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HomeLocal12,0210 Textbooks Donated by S/Leone Library Board

12,0210 Textbooks Donated by S/Leone Library Board

The Chief Librarian- Salieu Turay in the extreme right…

By Musa Kamara

The Sierra Leone Library Board has on Wednesday 17th March 2021, donated a total of 12,020 textbooks to over 20 institutions (both private and public )pre-schools, primary schools, junior and senior secondary schools, and tertiary institutions across the country.

The distribution exercise took place at the Headquarters of the Sierra Leone Library Board and accounts for schools representatives from across the country.

Deputy Chief Librarian of the SL Library Board, Musa B. Mansaray informed that the donation exercise is an annual event undertaken by the institution, and directed to all schools with libraries, and also disclosing that they are given out as an institution- 12,020 textbooks that caters for elective and core subject areas, with diagram illustrations to the effect and very simple English for comprehension.

He went on to say that such donation exercise is made possible by Book Aid International-UK, an acclaimed charity-driven organization that has been a partner to SL Library Board for over 2 decades.

He explained that the aim of the donation is to have all libraries fully equipped that would enhance learning for all categories of pupils/students, and he also added that as an institution- SL Library Board is complimenting the effort of President Bio and the Ministry of Basic and Senior Secondary Education, for every Sierra Leonean child to get education.

Furthermore, he pointed out that the SL Library Board has no room for discrimination in the distribution exercises, and that as long as institutions are qualified by meeting the requirements of the Sierra Leone Library Board, then they will be provided with the books in a transparent and accountable means.

The Deputy Chief Librarian come out very strong that the Management of SL Library Board has an ‘essential practice’ of monitoring all schools, and with that, he called on school heads to ensure that the books are well utilized and not redistributed to families and friends.

He underscored the essential role SL Library Board has been playing over the years, and he proudly admitted that the country can now boast of 56 school libraries- 50 of which he described as ‘Inspiring Libraries’ and the remaining 6 as ‘Explorer Libraries.’

The Deputy Chief Librarian shower praises to the Chief Librarian- Salieu Turay, whom he described as “very energetic and the brain behind the success of SL Library Board.”

On the same vein, he lauded the efforts made by David Moinina Sengeh- Minister of Basic and Senior Secondary Education, for adding value to the educational sector.

He maintained that Minister Sengeh and his children are frequent visitors to the Sierra Leone Library Board, and interestingly, not to monitor- but to read. Therefore, he remained hopeful that there challenges as an institution, would be looked into.

In a nutshell, a quantity of 12,020 textbooks was distributed at a go to 29 institutions inclusive of universities and community libraries.  

Former President Koroma Convenes Round Table Discussions on African Peace Engineering Corps

After a successful virtual Round Table meeting on the proposed African Peace Engineering Corps (AfPEC) held in October last year, advocate of AfPEC, Fmr President Ernest Bai Koroma, will on the 18th March 2020, convene a second virtual Round Table at the Horasis – USA meeting.

With the theme: ‘Building Trust’, the Horasis – US meeting will attract over 700 high level participants to interact with the new US administration in shaping America’s and the world’s agenda. Participants (including several heads of governments and key ministers from some of the US’ key partner countries) will explore the big issues of the day and approaches to promote global recovery.

This High Level Roundtable is therefore expected to draw strategic support from both public and private stakeholders in the United States and around the World towards the AfPEC initiative.

“I am passionate about this initiative because I have seen first-hand how the military can be of great value in rebuilding a nation, in uniting its people and in giving hope to a traumatised population. Our continent is yet to fully leverage the huge and varied expertise and energy lying fallow within its military which could be critical in adopting a broader continental framework for a formidable African Peace Engineering Corps. I believe it’s now time to tap from the great expertise lying with the military.”, said H.E Ernest Bai Koroma, Fmr President of Sierra Leone.

