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Orange SL Donates Food Items To Mosques

By Feima Sesay

 As part of their continuous  support in order to extend love to the people of Sierra Leone especially Muslims during the month of Ramadan, Orange Mobile company has on Wednesday 20 April 2022 donated food items to Ilmozikre Mosque and Masjid Kareem Mosque respectively.

 The food item which includes Rice, cooking oil, Maggie, sugar, milk, tin tomatoes is worth millions of Leones.                                 

 The symbolic handing over of the food items to both mosques was done by the new Chief Executive Officer Orange SL Amadu Sheku Bah. These mosques received the same set of items.   

Donating the food items on behalf of the company, the head of Public Relations and Cooperate Social Responsibility Madam Annie Wonnie Katta said this is not the first time their company has done such a donation. She described it as part of the company Cooperate Social Responsibility and a way of showing love to their Muslims brothers and sisters during this holy month.

Madam Katta added that their company is part of the mosqes a she said most of their staffs are members of the two mosque, adding that the donation is a way of sharing love and thanking Allah for the successes of the company.

Receiving the items on behalf of Ilmozikre Mosque, the Chief Imam Alhaji Chernor Mohamed Jalloh thanked Orange SL for always remembering their mosque during the month of Ramadan. He described the donation as timely, noting that they had an existing relationship with the company and had been benefiting a lot, adding that this is not the first time the mosque had received such donation from Orange.              

The Secretary General, Lawyer Yada Williams and Chairman Bailah Leigh of Ilmozikre Mosque also thanked Orange SL for their timely intervention. They however assured the company that the items will be used for the intended purposes.

 Receiving the items also on behalf of Masjid Kareem Mosque, the Chief Imam Sheik Abdul Karim Kamara thanked Orange SL for such a gesture. He also thank Adam a staff of Orange SL who is a member of their mosque for  paving  the way for their mosque to be remember, noting that Adam had been very helpful to the mosque.   Speaking further, he said he is part of Orange Mobile Company as he knows no other company but Orange.       

“This is the first time we have received such a donation, you have shown love not only to the “Jamaat” of this mosque but to Allah, this donation is exactly what the Almighty Allah wants for his people”, he said.

In conclusion he expressed thanks and appreciation to the CEO, describing the donation as timely and came at the right time when they were thinking of how to prepare for the “Lalatugradri”. He further thanked the company on behalf of the entire Jamaat for remembering their mosque amongst others.

However also, several prayers were offered by both mosques respectively for the successes and continued growth of the company.

Bike Rider Jailed for Murder                               

By Feima Sesay                           

Ibrahim Mohamed Kamara a 29 year old bike rider was arraigned on Wednesday 20 April 2022 sent to prison by Magistrate Sahr Keikura of Pademba Road court No 1 for the alleged murder of Alpha Sankoh.

 The accused is before the court on one count charge of murder contrary to law.

According to the police, the accused on Saturday 21st January 2022 at Ro-Theren village, Romende chiefdom Port Loko District murdered Alpha Sankoh.                      

Exhibit Clerk, Detective Sergeant 8576 Issa Kamara attached to the exhibit Clerk office CID HQ, led in evidence by Police Sergeant 9939 Mohamed Lahai said his duties are to register all exhibits brought to the station in respect of matters.

 He further recalled 3rd February 2022, adding that he was on duty when Detective Inspector Makieu PA who is attached to the Homicide unit CID HQ Freetown handed over to him one motor bike with it’s key.

The witness added that he took possession of the said exhibits and registered it in the court exhibit book against serial number 25/2022 . He said the said exhibit had since been in police custody. It was produce and tender in court as exhibit P1-2 respectively to form part of the prosecution case.                  

 However, the accused who was not legally represented in court said he had no question for the witness.

Magistrate Keikura refused bail and remanded him in prison whiles the matter was adjourned to the 25th April 2022 for further hearing.

Police Sergeant 9939 Mohamed Lahai is prosecuting the matter on behalf of the Inspector General of Police.

Exhibits Clerk Tenders 26 Bags of EDSA Copper Wires In Court

By Feima Sesay

Exhibits Clerk attached at criminal investigation Department (CID) has on Wednesday 20th April 2022 tendered 26 bags of assorted EDSA copper wire before Magistrate Kekura of Pademba Road Court No.1 in Freetown.

The accused Sheku Bah Conteh is before the court on one counts charge of larceny Contrary to Section 2 of the Larceny Act of 1916.

The Particulars of offence state that the accused Sheku Bah Conteh on Wednesday 26th January 2022 at the electricity distribution and supply authority EDSA substation Bo town stole quality copper cables valued one hundred and forty seven million three hundred and sixty thousand Leones property of EDSA.

Prosecution witness number four Issa Kamara detective sergeant 8576 Kamara attached at the exhibit office Criminal investigation Department (CID) Headquarters Freetown in further evidence said some of his duties are to ensure the registration and safe keeping of all exhibits brought  to the station relating to matters brought to the station.

