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As It Provides 48,000 Indirect & 359 Direct Employment… Orange SL: Leader in Telecoms Network in S/Leone

Since the arrival of Orange SL in 2016, they remained committed to keep the people of Sierra Leone ahead with the latest technologies along with superior network quality.

However the Orange SL is thankful to the government and the people of Sierra Leone for providing the enabling environment for the investment thrive and for selecting the company as their preferred trusted network provider.

The company aim is to improve on the daily lives of the people of Sierra through wonderful digital experience.

In the past 5 years, the company has invested massively in the areas of network expansion & modernization whilst remain a major contributor to the socio –economic development of the country through tax contributions and investments in human resources and corporate social responsibility.

Orange SL’s ambition is to remain a strong investor leading the digitalization of the country and providing an unmatched customer experience with a world class quality of service to the people.

The company’s growth driver in the economy of the country has contributed 3.5% of GDP in Sierra Leone paid as taxes, fees, royalties, social security contributions and Customs duties due to a wide commercial distribution and employment.

With respect to job creation in the country, the company has provided 48,000 indirect and 359 direct employment to the youth of Sierra Leone. 

In 2017, the company made an investment of Le 1.7 Trillion in terms of network modernisation and expansion with the widest coverage of more than 445 sites nationwide.

Moreover, a new data canter was also launched in Freetown, more than 105 generator replaced, over 282 DC power system replaced, the deployment of 4G &4G+, since 2019, the company have deployed 273, earlier this year all sites within OSL are fully upgraded with 3G technology

The company also established a State of the Art Data Center with a 4G+ Network Coverage in 5 Major Cities 2G / 3G / 4G / Edge I GPRS Network Covers almost 93.% inhabited areas and 4G in 15 district headquarter towns.

With the invention of Orange Money Services to all, it has helped over 1.3 million customers across the country to access money easily and has increase on the revenue generation in the country.

Through Orange Money one can transfer money, cash out, salary payment, bill payment, merchant payment, top up, bank to wallet, Orange Money Lajor, overseas money, EDSA payment and cash at home with the Orange Money app.

The company has also established Orange Enterprise B dedicated to businesses and organisation. The (B2B) is a department in Orange SL whose solution is entirely dedicated to the professional sector.  

 In respect to the company’s achievement, Orange SL has contributed immensely to community well-being, good governance, economic growth and development and environmental preservation in the country.

 At the heart of the company’s Corporate Social Responsibility the company Sponsored the thinking pink breast cancer foundation,  Distribution of 2,000 Hygiene packs to 20 Schools across the country, Implementation of Super coder scratch program + ICT training for 19 schools nationwide. Adopted 50 Ebola Kids, Yearly Ramadan “Iftar” donation to 18 mosques across the country

During the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic in the country, Orange SL Donated one Billion Leones cash to NARCOVER and also Supported NARCOVERC with Covid vaccine drive with the sum of  five hundred Million Leones.

The company also made another Donation of PPE’s to 5 government hospitals, 14 district councils and Lungi International airport to the tune of six hundred and fifty million Leones.

Orange SL Provide food supply for 100 quarantined homes

 Five thousand litres’ water tanks were donated to the Wilberforce community and supported 500 KVA Generator for Njala University in Bo.

The company supported Freetown’s Uncut Band to perform at the Freedom concert in London and the refurbishment of SLENA Building.

Because Orange SL cares for not only their customers but their employees as well, the company did a massive refurbishment and extension at their HQs office. In-house Clinic, Aerobics Session, Paternity Leave, In-house Creche, Flexi hours for lactating mothers Orange Adopts Zero tolerance to corruption under-six pillars

Orange (SL) Limited adopts Zero tolerance to corruption and is committed to conduct its operations in a sound and ethical manner.

The company ensures compliance to all national, European and international legal and regulatory provisions applicable to the business related to the fight against corruption notably amongst others, the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, the UK Bribery Act, the French “Sapin il” law & the Sierra Leone Anti-Corruption Act 2008 as amended in 2019.

Orange SL operates within the scope of set policies that guarantees the integrity and ethics must be visible in its day-to-day business operations. “Understanding, adopting, and applying all compliance policies is key to the success of our business”.

Upholding these shared values will facilitate collaboration with our stakeholders based on trust and mutual respect and will also create a powerful team with the right values to respond to challenges that arise in the ever-changing global environment in which we operate.

In accordance with the shared value of transacting business ethically, you can raise an alert about any illegal, unethical, corrupt or fraudulent conduct by any employee of the company.

Orange Foundation was launched in 2021 under 3 Pillars which includes Education, Health and Culture since then, it has supported the educational system in the country with the construction of 3 Early Childhood Development Schools in Kambia, Pujehun and Moyamba.

The Women Digital Center providing support and training for women in basic commercial and financial management, including digital and office tools.

On the health sector,  the foundation has provided Free maternal Health care at kroo bay community for safe delivery of pregnant women, free check-up and  Free baby packs on delivery on On the Cultural aspect, the foundation has Support football tournament and has Organise Musical festival Orange SL in the past years won so many awards and recognitions due to their development strives. In 2019, they won the Outstanding Humanitarian Award by Shout Climate Change Africa 2020   the company won the National Social Security and Insurance Trust – Compliance Award and Fastest growing Mobile operator by Advocacy Center, they were also  Appointed as member of the National Anticorruption Strategy Steering Committee and in 2021 – Best CRS/Philanthropy Organisation by Sierra Business Award



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