“I am pleased to be part of this discussion because this is an exciting initiative that responds to an important part of Africa’s peace and development aspiration. Critically, it reinforces the African Peace and Security Architecture in many ways which is why I believe it should be given the necessary support”, said H.E Goodluck Jonathan, Fmr President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

This year’s High Level Round Table conference will be attended by former President Good luck Jonathan of Nigeria; Russel Feingold, Former Senator and former Special Envoy to the Great Lakes Region and the Democratic Republic of Congo; Rtd General William “KIP” Ward, First AFRICOM Commander and Dr Vasu Gounden, Founder of the African Center for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes (ACCORD) – the foremost Peace and Security Think Tank in Sub-Sahara Africa.



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The Conversation Trust Fund (CTF) as an institution came in to existence in 2017, with a clear mandate to mobilize Resources for the National Protected Area Authority (NPAA).


 The NPAA on the other hand is created to provide oversight function over protected Areas and to Conserve Biodiversity and manage Wildlife.

The Conservation Trust Fund in a drive to execute its mandate as stated in the NPAA&CTF Act of 2012, the Board of Trustees and Management decided to develop a Strategic Plan that will set the road map to address the long standing issues regarding Conserving biodiversity and wildlife management.

On the 18th March, 2021 the first Strategic Plan of the CTF was launched by the Honorable Vice president Dr. Mohamed Juldeh Jalloh.

The Executive Chairman of the CTF gave a brief background of the Conservation Trust Fund and the initiative to develop a Strategic Plan.

 He said the strategic plan was borne by his long desire to achieve the overarching mandate of the Trust, which the long term sustainable financing for biodiversity.

As a developmentally oriented person he said, this can only be achieved by setting out a clear plan. He said the four Strategic Pillars which are Governance, Resource Mobilization, Strategic Partnership and Program Development will be the bases to achieve the mandate of the CTF in the next five years (2021-2025) and he said to show that, the SP is not just a document, but a plan to be implemented that is why he has gone ahead to roll out the SP by recruiting a Resource Mobilization person before the launch for him to be a part from the get go.

The Consultant gave a synopses of how the SP was developed and that, it is a document that is well researched and with diverse stakeholders contribution, so he is of the strong opinion that if this document is rolled out to the fullest hinging on the strategic pillars the overall objective of the CTF will be achieve and by extension Sierra Leoneans will get a fair share of their God given resources

The chairman of the occasion  who also doubles as the Minister Of The Environment in his opening remarks, said it is a well thought of initiative by His Excellency to establish a stand-alone Ministry of the Environment, this shows the president’s willingness to diversify the economy and it shows his commitment to addressing the prolong environmental issues.

He said as a Minister he will do everything possible to make His Excellency achieve his dream.

He continued that, a ministry that is just sixteen month old could have one of its agency developed a SP, shows good leadership and passion he emphasized.

The UNDP Representative emphasizes the need to build a resilient Environment in the face of the numerous challenges and to have a document that clearly show the pathway to surmount these challenges is welcoming and that as partners they will always support the Government and the people of Sierra Leone to protect and make good use of their Natural Resources.

The Representative of the Mano River Union highlighted that Mano River basin host a large number of biodiversity and wild life, and that if these Resources are governed and managed well they can serve as a long-term revenue sources that will benefit her citizen and they as an institution heading the Mano River basin will ensure to provide the necessary support.

 The EU Resident Representative emphasize the importance of conserving our Natural Resources stating that Sierra Leone is rich in natural resources and most of our livelihood depends on this resource and it is but fitting that this resources are utilized sustainably and to have an institution that is designated to Mobilize Resources to conserve these Natural Resources is a step in the right direction and it shows how committed the government and the people of Sierra Leone are to preserve and Conserve these Resources and that they as Development Partners will provide the Necessary support.

He reiterated that, though from the data available Sierra Leone only have below 5% of its forest cover of which if actions are not taken will reduce further. 

The Representative of the Ministry of Finance gave their strong commitment to continue to support the CTF and they believe if such an institution is allowed to thrive it will be a major source of government revenue so in that regard they in the Ministry will always support revenue diversification

The main highlight of the occasion was the symbolic launch of the SP by the Honorable Vice President Dr. Mohamed Juldeh Jalloh, who started off by assuring the development partners on the commitment of the president to fight environmental issues as he said this launch is a clear demonstration of that commitment. Although at the time when the president instituted the Ministry of The Environment a lot of naysayers where trumpeting that this is just a way of bloating the wage bill, but it is now clear that the president is serious about his commitment to diversify the economy and build a resilient Environment.