He recalled the 11th of February 2022, adding that he was on duty when   Detective Sergeant 10109 Francis A.J B attached to the EDSA unit criminal investigation Department headquarters Freetown handed over to him twenty six bags of assorted colours containing copper wires, one vehicle and a switch key with registration number AWl 923.

He further that the said exhibits was registered against their court exhibits book with serial number 19/2022. The said exhibits have been in the custody of the police and were produced and tendered in court as exhibits E-1-26 respectively.

Defense counsel M. Bangura renewed his application for Bail on behalf of the accused. 

Magistrate Keikura however turn down his application for bail and remanded the accused in prison and adjourned the matter to the 21 April 2022

A.S.P I.S Mansaray and Inspector Kadie Taylor were prosecuting the matter.


By Saiku john Barrie

The burning of houses and killing of cows still continue in upper Neya Chiefdom, Falaba District.

On Tuesday 19/4/22 two more houses in a village bodering Falaba Disrtrict and Sando Chiefdom, named, Kekero were burnt but fortunately no life was lost.

Report from the same area states that on Monday 18/4/2022 fifteen cows were shot and killed by armed men in the areas.

According to sources within the area, all these incidents have been reported to the police in Kono.

This spate of violence across the border between Neya and Sando Chiefdom between Cattle rearers and some cattle thieves have exposed the ineptitude nature of the state to provide security for Sierra Leoneans, especially those enduring these psychological and physical torturing from these hoodlums who are bent on capitalising on the weakness and ineptitude of the state security apparatus to cause mayhem and chaos in that part of the country.

When Will The Cattle Rearers See Action from the Government?

Sadly the cattle owner who was alleged to have killed the youth who was alleged to have shot the cow is still in police custody yet no one was arrested for the killing of the innocent woman and the burning of the houses in Mansonfinia.

I said no one, not to my knowledge.

This lack of action from the state has emboldened these youths to commit more crimes against their compatriots because they are getting away with it.

The recent visit of the Resident Minister North has not yielded any positive results.

It is like the government is waiting for more blood to be spilled before they come down heavily on the perpetrators of the violence in that part of the country.

Police officers are always ready to crackdown on civil protesters like Okada riders or drivers yet they can’t take action against people who brazenly take guns and on a daily basis subject their fellow Sierra Leoneans to fear and harassment.

The authorities in the country and in the affected are doing their normal businesses as if serious human rights violations are not being committed in those villages.

Where Is The Leadership In The Country?

The cattle rearers who are constantly persecuted and terrorized bore the brunt of the lack of strong leaderships from all sectors that are supposed to protect them.

Critical thinkers are wondering if the government is waiting for the cattle rearers to take arms and defend themselves before it intervenes to put the situation under control.

As the security, state , and the stakeholders remain insensitive to the plight of the cattle rearers, the burning of houses and shooting of cows continue in upper Neya Chiefdom.

Sierra Leone President Inspects Electricity Projects in Bonthe  

By:Austine Luseni

His Excellency President Julius Maada Bio has during an inspection visit at energy project sites in Bonthe district, commended the Ministry of Energy and international partners for undertaking a variety of electricity projects aimed at transforming the social and economic lives of the people of Bonthe district.

While taking the President on a conducted tour of project sites, Deputy Minister of Energy, Dr. Eldred Taylor, gave an overview of the Bonthe District Electrification Project, which he said comprises grid connectivity and mini grids.

In the area of grid connectivity, Dr. Taylor told President Bio that the Bonthe City Electrification Project was now at an impressively advanced stage,adding that the erection of poles had been completed,the stringing of cables was ongoing and that the transformers had been imported and were already at the project sites.

In respect of developments on the mainland of Mattru Jong and the surrounding villages of Luawa, Semabu, Moyowa, Grima and Tihun, Dr. Taylor said the erection of poles was ongoing and that transformers for the project were now being taken to project sites.

He said the procurement processes for solar and thermal generation for the Island and the mainland would soon commence.

On the mini grid front, Deputy Minister of Energy informed President Bio that mini grids at Sogbini, Gbap and Madina Bum chiefdoms were now fully operational on a 24-hour basis, noting that plans were underway for the expansion of the facilities.

He said the mini grids at Mogbemo Imperi and Imperi chiefdoms were being fixed up, with installation of distribution networks completed and the official switching on of the light expected to take place in June this year.

In response,President Julius Maada Bio said he was more than impressed with the strides and conscious efforts made by the Ministry of Energy to increase access to electricity in his home district,adding that that was consistent with his manifesto commitments on energy.

He said when completed,the various projects would give Bonthe a social facelift as well as improve the livelihoods of the people. President Bio concluded by saying that his government was committed to doing more in the area of energy in every part of the country.



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