Friday, October 18, 2024
Homeyouth AffairYouth Commissioner Engages Youths in Six Districts

Youth Commissioner Engages Youths in Six Districts

By Bampia James Bundu

The Commissioner of the National Youth Commission (NAYCOM), Ngolo Katta, over the weekend engaged residents of Koinadugu, Falaba, Kono, Bo, and Moyamba districts on the Skills Development Fund Project implemented by the Ministry of Technical and Higher Education.

According to Mr Katta, the government is poised to build the middle-level manpower through Technical Vocational Education and Training – TVET.

He explained that their visit across the country is to monitor some of their projects and also see how they can improve on their activities.

The Commissioner and his team visited the NAYCOM Youth Demonstration Farm in Bombali District.

Speaking to the farmers, he said that this year the Commission is poised to expand the farm on the request of the community youth who worked on it last year.

He added that they have also supported youths to start their own farm in Rorinka so as to enable them to improve on their skills.

The Youth Leader, Santigie Conteh, said they were given rice seeds and financial support to hire a tractor for ploughing.

He maintained that they are now able to take care of their families through the farming activity the Commission has supported them with.

At the Government Technical Institute in Koinadugu district,

the team had a discussion with the Principal, Magba Kargbo, who informed them that the Center has serious challenges affecting its operations including lack of funds to run the Center, tools, computers, accommodation and the generator which was vandalized by thieves.

He furthered that there is a high demand for skills training in the district that is difficult to meet amidst the aforementioned challenges.

He said he would be grateful if the government supports them with equipment to make the Center fully operational.

He acknowledged that education is very important in eradicating poverty and that his effort alone is not enough to change the status quo without the tools.

The team also visited the farm in Kowama, Bumpe Ngao Chiefdom, Bo District.

The Deputy Commissioner, Emmerson Kamara, commended the farmers for their hard work and determination in expanding their farm.

He assured them of the Commission’s continued support.

Youth Chairman, Mohamed Jusu, explained that the farm started last year on a small scale but was expanded this year. He said they are hoping to further expand it in the next planting season.

He highlighted their challenges, chief among them unavailability of the tractor to plough the farm and expressed gratitude to NAYCOM for all its support.

In an effort to support agriculture and boost the Commission’s Youth Demonstration Farms, the Commissioner presented a cheque of Ten Million Leones (Le 10,000,000) to the Koinadugu District Youth Council as support to their youth farm.

The Chairman, Alhaji Sheku Koroma, described the funds as “a milestone for us in the farm because right now we don’t have rain gears and food for work. We are going to use this fund for the right purpose.”

Commissioner Katta disclosed that

through a GIZ support of about one hundred and thirty million (Le 130,000,000), his Commission presented assorted items and COVID 19 kits to youths in Koinadugu, Falaba and Kono districts.

In Koinadugu district, the items were presented to the Youth Council and the youth of Cow Yard, a popular youth hangout within the township.

 In Falaba district, the items were presented in Mongo to the District Youth Council for distribution among youths in the district.



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