 He emphasizes that this government and president Bio at helm will do everything possible to treat environmental issues with the seriousness it deserves.

At the close of the event Human Resources and Cooperate Officer gave a thank all that have contributed in diverse way to the development and launch of the SP, especially the EU and she warns all that the environment should be treated with dignity as everyone’s life rely on the environment.



The Society for Democratic Initiatives is concerned with the Press Release issued on Monday the 15th March 2021, by the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development, in which they state:

“The Gazette Number 2, Vol. CL VIII has published list of NGOs that are legally registered with the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development for the period 2020-2021. The public is accordingly informed that the NGOs listed in the said Gazette are considered legitimate to operate in Sierra Leone for the period indicated. The public is advised not to deal with any NGO that is not included in this Gazette.”

SDI considers this statement misleading and erroneous. The State appears to be restricting and limiting CSO’s, NGO’s, CBO’s, faith-based organization and the civic space. SDI wishes to remind the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development that there are National and International principles that protect and defend civil society and Sierra Leone is no exception. Sierra Leone is a signatory to a number of International treaties, which promote democracy and the involvement of people in governance (civil society).

Section 26(1) of the Sierra Leone Constitution of 1991, highlights the protection of civil society:

“Except with his own consent no person shall be hindered in the enjoyment of his freedom of assembly and association, that is to say his right to assemble freely and associate with other persons and particular to form or belong to any political party, trade unions or other economic, social, or professional association, national or international for the protection in his interest.”

SDI wants to reiterate the right to operate from unwarranted State interference, which prescribes that International law creates a presumption against any regulation or restriction that will amount to interference of a recognized right, unless where it has to deal with national security or public safety. CSO’s are protected against unwarranted State intrusion in their internal governance affairs.

The African Charter on Human and People’s Rights, the United Nations Convention on Civil and Political Rights, Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organize Convention are all treaties and conventions that guarantees and forms part of the seven (7) international principles for the protection of civil society.

The new, draconian NGO policy reflects a worrying trend of encroaching on civic space. The government is using such excuses as “counter terrorism” and “greater regulations for CSO’s and NGO’s to improve accountability”, to restrict the ability of CSOs to form, operate and receive funding and to transfer ideas and information between citizens, members and State. This is despite the remarkable contribution and progress NGOs and CSOs have made towards promoting democracy and human rights in Sierra Leone. The new NGO policy exposes NGOs to serious challenges in terms of autonomy, governance and accountability.

Over the years CSOs operating in Sierra Leone have taken significant steps to confront the worrying trend even though government has increasing becoming obvious in their efforts to limit civic space, especially CSOs advocating for democracy and human rights.

Finally, SDI wishes to remind the State that they have a duty to promote and respect human rights and fundamental freedoms. The State also has the obligation to protect the rights of civil society. The State duty is both negative (i.e. to refrain from interfering with human rights and fundamental freedoms) and positive (i.e. to ensure respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms). 




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BY Gibril Gottor  


A Sierra Leonean business man who has been in protracted business relationship with one of the oil companies in the country called Leone Oil (Jaffar Hussein Zhegir) has voiced concern over what he describes as unfair treatment meted on him by Leone Oil Company. This concern included but not limited to monopoly in the oil sector among many others some oil dealers say, have been the reasons for the many issues surrounding petroleum trade in Sierra Leone.

 Jaffar Hussein Zhegir is a private business man who deals in oil in Sierra Leone and has been in long business relationship with Leone Oil Company as evidential in past proofs of transactions (Receipts, invoices and delivery notes).     

Between the 27th January and 2nd February 2021, Jaffar executed the payment of One Billion, Two Hundred and Ninety-Six Million, Four Hundred Thousand Leones (1,296,400,000) for the delivery of Two Hundred Thousand Liters of assorted fuel product by Leone Oil Company. 


The products were meant to be transported to the provinces, but before that, the Government of Sierra Leone had imposed some internal lockdown measures restricting movement within the country to stem the transmission chain of COVID 19. 


