The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) of Sierra Leone has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC) in a bid to deepen partnership and collaboration between the two anti-graft institutions. This historic event took place at the Conference Room of the ACC’s Head Office, 3 Gloucester Street, in Freetown.

The MoU signing climaxed a five-day study visit to the ACC Sierra Leone by the LACC led by its Acting Executive Chairman, Councilor Kanio Bai Gbala, in order to get first-hand experience of the operations of the ACC-SL.

Speaking at the event, Councilor Kanio Gbala said, he was very appreciative of the hospitality he and his team received from the Management of ACC-SL.

He said, countries like Botswana and Rwanda are performing well in the fight against corruption, but acknowledged that, in the recent three years, Sierra Leone is a shining example of a successful campaign against corruption. “What we have learnt so far will help build up the LACC and change corruption perception in Liberia,” he said, adding that it has been a rewarding week for him professionally and personally.

Councilor Gbala furthered that the signing of the MoU is the beginning of a very strong collaboration between the LACC and ACC-SL.

The Commissioner ACC-SL, Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. said, he was pleased to know that the LACC have had a fulfilling week and hope that what they have learnt will help them in their fight against graft in their country.

He said, the anti-corruption fight has been solely for the benefit of Sierra Leoneans. But, after receiving similar delegations from Uganda, other countries like Guinea and Somali-Land have requested for similar study visits to the Commission, and then he realized Sierra Leone’s effort in the fight against corruption has received continental acceptability, he added.

He thanked the LACC team and assured them that the doors of the ACC-SL are open to them at all times.

Reading the citation of the MoU, Public Relations Officer ACC, Margaret Murray said, the guiding principles of the MoU are that; ACC-SL and LACC have considered their respective functions and mandates as mutually reinforcing, and have agreed to collaborate with the aim of accelerating the realization of an efficient, accountable and transparent public sector, capable of addressing the socio-economic challenges of Sierra Leone and Liberia.

Also, at the signing ceremony, Commissioner Kaifala presented a dossier of anti-corruption documents, including IEC materials to the Acting Executive Chairman LACC.

The LACC team whilst in Sierra Leone paid courtesy visits to key partners of the ACC-SL, including; the Attorney General and Minister of Justice, Anthony Biriwa Esq., the Hon. Chief Justice of Sierra Leone, Desmond Babatunde Edwards, the Auditor General of Audit Service Sierra Leone, Lara Taylor Pearce and the Head of Financial Intelligence Unit, David Borbor.

Samura Kamara Receives Welcome at Moyamba Junction and Mile 91

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 Dr Samura Kamara together with his entourage has entered Moyamba Junction in a bid to familiarize himself with the people and at the same time propagating the philosophy of the APC party.

Dr Samura Kamara was returning from Taiama where he and other members of the APC paid their last respects to a fallen comrade, Jane Kamanda.

 At the Moyamba Junction, an APC party youth leader sought clarification from the entourage about claims that the front runner APC standard bearer aspirant, Dr. Samura Kamara, has been found wanting by the President Julius Maada Bio’s Commission of Inquiry.  In response, Mr. Lansana Fadika, the chairman of the Samura Kamara campaign, refuted the claim saying that it was a big lie and mere propaganda.

“The detractors will not succeed”, Fadika fumed, and then encouraged all APC supporters to stay focused, be in solidarity with Dr. Samura Kamara and with the APC party leadership.

On another note, Ngadi, a business woman at the Moyamba Junction, lamented the increase in the prices of food and other commodities in the market.

She explained to Dr Samura Kamara that local commerce was not thriving, that the business environment was unfriendly and that local businesses werre liquidating.

Ngadi went on to underscore that hunger and starvation were on the increase in her district of Moyamba and its environs.

After leaving Moyamba Junction,Dr Samura Kamara entered the township of Mile 91 where thousands of his supporters also thronged the streets and cheered the man they believed to be their next president in 2023.

 Amongst them, Abdul Razak, one of the APC district executives,  also reaffirmed his support for Dr Samura Kamara’s bid to lead the APC party to State House 2023.

 Dr. Samura Kamara, expounded on the need for unity in the party and assured his audience that he was in this race to serve and to alleviate the economic and social pressures on ordinary Sierra Leoneans.


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