the primary mandate of the Ministry of Energy was to provide energy for sustainable productivity use.

“As much as energy is now a fundamental human right as also being said by President Bio, we believe that one way to provide this type of energy is to reach out to our various communities,”Dr. Taylor noted, adding that, over the last three years, government had taken strides to increase access to energy from 14.8% to 31%.

Dr. Taylor spoke about government’s renewable energy drive which he said was being aggressively pursued, noting that the appetite for mini grids was always growing as evidenced in the proliferation of mini grid sites in every part of the country.

He assured private operators that government would continue to provide incentives to them as well as the policy and regulatory frameworks that would guide the operations of private partners in the energy sector.

He concluded by saying that government was always receptive to and supportive of the idea of women’s participation in the energy sector.

Deputy Minister of Gender and Children’s Affairs, Samba Bindi Hindowa, said the day was a memorable one within the context of empowerment of rural women. He said his Ministry would therefore partner with the Ministry of Energy and CARE in the implementation of the project.

Mr. Bindi spoke about a variety of gender bills, stressing that renewable energy was a source of income for women and a platform to empower them. He concluded by saying that his Ministry would continue to support the New Direction Government in the implementation of manifesto commitments relating to women’s empowerment.

Country Director, CARE Sierra Leone and Liberia, Dr. Yaikah Jeng-Joof, thanked stakeholders in the energy sector and reiterated the commitment of CARE to empowering women through renewable energy.

She said her organization was working with communities to change the lives of women and girls through agricultural, energy and other livelihood projects.

Dr. Yaikah Jeng-Joof said the ‘Solar for Beteh Business Project’ would improve the livelihoods of women through financing, capacity building, training and enhanced private businesses.

Project Director at CARE, Dr. Lamin Ibrahim Kamara, gave an overview of the project, adding that the project would be implemented in seven districts in the country and would target some 7,120 women in 20 communities.

He assured that CARE would continue to support the Government of Sierra Leone in the conception and implementation of projects that are critical to women’s empowerment and development.

UNICEF Ambassador narrated his Ordeal In Court

By Feima Sesay

Ishmeal Beah, an author and United Nations International Children Emergency Fund (UNICEF) ambassador, has narrated how his security guard looted his house and carted away with property worth over Three Hundred Million Leones.

The accused persons, Ibrahim Dundas, Zainab Kamara, Mohamed Maada Kamara and Lucy Bockarie are before Magistrate Sahr Kekura of Pademba Road Court No 1 on Preliminary Investigation for larceny and receiving stolen goods.

It was alleged on the charge sheet that first accused, Ibrahim Dundas, on Saturday 1st January 2022 at Baw-Baw village, off Peninsula Road, Freetown, stole property worth Three Hundred and Seventy Six Million One Hundred and Twelve Thousand Five Hundred Leones (Le376,112,500/00) belonging to complainant Ishmeal Beah.

Whiles count two, three and four, stated that the second, third and forth accused persons received the said stolen property from first accused Ibrahim Dundas worth the above value knowing same to have been stolen from complainant Ishmeal Beah.

Taking the witness stand, and led by Seargent Lahai, complainant Ishmeal Beah recognized first accused as his security guard and the three others in respect of the matter.

He said he came from up county with his wife, Pricilia, and children on the 1st  of January 2022 and noticed that some of his property are missing.

He identified the list of property missing before the court and the list was marked as exhibit to form part of the prosecution’s case.

When questioned as to the cost of the the missing property, complainant said they cost Three Hundred and Seventy Six Million, One Hundred and Twelve Thousand Five Hundred Leones.

Explaining further, complainant said when he discovered that his property were missing, he called on Adonkia police station and one Sergeant Bellia surfaced and questioned all those present and later took  them to the station.

Complainant said after obtaining statement from all parties present, the police prepared search warrant. He said the search warrant was first executed at the premise shown by first accused and on arrival the owner of the said premise denied knowing him.

Complainant said they proceeded to another premise at Goderich shown by the accused where he identified  some of his suitcase and other property listed.

He said they took all the stolen items discovered to the station where the first accused later confessed committing the offence.

Complainant identified the search warrant prepared by the police before going for the search.

In continuation of his examination in chief, complainant said first accused later went and showed them where he sold some of the property.

He said they visited the premises of second, third and forth accused persons and the police took out the items which he identified as theirs. ” My Lord when the police questioned them as to where they got those property, they responded that they bought them from first accused”, complainant stated.

At the dock, forth accused buttressed what and what they found on her.

Complainant said after exhausting all the search warrant, he made statement to the police.

Having heard the evidence of complainant, Magistrate Sahr Kekura, refused the first accused bail and adjourned the matter to 7th of February 2022 for complainant to be cross-examined.


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