Following the delay to access test results for his drivers and acquisition of passes for his tankers, Leone Oil Company Managing Director, Ibrahim Babatunde Cole said that the pump prices of the fuel products has increased due to the Press Release and therefore Jaffar would have to pay the increased differences before they could supply the products he had initially purchased.


Due to the delay to get his products for which he had completed payment, Jaffar Hussein Zhegir filed a legal suit seeking justice for what he called unfair treatment meted him by Leone Oil. An injunction was slammed by Justice S. Taylor restraining banning the operations of Leone Oil Company pending the hearing and determination of the matter through an application filed by plaintiff’s lawyer, JJ Campbell Esq.

Leone Oil has refused having its say, saying the matter is in court

 The matter was adjourned to Wednesday 24th March, 2021.



The Sierra Leone Parliamentary Delegation to the African Caribbean European Union (ACP-EU) Joint Parliamentary Assembly (JPA), headed by the Leader of Government Business, Hon. Mathew Sahr Nyuma has safely arrived in Kenema for a continued stakeholder discussion tomorrow (16/03/2021), 12:00 PM at the Kenema District Council Hall in respect of a Post-Cotonou Agreement.

Similar discussion will hold at the Port Loko District Council Hall on Wednesday 17th March 2021.

In light of the Cotonou Agreement, the JPA is a consultative body responsible for the promotion of democratic ideals through dialogue and consultation, creating understanding between people in the ACP-EU countries and raising public awareness on issues relating to development.

Regarding the post-cotonou agreement, the stakeholder discussion is designed to creating awareness among stakeholders including MPs, government officers, the media, local councils and civil society organizations by showcasing the impacts of ACP-EU partnership, and the way forward as we adopt the Post-Cotonou Agreement.


Judiciary Mourns Former Chief Justice

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The Honorable Chief Justice Desmond Babatunde Edwards and the Judiciary of Sierra Leone regret to announce the passing away of one of Sierra Leone’s illustrious former Chief Justices in the person of Honourable Justice Desmond Edgar Fashole Luke.

Chief Justice Luke served as Chief Justice of Sierra Leone between March, 1998 and May 2002. He passed away on 27th February 2021. May his soul rest in perfect peace.

In honor of his remarkable and dedicated service to the judiciary and the country as a whole, the Judiciary flag has been at half-mast since the 1st day of March, 2021 as a sign of respect to this illustrious son of the soil.

The Judiciary will open a book of condolence in honour of the late Chief Justice Desmond Edgar Fashole Luke on Tuesday 23rd March, 2021 at 10am at the High Court No. 1 where the book will remain open until the day of his final interment on Friday, 26th March, 2021.

The Judiciary encourages all its active and retired members, members of the Sierra Leone Bar Association and the General Legal Council to attend the signing ceremony of the Book of Condolence as we pay last respect to the life and service of our own.

The late Hon. Chief Justice was born in Freetown on 6th October 1935. He attended the Prince of Wales Secondary School in Freetown, before going to England in 1949 to continue his education at the King’s College, Taunton, Somerset. He later gained admission into the Oxford University, earning a degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics in 1957. He then continued his studies at Magdalene College, Cambridge University (1959–61), earning a Master`s Degree in Law. Returning to Sierra Leone in 1962, he set up a Law chambers in Freetown and was in private practice until 1969.

He was a staunch politician who was appointed to serve as Foreign Minister (1973-75), Minister of Health (1977-78), and Ambassador to the West Germany (1969-73), France (1971-73) and the European Economic Community (1971-73) at various points in his political career.

He contested and lost the1996 Presidential election under the ticket of the National Unity Movement. He is survived by his wife, Monica Luke and children.

 Labourer Gets 15 Years Imprisonment

One of the Appeal Court Justices, Hon. Justice Alhaji Mohamed Momo-Jah Stevens (JA),who is presiding over cases at the Sexual Offences Model Court has on 15th March, 2021 sentenced Sulaiman Jubateh to fifteen years imprisonment.

