“Give Minister Sandi Gloucester to expand” -RODNEY MICHAEL


It was not so long-ago skeptics like me doubted the previous Government’s ambition to expand the Capital, and in particular develop the roads, when the Leicester Peak area and Imatt expansion developed faster than expected.

Since the assumption of office of President Bio and his team, the most controversial Minister has been Dr Dennis Sandi of Lands.

He has not made many friends with his actions and recovery of what the Ministry of Lands believes should be State Land. He has been unapologetic about it and has carried on his responsibilities with consistency. He seems to have the confidence of His Boss and while many have criticized him for a lot of things, there is one particular good act that is worth appreciating.

Dr Sandi has convinced the Government to expand the Capital further and Gloucester is just one area identified, with more significance attached to it.

Apparently it is the area proposed to re locate all Government Ministries and other Departments and Agencies. Foreign Embassies have also been allocated land.

In fact there was a proposal to relocate the State House there, but I’m not sure if that is still on the table it could be an excellent idea.

The Government would have to show the same ambition as the Previous Government if the expansion is to materialize in the first term of President Bio.

The road network is deplorable and for any expansion and appropriate investment in that community, the first step must be good road network and then the social services like Electricity, water supply and Health Facilities.

Gloucester is a beautiful place and the weather is cool and healthy. One does not need to install air conditions in a house as the wind is refreshing. As it is now, it is just amazing and hopefully building permit would be carefully allocated to ensure proper planning unlike the rest of the Capital.

Expansion of any city is expensive but the long term benefit makes it worthwhile. With the excellent road network at Leicester Peak area, from the Fourah Bay College route or the American Embassy road, the branch to Gloucester Village is horrific as it is today.

I urge the relevant line Ministries to collaborate and make a reality the expansion of the Capital through Gloucester; declare it an urgent action plan under the President Bio first term.

The people of Gloucester Community deserve good roads, electricity network, pipe borne water supply and health facilities.

 Let Gloucester be the next Leicester Peak!

I am a friend, not a foe! I mean well!


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