The Fifteenth Report of the Committee on Appointments and Public Service, chaired by the Leader of Government Business, Hon. Mathew Sahr Nyuma was on Thursday 23/05/2024 debated and approved by Parliament.

The following presidential nominees were approved by Parliament:

  1. Mr. Augustine Foday Ngobie-Deputy Commissioner, Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC)
  2. Hon. Manso Dumbuya-Chairman, Board of Directors, Sierra Leone Ports and Harbour Authority (SLPHA) and
  3. Mr. Edmond Sylvester Alpha-Electoral Commissioner, Southern Region.

However, the Opposition All People’s Congress (APC) Members of Parliament staged a walkout, protesting the approval of the Electoral Commissioner, Southern Region on the grounds of not being consulted as stated in Section 32 (3) of the 1991 Constitution of Sierra Leone.

Earlier, while presenting the nominees, the Leader of Government Business told the Plenary that, the nominees were interviewed under oath on issues pertaining to their educational backgrounds, proven track records, vision for designated offices, assets declaration, tax obligations amongst others.

Seconding the motion, the Deputy Leader of Government Business, Hon. Bashiru Silikie said the nominees reappointment could not be far from their positive contributions to the development of the State and went on to commend them on their performances. He informed the House that the appointees were supposed to carry out development agenda and if they failed their actions would affect their reelection. He recalled that, before the war, MPs were responsible for development, but after the war and through TRC recommendations MPs are no longer carrying portfolio. He emphasized that the MPs turnover rate was very huge in recent times. “All of us are on overdraft to satisfy our people”, he stated. He asked the appointees to perform in order to impact positively on the government’s agenda.

The Leader distinguished Hon. Manso Dumbuya for his SLPP loyalty and tremendous efforts to bringing the party back to power. He acknowledged the dedicated services of ACC Augustine Ngobie and also asked him to continue to work in the interest of State. The Leader recalled the outstanding teaching services of Edmond Alpha at Njala University and respect for humanity. He congratulated him on his reappointment because of his positive performance.

Contributing to the debate, the Opposition Whip, Hon. Abdul Karim Kamara thanked Hon. Manso Dumbuya for singularly providing a techvoc institution in Kambia District. He said that they as Opposition were not consulted on the reappointment of Edmond Alpha. The MP ironically said the very good job of the Electoral Commission has landed the country into the formation of a Tripartite Committee. He said in the spirit of the Constitution it was necessary to consult them. “What was so difficult to call and interface with us”, he inquired.

Hon. Mustapha Fayia Sellu thanked President Bio for the reappointment and recalled the appointment and consultation on the same nominee in the Fifth Parliament. He said the government has not violated any provision of the constitution in respect of the reappointment of Edmond Alpha as Electoral Commissioner Southern Region.

Hon. Ing. Fallah Tengbeh said the nominees had distinguished themselves and that was the more reason why they were reappointed today. He heaped praises on the ACC nominee for his outstanding performance in detecting fraud.The MP refered to Hon. Manso Dumbuya as a political Ronaldo and added that under his purview things are under positive control at the Ports Authority. He implored on the nominees to pay attention to the Feed Salone initiative.

Hon. Ibrahim Barrie from Bombali District decried the reappointment of Edmond Alpha in light of peace and national cohesion. He informed the House that they as Opposition would not participate in approving the reappointment of Edmond Sylvester Alpha.

Hon. Tamba Kellie from Kono District predicated his debate on Section 32 (3) relative to consultation and went on to raise other important issues relating to the debate. The MP reiterated that consultation was not done and they as Opposition would not take kindly to that.

Hon. Keikura Vandy lauded the outstanding integrity and service being delivered by the ACC Deputy Commissioner and narrated positive instances in respect of same. He also acknowledged Hon. Manso Dumbuya for his grassroot relationship and generosity and also his contributions to the massive improvements at SLPHA. He reaffirmed the integrity of the Southern Regional Electoral Commissioner, Edmond Alpha for purposes of approving his nomination.

Hon. Abu Kemokai from Pujehun District described the nominees as fine personalities with good records. He clarified issues brought against ECSL.The MP used the opportunity to ask colleague MPs to support the approval of the nominees.

While contributing to the debate, Hon. Mohamed Alpha Jalloh from Falaba made reference to the presentation of results by ECSL and alleged that there were gross inconsistencies in the figures presented by ECSL.

Hon. Mariama Bangura from Western Area commended the nominees and used the opportunity to reference the recent election of the Speaker of Parliament as a litmus test to contesting future elections. She wished Hon. Manso Dumbuya and Augustine Ngobie well in their reappointment.

Hon Lolloh Tongi from Kailahun thanked President Bio for reappointing the nominees. She said the Electoral Commissioners are transparent, making reference to her 2018 election as an independent candidate. The MP heaped praises on Hon. Manso Dumbuya for his generosity and the ACC Deputy Commissioner for his role in the fight against corruption that is building the image of Sierra Leone.

Hon. Abdul Sulaiman Marray-Conteh from Western Area in his biblical and wise contributions to the debate said the nominees are successful, but not perfect, while commending their reappointment. He used the opportunity to patriotically advised colleague MPs to support the approval of the nominees.

Rounding up the debate, the Acting Leader of Opposition, Hon. Daniel Koroma revealed that he participated in the interview of the nominees and raised a compliance issue on the ECSL Commissioner, but it was not considered. “What harm would it cause if section 32(3) of the Constitution is not complied with” he stated.The Opposition Leader funnily said base on that, he regrets to announce the death of democracy and constitutionality amongst others. He went on to say, they as opposition would make their point very clear. He also made reference to the excerpt of the Report of the Committee on Appointments and the Public Service that some 7 SLPP MPs were in possession of a correspondence on consultation with reference to the dictates of 32(3).

He said the Report was not not tenable and was irrelevant. He also informed the House that majority of the Committee Members approved the Report, but that they have a contrary view to that. He categorically stated that they would accept Augustine Ngobie and Manso Dumbuya. He vehemently said they were never consulted and therefore would not approve the process and also raised concerns earlier raised by some observers on the 2023 Sierra Leone General Elections of which the said nominee is a party and his conduct is under review and that the report would be tendered to the President. He said it was demeaning to approve without consultation.

Pursuant to Section 108 he said they could not be a party to the approval of the ECSL Commissioner Southern Region. He accepted the two other nominees for approval. His debate was climaxed by a walkout in protest to the approval of the ECSL nominee.

Concluding the debate, the Leader of Government clarified all the doubts and issues raised by the Opposition. He decried the Opposition for bastardizing the 1991 Constitution and today ironically blaming others for a violation of the same Constitution. “We have incontrovertible evidence against the APC”, he noted. The Leader denounced them for disrespecting and attacking the personality of people. He underscored the importance of respect for the rule of law. He recalled several malpractices and violations of electoral laws by the APC.

He strongly reaffirmed and clarified that 9 political parties received correspondence including the APC in respect of the reappointment of Edmond Alpha as the Electoral Commissioner, Southern Region.

He commended the Electoral Commissioner for Southern Region for serving humanity in village. He also described the APC as deceitful people. He assured that they as SLPP, the ruling party would continue to promote democracy. He thanked all those who contributed to the debate. He described President Bio as a true democrat given his outstanding democratic credentials.


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