Accused Sulaiman Jubateh, a Labourer of 42 Loko Town, Wellington, in the east end of Freetown, was brought before the court to answer to two count charges. Count one, Sexual Penetration of a child, contrary to Section 19 of the Sexual Offences Act No. 12 of 2012 and count two, Sexual touching, contrary to Section 20 (1) of the Sexual Offences Act No. 12 of 2012.

According to the particulars of offence, Sulaiman Jubateh on an unknown date between the 1st day of January, 2019 and the 22nd day of November, 2019 in the Western Area of Freetown engaged in an act of Sexual Penetration of a child.

The accused pleaded not guilty to both count charges. The prosecution filed a trial by Judge alone application so that the trial can proceed by a Judge alone instead of a Judge and Jury. The prosecution led two witnesses but the accused didn’t present any witness.

According to the medical report, the hymen of the victim was partially ruptured.

Justice Momo-Jah Stevens said the prosecution proved its case beyond reasonable doubt, citing Woolmington Vs DPP 1932. He stressed that the accused being an adult disadvantaged the victim and exploited her sexually by penetrating his penis into her virgina.

Delivering his Judgement on count one, Justice Momo-Jah sentenced the accused to ten years and five years’ imprisonment on count two to run consecutively.



We all make a list of the things that we want at some point or stage in our lives when it comes to careers, jobs, and even life partners or relationships. A list with the exact specifications: Well paid, must be lucrative; appearance or personalities of the individual- tall or short, dark or fair; handsome or beautiful; must be intelligent, smart; should be slim or fat; hardworking, loving, must be wealthy or have the potential to be rich, be kind, must be able to love my family; should accommodate all my friends… the list goes on and on. The truth is when we make those list of things or people we want in lives, we completely forget that we are products of a great manufacturer who knows exactly what stuff we are made of; the  best environment we can function well; and what , or who suits us best to help us fulfill the manufacturer’s original intended purpose.

Just like some specific mobile phones that cannot be charged by just ‘any charger’,  not even universal chargers, we should know that it is worth presenting our list to our  manufacturer to edit because He knows just what’s suitable for us. I can assure you there may be things on that list the manufacturer knows that is of no use to you and must be removed. Equally so, there are things that He knows you need that should be added to the list. I am not against the fact that we should know what we want. Yes we should know that! and there is nothing wrong in defining yourself especially when it comes to what you want. But whether it be the kind of woman or man you what or the kind of job, stop ‘sticking to your list’ even when you have to present the list to the one who knows what suits you best.

As you go this week remember the words of the Lord to Jeremiah “before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations” Jer. 1:5 (NKJV). So by default He knows what suit you best.  

Come to think of it, what if you come to Him with a blank sheet and ask Him to help you make the list. Think about it…

Don’t forget to SMILE coz it looks good on you.


Meet the 18 premier league teams

1] East End Lions

2] FC Kallon

3] Bo Rangers

4] Kamboi Eagles

5] Mighty Blackpool

6] Old Edwardians

7] Anti-Drugs


9] FC Johansen

10] FCFC

11] Central Parade

12] Ports Authority

13] East End Tigers

14] Diamond Stars


15] Wusum Stars

16] Mount Aureol SLIFA

17] Sierra Leone Police FC

18] Bai Bureh Warriors FC

Artificial Turf Installation In Kenema Intensifies

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Edelgrass Contractors Mark Jonkers Project Manager and Ramon Kuttschreutter Synthetic Turf Installation Specialist- who arrived in Sierra Leone the day before yesterday, have today commenced the turf installation process which is the final phase of the FIFA/SLFA Kenema Artificial Turf Project.

Speaking to the SLFA Media Department, Mark Jonkers expressed great satisfaction over the preliminary work done by their subcontractors, a Civil Engineering Company called Fields and Sports Equipment which did the drainages and leveling of the pitch. He noted however that there were a few areas that needed to be corrected before the commencement of the installation proper.

Mark Jonkers further said that, “The installation process of the Diamond Blade Artificial Turf will last for two weeks after which the pitch will be ready for official handing over to the Sierra Leone Football Association.”

Representing the SLFA during the turf installation at the Kenema City Field were Ibrahim Kamara the federation’s Head of Media and Marketing and the Kenema District FA Chairman Denis Ngotho Lansana.






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